Jaegers talking about the Akira is ridiculous in the extreme. He designed to be a more modern starfleet take on the Miranda design, and it looks gorgeous. But then his Fanboy got the better of him. "The Akira is the best ship ever! It has 15 Torpedo Launchers, room for fighter craft, and it's the ultimate battleship! Nevermind the far larger Galaxy class has 3, and the other designs from First Contact (Saber, Steamrunner, and Norway) are reported to only have two. The Defiant only has two. But the Akira gets FIFTEEN!?! That's insane, especially since Starfleet never built a warship (Also why does the battleship/carrier that can supposedly slaughter everything with it's fighters and fifteen torpedo launchers have windows? Bad choice for a dedicated warship). One other thing to note is also that the ship is never seen on screen either launching fighters (Of which there is some doubt as to how many 30 meter craft (The size of the Peregrine Fighter) are going to fit in something that's roughly 440 (Plus or minus ten) meter ship. Even if stacked that's not a whole lot for a carrier since you have to assume that the Akira has other facilities aside from just shuttle bays (Such as Crew Quarters, the Bridge, Escape Pods, Mess Hall, Engineering, Sickbay, etc.) Not to mention that the more torpedo tubes you add the more you cut into the amount of space available, making it harder to believe that it both has 15 torpedo launchers, AND serves as a carrier base. I'm not saying it couldn't serve as a small carrier in a pinch, I'm just saying it's not very likely. Jaeger was trying to make his baby the end all of everything, but he came away sounding more like a bad fanfic writer than anything else.
That being said I still support an Akira Refit for Tier 5. It's a gorgeous design, and the Escorts need more Tier 5 ships (So does Science really but not as bad, they have waaay to much love for cruiser designs) and the Akira is a loved design. We could go back and forth forever on what the damn thing is made to do, but I think a lot of us would love to see a tier 5 level Akira. The Thunderchild variant made it look even more awesome which makes it so disappointing to not be able to use later on. Besides both the other +.5 tier 3's appear later on as a tier 5 (Granted with less customization) why not Tacticals?
Nevermind the far larger Galaxy class has 3, and the other designs from First Contact (Saber, Steamrunner, and Norway) are reported to only have two.
Galaxy has 3. But it's primary forward and aft launchers are massive, some 5 decks tall in the MSDs. The Akiras are undoubtably much smaller. They'd have to be to fit in the pod and the position in the forward saucer and below the deflector. It's all about volume of fire. 15 smaller tubes on an Akira allows it to sustain a similar volume of fire as a Galaxy with much smaller, much less complex tubes. That, and the Galaxy would still win in volume over time.
The Defiant only has two. But the Akira gets FIFTEEN!?!
Defiant has 4.
That's insane, especially since Starfleet never built a warship (Also why does the battleship/carrier that can supposedly slaughter everything with it's fighters and fifteen torpedo launchers have windows? Bad choice for a dedicated warship).
You assume that 15 torpedo launchers = best torp slinger in Starfleet. Galaxy still holds that title. Bursts of 10 several times a second > 11 forward pulse-fire tubes. The Galaxy would still be superior in volume of fire over time.
Akira also has what is probably the 3rd largest phaser elypse of any Federation ship.
One other thing to note is also that the ship is never seen on screen either launching fighters (Of which there is some doubt as to how many 30 meter craft (The size of the Peregrine Fighter) are going to fit in something that's roughly 440 (Plus or minus ten) meter ship.
Akira is 464.43 meters long, if you believe the DS9 TM. But the funny part is, at every battle where we see Akiras, we also see fighters. The only time we see large numbers of Peregrines is when there are also Akiras about. And I'm sorry but a Peregrine is far from 30 meters long. If you scale the cockpits, a Peregrine is smaller then an X-Wing, which is 12.5 meters long. A Peregrine's probably about 8-10 meters long and 2.3 meters tall with the wings folded. A Danube is 23.1 meters long. There's no way in hell a Peregrine is anywhere near 30 meters long..
Even if stacked that's not a whole lot for a carrier since you have to assume that the Akira has other facilities aside from just shuttle bays (Such as Crew Quarters, the Bridge, Escape Pods, Mess Hall, Engineering, Sickbay, etc.) Not to mention that the more torpedo tubes you add the more you cut into the amount of space available, making it harder to believe that it both has 15 torpedo launchers, AND serves as a carrier base.
