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! Official Complaint! Stf Loot Drop Rate Is A Joke! You Must Increase The Drop Rate!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Tassilo wrote: »
    I don't know, if the drop correspond with the damage done or whatever.

    I mainly use 2 toons. A tactical and a science.
    The tactical one got about 25 prototype borg salvage on 80 STF-runs, full MK XI ground maco-set and full MK XII space maco.

    The science done about 140 STF-runs and got 2 prototype borg salvage and only a prototype shield tech.

    What's wrong with the droprates?

    So I concurr there is a problem. I have hard data like the quoted poster, and more to add.

    When I Killed Armek I got MK XI Tech drop. Not only did I defeat Armek, I solo'd him as 3 defeated party members watched and the fourth ran for his life. I had a great day knowing that my dps was the highest, slaying Armek and getting the drop. Note My dps was highest because i was unstoppable and never defeated. Everyone on my team was defeated so often, we lost the optional. Conclusion: I rocked and therefore got a great reward.
    I have sucessfully whipped Aramek over 76 times most on elite and 3 times off-tanking him. Only rewarded once.

    In space On my Engineer I never got the drop on MK XI Tech untill I hopped in my Defiant and unloaded a whole lot of whoop-***. Going from Tanking role to dps roll got me my tech. All my MK XII I should add, never in my Excelsior.

    Same for my Science. I woop-***, I get a drop on ground. In space it waas only when I went from support role in my Intrepid to whoop-*** dps in my Defiant did the Tech drop start flowing.

    There is a REAL problem with the loot drop, That is the REAL TRUTH.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ofallon wrote:
    ... as 3 defeated party members watched and the fourth ran for his life...

    ROWL - frigging awesome :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ofallon wrote:
    So I concurr there is a problem. I have hard data like the quoted poster, and more to add.

    When I Killed Armek I got MK XI Tech drop. Not only did I defeat Armek, I solo'd him as 3 defeated party members watched and the fourth ran for his life. I had a great day knowing that my dps was the highest, slaying Armek and getting the drop. Note My dps was highest because i was unstoppable and never defeated. Everyone on my team was defeated so often, we lost the optional. Conclusion: I rocked and therefore got a great reward.
    I have sucessfully whipped Aramek over 76 times most on elite and 3 times off-tanking him. Only rewarded once.

    In space On my Engineer I never got the drop on MK XI Tech untill I hopped in my Defiant and unloaded a whole lot of whoop-***. Going from Tanking role to dps roll got me my tech. All my MK XII I should add, never in my Excelsior.

    Same for my Science. I woop-***, I get a drop on ground. In space it waas only when I went from support role in my Intrepid to whoop-*** dps in my Defiant did the Tech drop start flowing.

    There is a REAL problem with the loot drop, That is the REAL TRUTH.

    You know of course that the drops are random and have noting to do with how effective you are?

    I think there is a reason for this - TACs deal the most DPS, so if DPS became the benchmark for rewards, who would win out almost all of the time?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Like all chance mechanics, some people will get screwed over (fraction of a percent, mind you) or will get (unjustly) rewarded with 5 in a row. They're the outliers, and they're likely to report their unlucky circumstances.

    Most will be fine, getting a tech every 5th run, but there is still a chance one won't.

    In any case, perhaps the game should keep a behind scenes counter to ensure a tech drop every 5th run instead of relying on statistical averages

    It just seems that there is almost nothing in between. Either people are extremely lucky for a while (like me) or they don't get anything after hundreds of runs. Of course, it could be that our perception is skewed because those are the only ones that talk about their experience. But from what we know, something seems off ...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Personally i'm one of the unlucky ones. I have the full MkXI maco sets (both space and ground) the full MkXI space set for omega, and enough edc for almost 2 pieces of the MkX! omega ground set. All i've been able to get are 2 reqs for Mk XII. one space, and one ground. It's just a serious issue that the drop rates are so low that some people can get this far with out seeing even one while others get them with in a week. And after all of the outcry from the forums, all theyre going to do is raise it another .001% and add a death timer that doubles multiplies the respawn timer. It's like they're TRYING to kill STF's.... AGAIN!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i'll just say this: I DONT DO ELITE STFS TO get ****ING MK X TRIBBLE AND ****ING LOCK BOXES!

