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3 New variant's of the same ship/3 c store price



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    This is a bit of an aside, but I was always hoping they would have released the dockable Escort from the Odyssey as a stand alone T5 Escort.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Really, if the only substantive differences are console layout and special consoles these had better be mother ****ing cheap. As in, 700cp each at most. If they can't even be assed to make a new skin and layout for each of them then they definitely aren't worthy of the cost of an actual individual ship for each of them.

    Cosmic_One wrote: »
    Well, originally the +1 was going to have both Saucer Separation and an Aux Craft. Now it doesn't. You need to pay more to get both abilities. It seems a little like price gouging; but that will depend on the price of the various pieces.

    Beyond that you'll have to blow two console slots on it instead of just one.

    And if Saucer Separation is it's own console, and consoles are supposed to be swappable, why then can we not use the Galaxy Class' Saucer Separation console instead of the Odyssey one?

    And speaking of moving consoles to other ships, remember when the Rhode Island launched and Geko was saying that consoles would eventually be cross faction (likely craftable for the other side by those who purchased the associated ships) and that this would be incentive for Fed-specific players to buy KDF ships, and thus possibly lure more people to the KDF? What happened to that? Safe to say it's probably never coming since they've discovered they can use grab bags instead and make people pay twice, plus gamble for it and potentially come up snake eyes ad nauseam.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I very much doubt I will buy any of them now unless they are like 800 points each... :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    i doubt they will be that expensive really. you need only look at the others of the same type like the Venture and so on and they are 600 points if i remember rightly. so i am going with that price on these. However i would hope for more along the lines of 400 as we dont have a different appearance really and its nurfing the current lot in game
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    saying that i just saw how much the sao paulo and the bellerophon cost and they might be just as expensive 1200 points
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I have a strange feeling that although everyone is saying they will not buy the new Odyssey, I am going to see nothing but Odysseys flying around on the 15th.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    i am going to get it and i am not ashamed to say it. i have the first incarnation of the lovely ship i want the better version with saucer sep
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I also intend to get it. I think all the effort that went behind making the new Enterprise-F deserves encouragement and has been, for all the pitfalls involved, a big effort of goodwill on the part of those whom made it possible (regardless of how well it went, which is suggestive). Making this kind of C-Store purcahse promotes these kinds of products over other kinds like lockboxes... so, yeah, I'm voting with my money there after a fashion.

    I do hope the presentation of the flagships and their cost will be palatable. A lot of the critiques in this thread have been spouted from assumptions - we don't actually know yet. Therefore, I am crossing my fingers and hoping that Cryptic marketing will do us a good turn and make them attractive purchases. in themselves.

    What I've been hoping to get myself is the aux crafts of each flagship (I'm biased toward the Odyssey's Aquarius-class, but the skeletal Bird of Prey atop the boartaS'qu is also pretty neat) as playable entities rather than just combat pets (like it was done with the D'Kyr vulcan ship and its Tal'Kyr aux craft). I have a thread going on here about this particular plea - chime in if you'd also enjoy it to show the Devs your support. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Shonto wrote:
    I have a strange feeling that although everyone is saying they will not buy the new Odyssey, I am going to see nothing but Odysseys flying around on the 15th.

    I plan to purchase every variant, no matter the cost.
    I've had much MUCH more expensive hobbies.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I plan to purchase every variant, no matter the cost.
    I've had much MUCH more expensive hobbies.

    I hear you there, in 2 years I've spent less in STO that what I did in six months with some Games Workshop products I played and I played most of them :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    .... so console aside is it the same ship? if so i'm sure there be more then a few sci characters willing to buy it for a sci ship with 8 weapons slots :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Seams pretty normal to me.

    3x different ships = 3x purchases

    It's very different to a ship Skin pack which is essentially the same ship.

    A bit disappointing that visually they are the same. Can you just staple another nacelle to the hull?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Roach wrote: »
    I'm a little upset becuase three of them are part of my limited, after thought created KDF options to enhance a lackluster gameplay that has grown stale after two years.
    Why yes, I would like teh KDF money grab that does nothing to help the KDF grow better ingame for 1600 points please.

    /sarcasm off/

    But I'm just a bitter Klingon fan who's had the rug pulled out from under him one more time.

    No, youre a bitter Klingon because someone used your coffee maker to get an 80% quality cloak. (if it was Decaf, it would've gone to 90% btw):D

    The whole ship thing is a red herring, it's not really content in its real sense. New PvP zones and missions et al are content.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Maybe one day Unicef will get into the MMO business.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    So rather than being just a mediocre eng boat, we are complaining that is is becoming good for all three classes?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I don't see the issue here.

    What we're seeing is selling one ship with a whopping three special consoles, versus selling three ships with one special console.