Have you actually looked at an Akira's design? Ontop of the saucer (Between the twin hulls) is a "bubble" structure, and the bridge sits ontop of that. That "bubble" extends the width of the saucer between the hulls and the length of the saucer front to rear. That makes the saucer, from centerline-up, at least 6 decks tall (Using Ex Astris Scientia's 440m deck layout, the ship may be bigger). Between the twin-hulls, if the saucer is "hollow" from the centerline up, that makes for a LOT of internal volume. From the hulls-out, you've got lots of room for crew spaces, and from the centerline down, you've got lots of room for MORE crew spaces, torpedo tubes (Since that's where the torpedo tubes are), engineering, etc. The Akira's not a small ship by any means. There is a lot of internal volume to go around..
Not saying it needs to serve a CV function in-game, but I'm saying that with it's layout, it COULD function the way Alex Jaeger said it's supposed to with the roles it's supposed to.
I hope its not Akira. The escort family needs fresh designs.
finally someone with some sense!
seriously, an akira refit, while nice, isnt what we need. we need NEW designs. and not just on escorts. we need to have many more designs for each class. how many more depends on how fast/dedicated they want. but we need some new life into ship design. its the 25th century boys. time to start designing ships for the time period. we are at war (maybe?) with the klingons, have the constant threat of borg invasions, the threat of undine and iconian "terrorism" and wounded animals in whats left of the romulan empire, and the cardassian/dominion alliance. time to start designing ships that take the experiences of each of these fronts and have some new looks, something that still looks star trek, but is entirely cryptic. if we need to have contests, hell why not? its obvious we have tons of fans here that can design some awesome ships. i say everyone of each class start drawing designs and post them in a new forum post to let the devs look at them. maybe well get lucky and theyll start another design contest? couldnt hurt right?
I don't need a new ship, i'm happy with my Defiant - i just wish that it had the same weapon loadouts as in the show, and a real cloak not a game balanced crippled one. Considering the timeline the Defiant should be even more powerful than it was in DS9's time but yeah, that would be asking for too much. Just the cloak from the show is good enough for me thanks...oh and lift the 1 per ship limit for quad cannons.
seriously, an akira refit, while nice, isnt what we need. we need NEW designs. and not just on escorts. we need to have many more designs for each class. how many more depends on how fast/dedicated they want. but we need some new life into ship design. its the 25th century boys. time to start designing ships for the time period.
And what does a 25th century ship "look" like? Considering many of the designs in the game are late-24th century and would have hull life expectancies of 50-100 years or more, I really don't think the designs would change much and there would still be a lot of late-24th century designs about. Especially since Starfleet would've had to go on a massive building program following the Dominion War. Think they would've started from scratch with entirely new designs to replace fleet losses? Nope.jpg, they'd crank out proven designs. So the timeframe the game takes place in would likely have a surplus of late-24rd century designs in service with 50-100 year life expectancies.
Ships like the Akira, Defiant, Nova, Sovereign, Intrepid would still be relatively modern designs. I don't see why we need a lot of scratch-built designs to "look" 25th century when there are tons of canon ships that still have a place in the game. I think it's far too soon to flush outstanding "current" designs in favor of outlandish looking super-mega-sleek what-ifs just because "It's the 25th century!"
I wish the feds had escorts as cool as the destroyer ones in the KDF
Yeah I might start playing fed side again one day if this comes to be. I've always loved the KDF in tv and movies because it was rare to get to see them in action. The fed ships just do not have the feel I get from the KDF possibly because the cruisers and science ships were mostly non combatants in most of the series and the game is trying portray them in that fashion which doesn't work. As for the escorts they need something cooler done to them to make them feel as fun to play (battle cloak is way more fun to play with once you know how to use one). Just saying the fed side needs something of their own that makes them unique other than just a decloak and fly around until you die or mission ends which only thing I get out of fed side ones.