    i do them to get PROTOTYPE SALVAGE AND TECH
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I aswell disagree with Cryptics choices for Elite stf drop rates, and just what drops in general. i have completed many many STF's and got the optional objective for ground Elites many times and every damn time it drops TRIBBLE random TRIBBLE wich if your doing elite is garenteed to be worse than what you are whereing by tenfold(minimum). there is no drop rate for tech at all in the optional loot, not very fare for the teams who completely put their backs into it to get the optional. Rarely do you get rare or prototype salvage in the optional loot. and as others have said so many billions of times the only way to get a prototype tech is the extremely small drop rate, now im not all that angered about the drop rate but honestly i have one set of XI Honor gaurd and one set of XI Omega and then i have five extra rare weapon techs. all ive needed for a long time now is one prototype wepon tech...so i cannot express enough in polite laguage how...incovenient it is that you cant obtain prototype tech from any other means...if it was onehundred chips per piece i would have it, if it was turn in five rares for a prototype again i would have gotten the whole set long ago, and still if i had to turn in bolth onehundred chips and five rare techs i would have it. so..please for the typically unlucky ones who have played many stf's and suffered the pathetic drop rate allow there to be some other way or atleast up the chance by 0.0001% per time you run the stf(oh ya btw i would have got a whole set this way too). how could you sit there and act like its not still a massive problem for some of the players...i mean honestly with drop rates so very low there's a real chance someone out there will never get a prototype tech...and an even bigger chance that this person will leave the game. and well it...just bothers me I dont know why other games do this better than you or why other games can suck and still keep more customers than you and why Crypic is the one in charge of star trek online in the first place...*Mertough rests his face in bolth palms due to Cryptic what a shame*
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i too am yet to see the improved tech drop rate since the last patch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Just going to go ahead and throw this out there. Cryptic claims the have increased the drop rate for both gold lockboxes and prototype tech. I believe they are lying. Not misinformed, not mistaken, flat out lying. Once again we come to personal experience being hyperbolic, and once again we have no other yardstick to measure by because Cryptic lives in terror of telling people their odds and formulae for fear of being found out how clunky and broken it is.

    I have run, since April 29th, around seventy Elite STFs that I'm sure of, and that is a very, very conservative estimate. Since I'm still on leave, I don't have much to fill my time with. In that time, I have gotten not a single piece of prototype anything tech except generic. While that does seem to drop once every fifteenth or twentieth run, I have never seen a piece of any of the required tech for armor, shield, or engine. Ground STFs are so broken and poorly executed that I stopped doing them altogether before the last patch, so I can't really say much about that.

    Point; Cryptic said they increased the prototype tech drop, but in true Cryptic fashion, they issued that announcement deceptively. They evidently REMOVED the specific prototype tech and increased the generic drop rate. This is my conjecture of course.

    What is so damaging or frightening to Cryptic about just being honest about something for once.

    So a suggestion. Either reintroduce a correct drop rate, or start providing an alternative method of gaining the only objective reward this game offers. I realize Cryptic lives in terror of people completing their load out in MkXII for some arcane reason that only makes sense to them, but it's gotten to a point where they are once again and also in historical Cryptic fashion, cutting their noses off to spite their faces. If you're afraid people are going to suddenly stop playing because they have a complete set of something, you are wrong. There is always another toon and another ship.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Let's face it, folks. Cryptic has no incentive to change the drop rate. They will only introduce things or fix things that make more money. Lying to us about the tech drop rate and making us angry about how long we play elite STFs to get Mk XII gear really doesn't matter as fixing it doesn't increase their revenue. We're cooked. We have no recourse. We could just quit the game, but we like to play it too much. So, I'm guessing we're just stuck with this sort of TRIBBLE.

    It is just so disappointing to hone your skills, form good teams and drive through successful run after successful run for an elite STF only to be reduced to a dismally low (nonexistant, almost) percentage luck-of-the-draw reward at the end.

