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! Official Complaint! Stf Loot Drop Rate Is A Joke! You Must Increase The Drop Rate!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Looking at my accolades and I've now completed 118 normal and elite space STFs, of that about half 40% were elites and mostly ISE and KASE. I just ran all three; ISE (optional completed) gave me in my personal loot container 2 rare borg salvage and a rare shield tech, KASE (optional failed) game me my first prototype deflector tech, and CSE (optional failed) gave me 2 rare borg salvage.

    What I noticed was that in ISE, I didn't die and was dishing out the dps. KASE, I died once but my team died a lot more and I was dishing out a heaping amount of dps. CSE, I pulled guard duty so I didn't dish out the dps but I didn't die. Don't know if this was a coincidence or a pattern but my loot was far more rewarding than normal and I'm leaning more toward how well you do among your team which determines the greater your reward.

    your own performance and the amount of death has really nothing to do with the loot outcome. That would be premiere in MMO history.
    And having a lootsystem like that, without anybody telling the community is highly unlikely.
    It's random, you got lucky.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i would disagree with that assessment, only because there is no way to know how much DPS you're putting out relative to the rest of your team.

    Actually copy your combat log and paste them in a combat parser, then you will see everyone's damage.

    And from what I've read, yes loot is random and not dependant on dps
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Looking at my accolades and I've now completed 118 normal and elite space STFs, of that about half 40% were elites and mostly ISE and KASE. I just ran all three; ISE (optional completed) gave me in my personal loot container 2 rare borg salvage and a rare shield tech, KASE (optional failed) game me my first prototype deflector tech:), and CSE (optional failed) gave me 2 rare borg salvage.

    What I noticed was that in ISE, I didn't die and was dishing out the dps. KASE, I died once but my team died a lot more and I was dishing out a heaping amount of dps. CSE, I pulled guard duty so I didn't dish out the dps but I didn't die. Don't know if this was a coincidence or a pattern but my loot was far more rewarding than normal and I'm leaning more toward how well you do among your team which determines the greater your reward.

    The better you perform has no bearing on what your drop is or my last KA space run I should have got the entire set

    I personnally destroyed 2 cubes - 2 Gens - 1 gate and 3/4 or the Big B$tich - I worked my a$$ off hard core and got the optional completed

    For my increadible effort I got:

    out of the 5 opt loot - ZERO - nothing - nadda

    out of the main drop loot: Mystery box - 2 edc's and a wothless aux power Booster

    Personally that was a back handed slap to the face and makes me not want to bust my butt on elite any more

    I was holding that whole game together - a PUG - but no different with the odds than a made up team - and it makes me want to give up trying STF's all together so that there will be 1 less good player to help carry the others along to the finish - which in overall game terms mean that more people will just leave the game entirely who were not major players and PW/cryptic won't get their revenue from those casual players either
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    yup how well you do has nothing to do with the loot drop. I've done IGE an not been killed and team got optional, done it where all heck broke loose and it was a mess. Same drops. 500 Plus STF and still not a single Proto PSG. Literally I have 4 of all other items.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Me and a freind are lucky in the sense we have 2 pieces of our XII gear, shield and Deflector, however, we have been doing the cure for 7 weeks now, everyday, as much as we can bare to do, and we have never seen the Engine tech drop, at all, i can understand you dont wish the XII gear to be easy to get, but to have it never drop in 7 weeks? seems alittle silly to me, as stated before, at least add in the abilty to spend EDC's or even Borg Salvage on it. With luck they may have this planned to be fixed with the release of Season 6
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Voncloud wrote:
    Me and a freind are lucky in the sense we have 2 pieces of our XII gear, shield and Deflector, however, we have been doing the cure for 7 weeks now, everyday, as much as we can bare to do, and we have never seen the Engine tech drop, at all, i can understand you dont wish the XII gear to be easy to get, but to have it never drop in 7 weeks? seems alittle silly to me, as stated before, at least add in the abilty to spend EDC's or even Borg Salvage on it. With luck they may have this planned to be fixed with the release of Season 6

    They have EDC transfer planned for as soon as new STF sets come out.