Ships like the Akira, Defiant, Nova, Sovereign, Intrepid would still be relatively modern designs. I don't see why we need a lot of scratch-built designs to "look" 25th century when there are tons of canon ships that still have a place in the game. I think it's far too soon to flush outstanding "current" designs in favor of outlandish looking super-mega-sleek what-ifs just because "It's the 25th century!"
you seem to miss the point, a lot. and this isnt the first time. im not saying it needs to be "edgy" or "futuristic". next time read- ie, take the lessons learned from each of the current conflicts and either build upon (as in the refits) or add new technology to newer ships. that dont have to be futuristic like the ent-J is. but some more designs are needed. looking 25th century can look much like 24th century, but with more technology. do you think the US carriers of today look much different from the carriers in use 25 years ago? no, they look almost identical. but the technology is different, and as a result of that difference some of the design elements are different. its called progression. dont have to get rid of the old designs- just update and expand on them.
When they "Update and expand" on them we end up with the Zephyr and the Oslo. That's the STO modeling team's idea of "Update and expand", and honestly, that's not good.
You can "Update and expand" without having a drastically different hull form. The Rhode Island is a prime example of that. A refit of a late-24th century ship to current 25th century (About the game's time) and it's not radically different.
If they want to give the option for a ship "costume" that looks more "modern" in terms of a 25th century ship, that's fine too, but don't cram it down peoples' throats. A tier 5 Akira is one of the most asked for ships, because people like the design the way it is. I'm definitely not opposed to having options, but one of them should be the default, standard Akira. Because that's what people want.
take the lessons learned from each of the current conflicts and either build upon (as in the refits) or add new technology to newer ships. that dont have to be futuristic like the ent-J is. but some more designs are needed. looking 25th century can look much like 24th century, but with more technology.
You can "Update and expand" without having a drastically different hull form. The Rhode Island is a prime example of that. A refit of a late-24th century ship to current 25th century (About the game's time) and it's not radically different.
thank you for making my exact argument for me and telling me im wrong. like i said, you miss the point because you dont read, and it seems as though this happens in your posts a lot. you should try reading comprehension once in a while, it might do you some good.
a new skin, a refit, etc. is what i was asking for- not just an akira (as that would be nice), but more variation. if that comes as skins, great. but id prefer to see more new classes of ships. and before you bring your damn canon argument into this like youre prone to do, this game is soft canon- there is a lot of leeway so long as CBS gives the OK. and as long as CBS gives the OK, id like to see as many ships in the game as possible. ugly, awesome and everything in between- doesnt matter to me so long as we get some more variation of ship selection in the game.
We are working with Rademaker. But details still need to be worked out.
Current T5 Escort options include:
Merian Class
T5 Akira
These are probably not the next ships on the schedule, but I would expect one of them soon. Eventually, we will probably see them all and more.
I VOTE PUT THE T5 AKIRA AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. Im sure many people would be happy with that, but I might need help pulling myself away from my new Sao Paulo with a cloak and Quad Cannons. The T5 Akira would have to top that for me to buy it. Im sure you smart Cryptic guys can figure it out.
Being a Miranda-refit, it feels a bit wierd for me to think of the Merian as a T5... though if the Defiant can manage a foot in the T5 door, the Merian would have precedent.
The T5 Akira seems like the most reasonable addition that could come in the shortest amount of time: the art assets are already done, so... it looks like what it would need is the designwork behind the ship's gameplay function at Tier 5 done and covered.
The Andorian ship could be either a Kumari lookalike like was done with the STO Vulcan ship... though I'm personally hoping to see one of John Eaves more futuristic designs, to tell the truth.
We are working with Rademaker. But details still need to be worked out.
Current T5 Escort options include:
Merian Class
T5 Akira
These are probably not the next ships on the schedule, but I would expect one of them soon. Eventually, we will probably see them all and more.
A much as I have wanted the Steamrunner and Andorian battle cruiser in game, I am going to have to lean towards the T5 Akira. Since T3 specials for Excelsior and Nebula reapper at T5, another Akira makes sense.
That being said I still support an Akira Refit for Tier 5. It's a gorgeous design, and the Escorts need more Tier 5 ships (So does Science really but not as bad, they have waaay to much love for cruiser designs) and the Akira is a loved design. We could go back and forth forever on what the damn thing is made to do, but I think a lot of us would love to see a tier 5 level Akira. The Thunderchild variant made it look even more awesome which makes it so disappointing to not be able to use later on. Besides both the other +.5 tier 3's appear later on as a tier 5 (Granted with less customization) why not Tacticals?