    This isn't some ripoff, it's standard business practice. We've never gotten a ship with three consoles. Sure we can slap multiple consoles on ships now, but you have to buy them all separate. This is the exact same thing, just with the same skin on each one.

    Someone explain to me how this is any worse than normal, please.

    EDIT: Though I will say, since it's all the same skin, full price might be asking a bit much. So maybe if they're going for 1600, drop it to 1400 instead?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jexsam wrote: »
    I don't see the issue here.

    What we're seeing is selling one ship with a whopping three special consoles, versus selling three ships with one special console.

    This isn't some ripoff, it's standard business practice. We've never gotten a ship with three consoles. Sure we can slap multiple consoles on ships now, but you have to buy them all separate. This is the exact same thing, just with the same skin on each one.

    Someone explain to me how this is any worse than normal, please.

    The lack of costumes makes me less inclined to buy all three. I don't see it as a cheat.

    If they have different BO loadouts, I might, MIGHT pick up two.

    I'm not sure. I'm not really into cruisers to begin with.

    I'm more interested in the Dreadnaught Galaxy with saucer sep, all told.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The lack of costumes makes me less inclined to buy all three. I don't see it as a cheat.

    If they have different BO loadouts, I might, MIGHT pick up two.

    I'm not sure. I'm not really into cruisers to begin with.

    I know what you mean. I'll probably wind up buying two of them in the end, as I'm itching for Saucer Sep (first buy, no question), and the Aux Craft is interesting, though I won't bother with it immediately unless the BO loadout is different somehow.

    Not a Cruiser guy either, though, so it's possible I may not buy teh fancy ones at all. I got my two freebies on the two toons (of 14 now, I think) who will even fly it, so it's not like I'm not set already. It's just a matter of what consoles I want.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    McCooey wrote: »
    .... so console aside is it the same ship? if so i'm sure there be more then a few sci characters willing to buy it for a sci ship with 8 weapons slots :)

    I doubt a true science version would have all 8 weapons, but we shall see, won't we =^o^=
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Shonto wrote:
    I have a strange feeling that although everyone is saying they will not buy the new Odyssey, I am going to see nothing but Odysseys flying around on the 15th.

    You talked to everyone? Quite a feat. Besides almost every F2P player is already flying an Odyssey so your wish has been granted.
    jockey79 wrote: »
    I hear you there, in 2 years I've spent less in STO that what I did in six months with some Games Workshop products I played and I played most of them :(

    And I've probably spent more on STO in 6 months than I spent on Warhammer Online in 2 years. I'm so glad I didn't have to pay anything for the Galor. It made Odyssey change from "must buy" to "might buy". If the mystery BortaS variation doesn't increase the turn rate I won't have to waste C-Points on it either.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    This thread makes me think how other MMO's offer different PvE Progression Paths for each class. In STO there are no class specific paths for progression. Instead we all do the same missions and only in some of those can you earn class specific accolades. I certainly understand that Cryptic never had the resources to offer different PvE paths or even finish the game's second faction after 2+ years.

    But now we are expected to Buy the Same Ship 3 Times just to suit each of our classes or collect class specific consoles? Doesn't seem right to me. I'll consider buying them with stipends maybe but I don't think I will be purchasing C-Points to support something like this.

    And speaking of moving consoles to other ships, remember when the Rhode Island launched and Geko was saying that consoles would eventually be cross faction (likely craftable for the other side by those who purchased the associated ships) and that this would be incentive for Fed-specific players to buy KDF ships, and thus possibly lure more people to the KDF? What happened to that? Safe to say it's probably never coming since they've discovered they can use grab bags instead and make people pay twice, plus gamble for it and potentially come up snake eyes ad nauseam.

    Yes, that was a great idea and I was looking forward to it. But it appears that idea was abandoned because it would be like giving consoles to us for free. Which is why I believe we will only see cross-faction consoles in grab bags or other C-Store purchases.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    says who ?

    you dont have to buy anything
    a ship is only as good as how its used , if anything this will make the oddy / bortas usable
    any free in-game T5 ship holds up endgame just as well as any of the c-store ships

    says common sense. if you want the FULL content of the game you do have to buy it. the rest of what you said there has nothing to do with it. if you want the full content of the game, its not an optional thing. you have no argument of any kind there.
    Some folks think that important information, should also be released on places that are integral to the game, IE the Game website

    by 'some folks' I assume you mean 'common sense'
    I really dislike this new trend of putting out information anywhere else but here, it gives them way to many ways to backtrack on any and all promises. it gives them the "its not an official release because its not on the site" fall back
    Actually that's not true at all. What you want is advertising that reaches the largest possible audience. Not just the regular forum-goers. In fact, only a very small percentage of the player-base actually frequents the forum.

