I see we've been ignored again...
And unless these (
http://www.startrekonline.com/node/2719) are going to be easier to get than a MACO set, I can rule myself out of ever owning on.
Any chance of another star ship design competition to do the new one? I mean, your game could do with a whole load more spaceships, C-store or not.
dont suppose you could enlighten us to which one it is....(cough...Rademaker...cough...) ?
Time to start saving C Points then.
doesn't have to be new, just let us use the akira at a proper tier! if cbs doesn't think it belongs there, i can prove its more powerful then any current tier 5 escort. it doesn't need to be anything fancy, just like the vorcha refit was really basic, but an engineering LTC station would be nice. the MVAM escort has a science LTC, fill the engineering niche too!
Norway all the way!
Well he did say on his blog that the Vp for licensing at Cbs told him it was okay...
Please. I've been stuck in my Fleet Escort since April of 2009. It's starting to smell.
We've patiently watched while Cruisers and Science ships got at least 2 new hulls. We've watched while minor KDF races got ships. All the while our ships have been pushed back and pushed back.
We are due a fair chance at a compelling new escort. The same fair chance every other captain had for their ships.
Akira tier 5 cruiser/escort hybrid would just make my day. I'd be ecstatic.
Tier 5 Akira
32,000 hull
0.9x shield modifier
4 fore, 3 aft weapons slots (No dual cannons)
450 crew
Cmdr Tac, Lt.Cmdr Eng, Lt. Sci, Lt. Uni, Ens. Tac
3 device slots
4 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci consoles
12 turn
.18 Impulse Modifier
60 Inertia
+15 weapons power
Special console can be one of the following:
"Pulse-Fire Torpedo Volly"..Basically a built-in High-Yield III ability.
"Peregrine Squadron"..Launches 3 or 4 "pet" Peregrines with light combat abilities. Similar to the Scorpion Fighters, but not a consumable.
"Chain Reaction Pulsar" from Armada.
Something along those lines.
So... yeah, No.
Escort without dual cannons is no escort at all.
Have fun with your dreams/fantasy of a Light Carrier though.
Akiras are big ships..They're 464.43 meters long. That's nearly as big as an Excelsior.. The idea of maneuvering that around for cannon runs is absurd to begin with.
It'd be a cruiser with slightly less shields/hull, far more maneuverability, better speed, more weapons power, more tactical ability. For this, it would lose the dual cannons.
It'd make a fantastic beam-boat escort. The Akira has probably the 3rd longest array elypse of any Federation ship, behind the Galaxy and Nebula. It should have very strong beams.
ah i see, a tactical version of the nebula. as for a special ability, id like to see a 4 torp spread 1s at once, 1 in each direction. if there is something in all 4 arcs, it will fire 4. only 1 enemy in 1 arc? only 1 will fire. no fighters please, carrier part isn't canon and there is no front shuttle doors
As I calculated in the other thread, the doors are at least 1.5 decks tall, meaning they're at least 4.95 meters tall, even bigger if you use the DS9 TM's length of 464.43 meters (The above calculations were based on 440 meters/19 decks/3.3 meters/deck).
You could fit almost anything short of a Danube thru those doors. Especially if Peregrines do indeed have folding wings. And for "heavy" traffic like Danubes, you use the back doors, which are substantially taller.
S'more pictures of the front of the ship showing the shuttlebay doors.
The following are renders of the Lightwave model that was re-made by Paramount for DS9, and are canon. I believe this same model was used in more recent remasters of First Contact.
And the following is from Alex Jaeger's concept art.
Remember the doors are back a ways in the "notch". At least 8-10 meters back from the leading edge of the saucer. Back a few meters from the leading edge, the saucer is about 2.5-3 decks tall. The doors are about 1.5 decks tall. Like I said, you can fit most of Starfleet's small craft thru that, the exception being heavies like the Danube. A 4.95 meter tall door, you could even squeeze a Type-11 shuttle thru quite comfortably.
But Mr. Jaeger does state that the forward doors are for launching smaller craft. I'm only assuming that a Peregrine has folding wings, but looking at the studio model and schematics, there is definitely a joint, and if the wings fold, they'd rest very neatly on the pylons that extend out to the wings.
Said joint is also right at the spot that would allow the fighter to be flush-bottomed. Folding wings wouldn't be anything new to the confined space of a carrier. So it's not far-fetched by any means.
It isn't canon, per-say, but they are on the models--both ILMs original and Paramount's Lightwave remake. And they're even labeled on the orthographic views from ST:M, which were rendered from the ILM model.
Glad to hear it CaptainGecko. We look forward to seeing hints and teases about it.
I hope not. Besides, I thought the Odyssey's aux craft was the new design for it's Captain's Yacht.
the whole carrier thing is a little TOO much for this ship imo, there would be very little usable space inside for a ship that size with all the torpedo launchers and a hanger that stretches the length of the saucer. the hanger would also seriously compromise space for a vertical warpcore, unless it was off center, of there was 2 small cores in the catamarans. that all sounds a little overboard to me.