    But I agree, my KDF science who has been doing pure CGE whenever I feel like doing it, hasn't gotten a proto tech EVER. and it's all she needs for the XII set. (Already has full elite optionals one as well.) And she's gotten a literally massive stockpile of salvages. Last count? 11+ for both rare and proto.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    In the past week w/a DPS oriented TAC Carrier I've gotten 4 proto tech drops. Is it mearly luck or does DPS play a factor?

    Edit: They were all pugs 2 from cure 2 form Infected. In another run another player in a dps ship got deflector proto drop.

    W/a sci toon I've only gotten 1, but rarely do them w/that toon anymore (on and off for 6 months).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yesterday, I play The Cure space normal. As usually the random loot for the optionnals was not for me. But I got shield proto tech drops (no common). I went to the Roxy office. I bought omega shield MkX. I drunk some champagne to celebrate this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    bumping this again: too many different threads about the same thing; "STF drop rates are a joke"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Cryptic doesn't care about.
    They make much new fed ship. And they say. Buy a ship in the C-Store. You would get the best one and maybe/probably you could get better stuff and gear. But it's not true.
    They make blablah lock box. And they say. Buy master key on the C-store, maybe you would get nice ship and powerful gear. But it's not true.
    They make quadrant gamma doff. And they say. Buy doff from quadrant gamma. You could craft MkXII console. But it's not true because it always needs alien artefact which is mostly impossible to find. And crafting console is like lottery.
    Everything Cryptic is doing is making money and they show and they express how much they look at us like live purse...
    Look. There is a new ship for fed player every 2 months. And not for Klingon. Why not any for klingon. Because most of player are fed. Cryptic has no ethic.
  • blockbustersblockbusters Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I've played this game since F2P launch. It took me about a month to get 1 set of prototype ground gear.

    And you know what? I'm not bothered about the drop rate!

    Because, now i can stride around popular STFer hang outs such as DS9 and ESD thinking, "I may have been unlucky in the time it took me, but I kept calm and carried on grinding". Thats probably the best part of getting MKXII gear, (other than the cool outfit), you can take pride in your accomplishment!

    So buck up, you'll get it eventually!

    I like the fact that MKXII STF gear is hard to get, makes you feel unique! So stop whinging about the drop rate, saying you want to claim it with EDCs or salvage. You can get loads of stuff with the EDCs and salvage. Did you know the retro STF gear sells to vendor for 100k EC each?

    So to all you people who want it made easy, or for it to be a Z/C-store purchase as well go. You'll be taking the fun out of the game, just because your a bit unlucky.

    So to Cryptic, i say, good show and doin't change a thing on STF drop rates etc
    I'm the guy that uses unconventional builds, and don't fall to the normal. I also don't believe in "No-BS" TRIBBLE, it's in the game, it's ready to be used. Think Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I've played this game since F2P launch. It took me about a month to get 1 set of prototype ground gear.

    So buck up, you'll get it eventually!

    Congratulations, but don't give the rest of us "So buck up" I have one character with which I have been grinding for 4-5 months and still haven't finished a Mk XII set, got PSG and Armour (and full Mk XII Space set), I started another one and their FIRST EVER CGE dropped prototype tech (weapon) you know how annoying THAT is? No, you don't, your post is all the evidence I need of that.

    so when you've been grinding STFs for 4 months or more to no avail, like the rest of us, THEN come back and tell us to "Buck up" although after that you won't because you'll know why the rest of us are asking
    I may have been unlucky in the time it took me

    You aren't "unlucky" because it took you 1 month, in fact you are VERY LUCKY that it took you 1 month now go away and enjoy your Mk XII ground set!
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    This thread is an ancient artifact (after no posts for 30 days or more) and it must now be put in the thread museum where it can be forgotten by everyone except thread archaeologists.

    Please remember to check the dates of threads; and if you find an old thread which violates the [URL=" http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/announcement.php?&a=51"]PWE Community Rules and Policies[/URL] just report it and avoid posting in it.

    Please bear in mind that re-posting in "necro'd" threads is considered a form of spamming.

    Note that you're more than welcome to start a new thread on the topic (unless there is an existing thread on the topic that has received a post within the last 30 days, in which case you can just continue to post in that thread)! :)

    Live Long and Prosper,
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
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