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The STF Escort Build Thread



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    I was testing out the Borg shields with the appropriate consoles plus EPtS I and II, and found that even though the shields were up, I was taking significant hull damage!

    I had full shields, but my hull dropped to 80%, then 60%. This was from the first cube in Infected Elite.

    I had to use my Haz emitters and Brace for Impact just to keep from taking more hull damage!

    Thats my biggest issue with the Borg shields at that point, because you loose hull resists by having to use the regen Engineering console and if you use a Resilient shield like the MACO MK XI (which BTW, is getting a HUGE improvement in stats!) your squishy escort hull doesn't get eaten up so quickly. I ended up switching to the MACO MK XI with 2x EPtS and 1x RSP with the Neutronium console instead of the Regen I was using with the Borg shield, and I could tank the Cubes from Elite (not the Tac cubes, just the regular cubes) without incurring hull damage that required the use of Hazard Emitters or anything other than the normal shield skills.

    I just wish I didn't have to use the Fleet Escort to use that layout so well :(

    You need another tactical team and EPtS instead of EPtW with that build. Otherwise, you are too squishy...

    We've had discussions about the proper Engineering consoles for the Borg Shields too. 2x Neutronium won't really help improve that shields capability.

    Again, the point of the escort is DPS. If you're thinking of doing this setup with a Tactical captain, then I would agree with you. However, never under estimate an aux battery with tactical team, hazard emitters, and a transfer power to shields (science power). When the aux runs out and you're still under heavy attack, then engineers pop miracle worker and all is good. The reasoning for the Emergency Power to Weapons is to keep weapon power at maximum when the EPS Transfer III is recharching.

    Try the build on tribble, trust me.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I have an engineer flying an escort right now. I also use Red Matter, so I keep power levels up pretty high in general :p

    However, I still like to use EPtS instead of weapons ESPECIALLY with an engineer.

    I tried a defensive-heavy Bird of Prey on Tribble with an Engineer, and it was probably even better than running a normal escort due to its survivability. Not having the Tactical Captain skills will lower your DPS no matter what ship you fly, so I figure its better to focus on defense and stay alive with an Engineer captain in an Escort-class ship.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Had some questions about what to do with the New Skill Tree and an Escort build, so here is what I'm currently using on Holodeck with my Tactical captain in an Escort:

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    So i played around with my Boffs and Equipment for STFs Elites in the past few days.

    M.A.C.O. MK XI Shield + Borgset seems a very good fitting. Can keep up the shields pretty good and the bleed through to hull is so low it can be healed by AuxSIF I alone.

    So i have HE and Brace for Impact ready for the time the shields fail totaly. Although one has to get out of range than and rebuild shields, this way my survival rate went up. But biggest impact on survival is still the team your playing with and not the equipment. ;)

    For playing with PuGs i noticed that it is very important to have some kind of "energy and shield drain" alternative layout in the pocket, cause often you will play with people that don't bring any drain abilites, no matter if they are in Scienceships or Cruisers. They try to overhelm the end tac cubes or donatra simply by DPS which results in long an boring "respawn" slug fests.

    So for this groups i swap 1 DHC for 1 Beam array, the Tac Boff with APB and CSV for one with Beam target shields and Beam target weapons and my Sci with one that has HE I and Energy Siphon I. Although this way i am just a "poor man's" Sci-wannabe, it really helps a lot kill those boses in infected and Khitomer much quicker and is well worth the DPS loss.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    Had some questions about what to do with the New Skill Tree and an Escort build, so here is what I'm currently using on Holodeck with my Tactical captain in an Escort:


    I tried this build tonight, with some tweaks, with my engineer. I haven't tried the ground yet. I'm curious though. I've seen alot of people- and I have been- using anti-proton weapons. But you're using phasers correct? Have you found them to be more effective?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    I tried this build tonight, with some tweaks, with my engineer. I haven't tried the ground yet. I'm curious though. I've seen alot of people- and I have been- using anti-proton weapons. But you're using phasers correct? Have you found them to be more effective?
    I run phasers because of the Quads.

    Antiprotons are probably better overall for damage, so thats fine.

    Honestly, at this point it doesn't matter which class of weapon you run to be effective. You might not have the absolute best setup, but there are less downsides now to using certain weapon types than there were before.

    Of course, ALWAYS run just one weapon type with the matching consoles!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    i like to have at least one beam as its keeps up the dps when cannons are out of arc as well as using beam overload in between cannon rapid fires to help keep the dps up. ive also been tinkering with using a torpedo or even mines on one of the rear slots instead of the usual turrets. it has yielded some intersting results. tractor mines shouldnt have been nerfed, their useless now. i still like the hargh peng but at the minute im using chroniton mines
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I used to run a tricobalt mine in the rear but switched it to a turret because I simply never had the opportunity to drop it in an effective area. I don't find myself within 3kms of a target a whole lot, and to get there means I have to sacrifice positioning for my front cannons. As a result, most of the time the mine launcher was idling, so I changed it for something that gets used (dealing damage) more often.

    I did a little tweaking to my setup w.r.t. BOFFs. Basically I took out APDelta2 and APOmega3 and changed them for Beta1 and Beta2. The delta skill I wan't really using effectively, and I kept having positioning problems with APOmega due to the increased speed. With dual betas, I can almost constantly apply a beta debuff to the target, which helps the entire team's damage.