    Of course, there is absolutely no end to the biblical plague levels of those Cryptic Cash Cows - our beloved lock boxes...

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Chunter wrote: »
    i too am yet to see the improved tech drop rate since the last patch.

    I speculate there is something wrong with the damn random number generator in this game.

    A few months ago I opened 3 or 4 gold Cardassian lock boxes. All of them gave me the same tribble as a reward.
    Another user got 3 Galors out of 4 gold boxes. The result in the loot table sticks somehow. Good luck remains good, bad luck remains bad.

    Now, I notice that certain weeks I get lavished with Prototype and Rare Salvage, and even scored Prototype space tech two times in a row the other day in two different ESTF runs.

    Other times there is a total drought of salvage. I did notice getting little in the way of salvage for the past 2 weeks, but before that I scored up to 4 proto salvage per evening.

    My layman's observation says something is 'sticking' in the RNG preventing it from cycling loot properly. It's the only possible reason how some forumers have reported that when the first hit of a cannon volley criticals, the whole salvo also criticals.

    Some underlying problems, perhaps?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    im sorry, but random is random, last CGE i ran 3 of us got the mk12 gun

    there needs to be a reason to play, if they made them available for EDC then what will you do when you get your full set of 12s?

    Every MMO ive played has had RNG at endgame....sucks but there isnt any other logical way to do it
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Do 300 of that STF and upon getting that accolade you automatically get the rare drop in question. If you get it sooner then good for you, if not thrn at least we'd finally get the ****ing helmets lol. I cant even count the number of elite runs i've done and i still dont have a ground set to speak of. Its gotten to the point where i only STF now if only to help fleetmates, they're no longer a challenge to teams that can communicate and frankly, seeing players who have done a fraction of the runs that i've done with better kits leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Chugster wrote: »
    im sorry, but random is random, last CGE i ran 3 of us got the mk12 gun

    there needs to be a reason to play, if they made them available for EDC then what will you do when you get your full set of 12s?

    Every MMO ive played has had RNG at endgame....sucks but there isnt any other logical way to do it

    Yes, but I agree with carmenara...

    A friend of my who is constantly doing IGE STFs to try to get a prototype PSG tech to finish mark XII set... isn't getting the proto tech. She's past 100+ runs, and has gotten I think 20 rare PSG techs.

    Meanwhile, we see people with full mark XII set (and or alt look) getting the proto drops. One thing that was suggested ingame was "Make tech drops not bound, until you leave the mission zone." So that if the guy gets a PSG tech, but doesn't need it? He can give it to somebody who does.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    As federation player I ran more than 300 STF. I guess I'm around 400...
    As Klingon player I ran more than 15 STF.
    For all of those I got 26 shield mark X. Don't you think it's a big joke? I bought my MACO with data encrypted chip.
    Today I ran 3 STF. 3 times we got optionnals. for all of those 3 STF, there was 2 loot for 5 players. What this such f***ing joke? I did my job as well I can. Why when we got optionnals I don't get any loot. Is it fair? To be honest. STF is something disgusting. I' don't play STF for fun. I have to if I want MACO set mk XII. I don't play with heart. Why I got data encrypted chip for space elite STF? I really think Cryptix is laughing on players.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Chugster wrote: »
    im sorry, but random is random, last CGE i ran 3 of us got the mk12 gun

    there needs to be a reason to play, if they made them available for EDC then what will you do when you get your full set of 12s?

    Every MMO ive played has had RNG at endgame....sucks but there isnt any other logical way to do it

    I think you're playing the wrong MMO's then. STF's aren't the only thing to do in this game, and even if they were do you want to know what would keep people playing?

    How about cryptic constantly adding new maps and sets of gear to get once every once in awhile. You know... like every other MMO does. Also STO is one of the rare MMO's where it seems they encouraged people to make alts. So if you got a full set on one character go get it on another. There's tons of things they could be doing better.

    Don't you dare defend terrible game design.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Cryptic fell into the classic "Rarity Vs. Exclusivity" trap.

    See, there's two ways of handling highly desirable items in just about any game.