    no cosmic, what he said was true. what you want is the information on the site where it is relevant. that is the STO website. this is like microsoft coming out with new updates and putting info for them everywhere except their website. and I don't believe for a second that only a small percentage of the player base visits the forums of a website. you know, the place where 99% of the information about said game is located? its been my experience that when people make claims like that its cause they're lying through their teeth and trying to justify something.
    I'm not going to ***** about it on the forums. I'm not going to make frankly baseless attacks on Cryptic or cryptic employees personally.

    frankly baseless attacks? *****ing about it on the forums? people have been getting fed up with whats been going on around here for awhile now. its not baseless. and even if the prices for these ships were low, it doesn't change the fact that with so much needing to be done in this game they claim their resources are so limited yet manage to put out 3 of the same thing.
    For lack of any stated source by the OP, then frankly, if it's a 2000CP bundle

    why would anyone trying to sell ships put 3 of them in a bundle for 2000cp when they could sell them individually for 1600cp or more each? thats why it won't be a bundle

    i'd say its intentional. its also extremely bad business and reflects badly on the company
    It will But, sometimes we like to release this type of info a little early during our interviews with various media outlets. Think of it as a "sneak peek" until it makes its way onto the website.

    you mean '...before we decide we didn't like what we said in the interview and decided to do something completely different and then put it on the website' don't you?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That's still a stink made going from a bunch of assumptions based on a audio sneak peek that actually did not go and share the marketing details... and also had the disclaimer of being subject to change.

    When they'll be ready to announce the final details, it'll get posted on the site with due certainty, and then we'll know for sure.
    If the mystery BortaS variation doesn't increase the turn rate I won't have to waste C-Points on it either.

    What mystery variation? You get three: Big frontal shotgun-like blast, or Bird of Prey auxiliary craft, or the stasis beam. Those were all clearly stated in the Priority One interview.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    jkstocbr wrote:
    Seams pretty normal to me.

    3x different ships = 3x purchases

    It's very different to a ship Skin pack which is essentially the same ship.

    A bit disappointing that visually they are the same. Can you just staple another nacelle to the hull?

    Visually that aren't the game ship. The C-Store Odyssety will have the Escort docked in the secondary hull in place of the shuttle bay. And the BortasQ has the upper module on the rear removed for the docked BoP. And the BOFF layout is slightly different. (Better)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    fuzun wrote: »
    Visually that aren't the game ship. The C-Store Odyssety will have the Escort docked in the secondary hull in place of the shuttle bay. And the BortasQ has the upper module on the rear removed for the docked BoP. And the BOFF layout is slightly different. (Better)

    Great I would love to see this. Makes even more sense to have 3x purchases for them then.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Hey sweet. I just got in 5000 today. But can you please fix my 500 day thing first?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Meh, I got mine for free. If they really expect folks to buy one let alone 3 on top of the free version then the ships better be awesome.

    I've got all the Cstore ships I could want so anything new had better be crazy awesome for me to buy it. This is just another exparament by Cryptic to see what folks will do.

    And like the lock boxes I expect plenty of folks to buy all 3. Especially if they come in a discounted bundle. Its also genius because if you have the free one that's 4 ships slots you've just filled up. Better spend some more Cstore points to buy more ships slots. Gotta catch em all right?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Kingdox wrote: »
    Meh, I got mine for free. If they really expect folks to buy one let alone 3 on top of the free version then the ships better be awesome.

    I've got all the Cstore ships I could want so anything new had better be crazy awesome for me to buy it. This is just another exparament by Cryptic to see what folks will do.

    And like the lock boxes I expect plenty of folks to buy all 3. Especially if they come in a discounted bundle. Its also genius because if you have the free one that's 4 ships slots you've just filled up. Better spend some more Cstore points to buy more ships slots. Gotta catch em all right?

    You do know once you buy a ship you can just discharge it and then when you want it again go to cstore and get it. I have alot of ship spaces open cause if im not flying it i dont keep it in my ship spots if its cstore. That way you dont have to give more cash to them for more ship slots.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    After teasing us that the C-Store version of the Odyssey would come with both Saucer Sep and Aux Craft, splitting the abilities between three (heal pets, yay :rolleyes:) different versions that you have to buy and equip three different consoles to use reminds me of what they tried to do with the Excelsior during the F2P conversion.

    Remember them moving the Excelsior’s transwarp powers to a console, splitting the transwarp powers between the T3 and T5 consoles, and then expecting you to spend more money and buy the T3 version and equip both consoles just to keep the transwarp powers you already had paid for with the T5? Only difference being that this time Cryptic is changing the ship before they put it up for sale rather than after. Yeah, even though they reversed that I’m still leery about buying new C-Store ships and ask myself: “Do I really need this now and how likely is it that they’ll take something away from it down the road if I buy it now?”

    If they offer all three as a bundle with a discounted price compared to buying each one individually (buy two get one free!) I might go for that based on whatever the end price is. Otherwise I’ll pick up one version and wait for a sale to get another.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    How do you know when they have sales?
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