Galaxy has 3. But it's primary forward and aft launchers are massive, some 5 decks tall in the MSDs. The Akiras are undoubtably much smaller. They'd have to be to fit in the pod and the position in the forward saucer and below the deflector. It's all about volume of fire. 15 smaller tubes on an Akira allows it to sustain a similar volume of fire as a Galaxy with much smaller, much less complex tubes. That, and the Galaxy would still win in volume over time.
Defiant has 4.
You assume that 15 torpedo launchers = best torp slinger in Starfleet. Galaxy still holds that title. Bursts of 10 several times a second > 11 forward pulse-fire tubes. The Galaxy would still be superior in volume of fire over time.
Akira also has what is probably the 3rd largest phaser elypse of any Federation ship.
Akira is 464.43 meters long, if you believe the DS9 TM. But the funny part is, at every battle where we see Akiras, we also see fighters. The only time we see large numbers of Peregrines is when there are also Akiras about. And I'm sorry but a Peregrine is far from 30 meters long. If you scale the cockpits, a Peregrine is smaller then an X-Wing, which is 12.5 meters long. A Peregrine's probably about 8-10 meters long and 2.3 meters tall with the wings folded. A Danube is 23.1 meters long. There's no way in hell a Peregrine is anywhere near 30 meters long..
Have you actually looked at an Akira's design? Ontop of the saucer (Between the twin hulls) is a "bubble" structure, and the bridge sits ontop of that. That "bubble" extends the width of the saucer between the hulls and the length of the saucer front to rear. That makes the saucer, from centerline-up, at least 6 decks tall (Using Ex Astris Scientia's 440m deck layout, the ship may be bigger). Between the twin-hulls, if the saucer is "hollow" from the centerline up, that makes for a LOT of internal volume. From the hulls-out, you've got lots of room for crew spaces, and from the centerline down, you've got lots of room for MORE crew spaces, torpedo tubes (Since that's where the torpedo tubes are), engineering, etc. The Akira's not a small ship by any means. There is a lot of internal volume to go around..
Not saying it needs to serve a CV function in-game, but I'm saying that with it's layout, it COULD function the way Alex Jaeger said it's supposed to with the roles it's supposed to.
finally someone with some sense!
seriously, an akira refit, while nice, isnt what we need. we need NEW designs. and not just on escorts. we need to have many more designs for each class. how many more depends on how fast/dedicated they want. but we need some new life into ship design. its the 25th century boys. time to start designing ships for the time period. we are at war (maybe?) with the klingons, have the constant threat of borg invasions, the threat of undine and iconian "terrorism" and wounded animals in whats left of the romulan empire, and the cardassian/dominion alliance. time to start designing ships that take the experiences of each of these fronts and have some new looks, something that still looks star trek, but is entirely cryptic. if we need to have contests, hell why not? its obvious we have tons of fans here that can design some awesome ships. i say everyone of each class start drawing designs and post them in a new forum post to let the devs look at them. maybe well get lucky and theyll start another design contest? couldnt hurt right?
And what does a 25th century ship "look" like? Considering many of the designs in the game are late-24th century and would have hull life expectancies of 50-100 years or more, I really don't think the designs would change much and there would still be a lot of late-24th century designs about. Especially since Starfleet would've had to go on a massive building program following the Dominion War. Think they would've started from scratch with entirely new designs to replace fleet losses? Nope.jpg, they'd crank out proven designs. So the timeframe the game takes place in would likely have a surplus of late-24rd century designs in service with 50-100 year life expectancies.
Ships like the Akira, Defiant, Nova, Sovereign, Intrepid would still be relatively modern designs. I don't see why we need a lot of scratch-built designs to "look" 25th century when there are tons of canon ships that still have a place in the game. I think it's far too soon to flush outstanding "current" designs in favor of outlandish looking super-mega-sleek what-ifs just because "It's the 25th century!"