    You either A) randomly hand out the loot to a very small number of lucky players (Rarity), or B) only hand out the best loot to the best players (Exclusivity).

    There is, however, a third option.

    Create a system wherein loot drops remain relatively random, but create a marketplace where individuals can buy, sell, and trade those items for other high-end loot.

    The Exchange code could easily be modified to fit this objective. Once you achieve the Silver Star accolade, you get access to the STF Exchange, where Borg Salvage and Tech can be sold for EDCs. Set a standard exchange rate (Rare Salvage = 5 EDCs, Prototype Salvage = 20 EDCs, Rare Tech = 40 EDCs, Prototype Tech = 80 EDCs) so that the market remains constant.

    While we're changing things, guarantee four Salvage and one Tech drop per round if you complete the STF. Normal STF: Rare only. Elite STF: Rare, with guaranteed Prototype for Optional.

    What this does is it gives the new STF players access to better gear, without giving them the best gear. It rewards the best players (those completing the Optional objective on STF Elite) the best gear.

    I think this is a simple solution that would solve pretty much every complaint about STF gear, without requiring significant additional functionality or tremendously increasing the availability of Prototype STF gear.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Sprint01 wrote:
    If they increase it any more than they already have, folks will achieve their goals faster than the devs intend. Remember, with the lack of content at the moment they have to draw out what is currently in the game.

    Supporting this line of thinking on the dev's behalf is wrong and bad. DO NOT encourage these people. If they are afraid of people getting their kit for some obscure reason, remind them. People have more than one character.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    aresula wrote:
    I think you're playing the wrong MMO's then. STF's aren't the only thing to do in this game, and even if they were do you want to know what would keep people playing?

    How about cryptic constantly adding new maps and sets of gear to get once every once in awhile. You know... like every other MMO does. Also STO is one of the rare MMO's where it seems they encouraged people to make alts. So if you got a full set on one character go get it on another. There's tons of things they could be doing better.

    Don't you dare defend terrible game design.

    And the church says "amen"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Chugster wrote: »
    im sorry, but random is random, last CGE i ran 3 of us got the mk12 gun

    there needs to be a reason to play, if they made them available for EDC then what will you do when you get your full set of 12s?

    Every MMO ive played has had RNG at endgame....sucks but there isnt any other logical way to do it

    What you have just intimated is a reason NOT to play. That kind of artificial rarity is quickly burning me out. Once you realize that the system is fundamentally broken, and that no amount of skill or work or effort on your part will pay off EVER, you kind of start to lose your motivation for playing, which, evidently is exactly what Cryptic wants, I guess. No other logical reason to enforce a mechanic that drives people AWAY from a facet of the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This thread title and discussion resembles the opening cutscene in The 2800: Boldly They Rode.

    Community: We must increase the STF drop rate. Endgame is boring! Players are leaving in droves!

    Cryptic: No! We will not accept that. We are DEAD. We will redeem ourselves by sucking our playerbase dry. Grinding is LIFE!

    Community: But you must not say such things, we are the paying customers. You MUST-

    Cryptic: *Closes channel*

    Community: Gah, he's closed the channel! What was that other game coming out soon, Guild Wars 2? Set course for the GW2 system.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    It's not normal day. I'm agree with you :D
    Just kidding:p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    This thread title and discussion resembles the opening cutscene in The 2800: Boldly They Rode.

    Community: We must increase the STF drop rate. Endgame is boring! Players are leaving in droves!

    Cryptic: No! We will not accept that. We are DEAD. We will redeem ourselves by sucking our playerbase dry. Grinding is LIFE!

    Community: But you must not say such things, we are the paying customers. You MUST-

    Cryptic: *Closes channel*

    Community: Gah, he's closed the channel! What was that other game coming out soon, Guild Wars 2? Set course for the GW2 system.