Yeah I might start playing fed side again one day if this comes to be. I've always loved the KDF in tv and movies because it was rare to get to see them in action. The fed ships just do not have the feel I get from the KDF possibly because the cruisers and science ships were mostly non combatants in most of the series and the game is trying portray them in that fashion which doesn't work. As for the escorts they need something cooler done to them to make them feel as fun to play (battle cloak is way more fun to play with once you know how to use one). Just saying the fed side needs something of their own that makes them unique other than just a decloak and fly around until you die or mission ends which only thing I get out of fed side ones.
you seem to miss the point, a lot. and this isnt the first time. im not saying it needs to be "edgy" or "futuristic". next time read- ie, take the lessons learned from each of the current conflicts and either build upon (as in the refits) or add new technology to newer ships. that dont have to be futuristic like the ent-J is. but some more designs are needed. looking 25th century can look much like 24th century, but with more technology. do you think the US carriers of today look much different from the carriers in use 25 years ago? no, they look almost identical. but the technology is different, and as a result of that difference some of the design elements are different. its called progression. dont have to get rid of the old designs- just update and expand on them.
You can "Update and expand" without having a drastically different hull form. The Rhode Island is a prime example of that. A refit of a late-24th century ship to current 25th century (About the game's time) and it's not radically different.
If they want to give the option for a ship "costume" that looks more "modern" in terms of a 25th century ship, that's fine too, but don't cram it down peoples' throats. A tier 5 Akira is one of the most asked for ships, because people like the design the way it is. I'm definitely not opposed to having options, but one of them should be the default, standard Akira. Because that's what people want.
thank you for making my exact argument for me and telling me im wrong. like i said, you miss the point because you dont read, and it seems as though this happens in your posts a lot. you should try reading comprehension once in a while, it might do you some good.
a new skin, a refit, etc. is what i was asking for- not just an akira (as that would be nice), but more variation. if that comes as skins, great. but id prefer to see more new classes of ships. and before you bring your damn canon argument into this like youre prone to do, this game is soft canon- there is a lot of leeway so long as CBS gives the OK. and as long as CBS gives the OK, id like to see as many ships in the game as possible. ugly, awesome and everything in between- doesnt matter to me so long as we get some more variation of ship selection in the game.
We are working with Rademaker. But details still need to be worked out.
Current T5 Escort options include:
Merian Class
T5 Akira
These are probably not the next ships on the schedule, but I would expect one of them soon. Eventually, we will probably see them all and more.
I VOTE PUT THE T5 AKIRA AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. Im sure many people would be happy with that, but I might need help pulling myself away from my new Sao Paulo with a cloak and Quad Cannons. The T5 Akira would have to top that for me to buy it. Im sure you smart Cryptic guys can figure it out.
I swear... if / when you put a T5 Akira in-game, I will buy you a round of drinks.
T5 Akira :eek: please make it so
It is already in there as in the Akira alternate design.
What do Merion Class star ships look like?
Being a Miranda-refit, it feels a bit wierd for me to think of the Merian as a T5... though if the Defiant can manage a foot in the T5 door, the Merian would have precedent.
The T5 Akira seems like the most reasonable addition that could come in the shortest amount of time: the art assets are already done, so... it looks like what it would need is the designwork behind the ship's gameplay function at Tier 5 done and covered.
The Andorian ship could be either a Kumari lookalike like was done with the STO Vulcan ship... though I'm personally hoping to see one of John Eaves more futuristic designs, to tell the truth.
T5 Akira with Thunderchild skin, pretty please?
In the meantime, I'll start sacrificing goats and chickens in the hopes you'll give it a 4th Aft weapon slot.
I just peed a little.
T5 Akira would have the best ROI, the model is already in. It can be like a +1 Fleet Escort.
A much as I have wanted the Steamrunner and Andorian battle cruiser in game, I am going to have to lean towards the T5 Akira. Since T3 specials for Excelsior and Nebula reapper at T5, another Akira makes sense.
Vote for the Andorian ship...but I guess the Akira chould be done in a day or two given the fact that the modell exists already with 4 variants...
Incidentally, I'd definitely want a tier 5 Akira. Maybe you could finally add those port and starboard torpedo launchers in too.
I vote for the Merian class (looks nifty) and the T5 Akira...the Andorian ship is kind of whatever IMO, should not be priority.