    Oh yes, this was spot on and funny as hell.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Cryptic won't listen. I've done what? 400+ ELITE Ground STFs on the same character over and over. What Proto Tech have I got? ONE Armor Proto Tech. NOTHING else. it's so annoying when you fight and wipe Borg off the face of the map, then what do you get? Stuff you don't need . . . oh yeah, and not to mention the big fat lockbox slapped on top of the reward bag. And my skills are at maximum, I've been working HARD to get good at this game. And my skills are at top. But what do I get? Lockboxes, Salvage, and -(Fill In The Blank Useless Item)-, it's so disappointing to get the impression that Cryptic is trying to get all kinds of money from us and don't want to get rid of chance this and chance that and bugged-up rare time-gated content. :mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    This thread title and discussion resembles the opening cutscene in The 2800: Boldly They Rode.

    Community: We must increase the STF drop rate. Endgame is boring! Players are leaving in droves!

    Cryptic: No! We will not accept that. We are DEAD. We will redeem ourselves by sucking our playerbase dry. Grinding is LIFE!

    Community: But you must not say such things, we are the paying customers. You MUST-

    Cryptic: *Closes channel*

    Community: Gah, he's closed the channel! What was that other game coming out soon, Guild Wars 2? Set course for the GW2 system.

    And don't forget D3 came out today lol.


    I heard it mentioned before that cryptic plans to use the salvage tokens to buy the mk12 sets, which is fine, I think that's actually fair. And I'm sayin this as a person with full mk12 sets on all my toons, make it fair for everyone.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    TheGalaxy wrote:
    Cryptic won't listen. I've done what? 400+ ELITE Ground STFs on the same character over and over. What Proto Tech have I got? ONE Armor Proto Tech. NOTHING else. it's so annoying when you fight and wipe Borg off the face of the map, then what do you get? Stuff you don't need . . . oh yeah, and not to mention the big fat lockbox slapped on top of the reward bag. And my skills are at maximum, I've been working HARD to get good at this game. And my skills are at top. But what do I get? Lockboxes, Salvage, and -(Fill In The Blank Useless Item)-, it's so disappointing to get the impression that Cryptic is trying to get all kinds of money from us and don't want to get rid of chance this and chance that and bugged-up rare time-gated content. :mad:

    I couldn't say more
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i think we have to wait until the devs have lost interest in their SWTOR chars and come back for a short visit to STO before Diablo 3 hits....oh wait, Diablo 3 is out since yesterday. Ok, then we won't see any change anymore.

    i have my 10+ prototype salvage still lying around for the day they make it tradeable for MK 12 tech stuff^^
    This thread title and discussion resembles the opening cutscene in The 2800: Boldly They Rode.

    Community: We must increase the STF drop rate. Endgame is boring! Players are leaving in droves!

    Cryptic: No! We will not accept that. We are DEAD. We will redeem ourselves by sucking our playerbase dry. Grinding is LIFE!

    Community: But you must not say such things, we are the paying customers. You MUST-

    Cryptic: *Closes channel*

    Community: Gah, he's closed the channel! What was that other game coming out soon, Guild Wars 2? Set course for the GW2 system.

    funny as hell and spot on!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i have played the STF's for around two solid weeks now that summer is around.

    - i have gotten around 80-100 EDC's (which are only good for duty officers if you want to have all four or MK XI gear)
    - about 3 rare shield techs (useless for MK XII)
    - 7-9 prototype borg salvage
    - and ZERO of other kinds.
    - probably 300-500 *%#TRIBBLE(^#$ ferengi lock boxes THAT ARE USELESS . << that **** isnt tolerable when you have to discard 20+ at a time. also EVERYONE PASSES on them.

    there has been almost zip in drop rates for gear. there needs to be a desperate change in the chance algorithm.

    someone need to fix this .
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well. It's my turn. I've played 3 STF elite per day (more than 300 STF. btw I got the accolade).

    - I got more than 327 EDC's (I stopped to count them).
    - about 3 shield techs (useless for MK XII)
    - about 7 engine techs (useless for MK XII)
    - 1 deflector techs
    - 1 armor

    - about 7 rare shield techs
    - 1 rare engine tech
    - 1 rare deflector tech
    - 29 rare prototype borg salvage

    - 8 very rare prototype borg salvage
    - and ZERO of other kinds.

    Don't you think there is problem?
This discussion has been closed.