    Right now I run:
    TSpr1, TSPr2, CRF2, CSV3
    TT1, APB1, APB2
    EPTS1, RSP1 (2?)
    RHP1, HE2

    With this setup I have 2 "banks" of 4 skills that operate on shared cooldowns. Tac Team 1 (x2), Torp Spread 1/2, CRF2/CSV3, and APB1/2. So I activate one of each in a sequence, then 15 secs later I activate the other set. It's pretty dead easy to operate. Just press Crtl 1, 2, 3, 4- then 15 later hit Ctrl 5, 6, 7, 8 :). EPTS1 and RSP2 are for healing my shields when they get low, HE2 is for hull heals, and RHP1 is to allow me to maneuver if I'm rooted by a tractor beam. I do die sometimes, but can tank pretty effectively at least on normal. (also combine some of my innate sci powers like science team 2 and also the subspace device from the Devidian missions)

    P.S. why do people run neutroniums for their engineering slots? I would imagine that in the STFs you would want electroceramics for the high plasma resist? The neutroniums seem useful as a catch-all for general PvE, but if running an STF where you solely fight borg, don't you want as high of plasma resist as possible?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Stormnnorm wrote:
    P.S. why do people run neutroniums for their engineering slots? I would imagine that in the STFs you would want electroceramics for the high plasma resist? The neutroniums seem useful as a catch-all for general PvE, but if running an STF where you solely fight borg, don't you want as high of plasma resist as possible?
    Personally, I don't like carrying around a half dozen consoles to constantly swap out every time I encounter a different situation...

    If you don't mind doing that, go right ahead.

    However, against the Borg in STF's, it might actually be smarter to use a Monotanium console to combat the nasty torps. I ran one for awhile during tribble testing, and it seemed effective.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I agree, but I guess for me all I do is run STFs now, and "gearing up" for other PvE is pointless since the ship totally obliterates anything else with DPS anyways. So I put on the electroceramic console for plasma resistance.

    What's the point of using the EPS transfer console? Is it worth using if you don't ever change power levels when you fight? I used to run one of those too but now I just run a neutronium, an electroceramic, and a monotanium (like you suggest- for the kinetic resistance). Guess I should break down and buy a field generator to replace the neutronium but they're so expensive on the exchange. Can you craft one or get one w/dilithium? Maybe that's a more sensible route. Except I'd probably rather pay 1mill EC than 20k dilithium.

    BTW I have never seen a purple neutronium console. Do they not exist? I know the blue Mk XI is the same as the purple Mk X but was just curious as to why neutronium specifically doesn't have one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Stormnnorm wrote:
    I agree, but I guess for me all I do is run STFs now, and "gearing up" for other PvE is pointless since the ship totally obliterates anything else with DPS anyways. So I put on the electroceramic console for plasma resistance.

    What's the point of using the EPS transfer console? Is it worth using if you don't ever change power levels when you fight? I used to run one of those too but now I just run a neutronium, an electroceramic, and a monotanium (like you suggest- for the kinetic resistance). Guess I should break down and buy a field generator to replace the neutronium but they're so expensive on the exchange. Can you craft one or get one w/dilithium? Maybe that's a more sensible route. Except I'd probably rather pay 1mill EC than 20k dilithium.

    BTW I have never seen a purple neutronium console. Do they not exist? I know the blue Mk XI is the same as the purple Mk X but was just curious as to why neutronium specifically doesn't have one.

    I can check to see if I can craft one. The Field Generator?


    I can create:

    Field Generator (+35% Shield Capacity)
    Shield emitter amplifier (+13% regeneration)
    Field Emitter (+3.5 power)

    Each of these cost 7 Uncommon unreplicatable materials (Which I do not have). These items can be obtained in Memory Alpha for 1,000 Dilithium each.

    I have the rest of the materials necessary, and I can (and will) craft the items for you, at a price we can negotiate over, if you would like.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Stormnnorm wrote:
    I agree, but I guess for me all I do is run STFs now, and "gearing up" for other PvE is pointless since the ship totally obliterates anything else with DPS anyways. So I put on the electroceramic console for plasma resistance.

    What's the point of using the EPS transfer console? Is it worth using if you don't ever change power levels when you fight? I used to run one of those too but now I just run a neutronium, an electroceramic, and a monotanium (like you suggest- for the kinetic resistance). Guess I should break down and buy a field generator to replace the neutronium but they're so expensive on the exchange. Can you craft one or get one w/dilithium? Maybe that's a more sensible route. Except I'd probably rather pay 1mill EC than 20k dilithium.

    BTW I have never seen a purple neutronium console. Do they not exist? I know the blue Mk XI is the same as the purple Mk X but was just curious as to why neutronium specifically doesn't have one.
    I'm not really an expert on Engineering consoles, as for the EPS I'm almost always coming in/out of full impulse straight into a full alpha strike in STF's or anything really, so I keep it around. As to what else it still does, no idea.

    As far as what does what for resistance and such, I'm sure there are other threads about that... Maybe someone who has done the homework more than I have.

    I can tell you one thing for sure, I have noticed lately a difference when I run a Biofunction Monitor sci console and when I don't with my Escort. I don't die nearly as fast with one, and I can tell my crew is staying full while if I don't have it my crew gets killed by the Borg boarding parties and it seems as if my shields and everything else just drops much faster.
    I can check to see if I can craft one. The Field Generator?

    I can create:

    Field Generator (+35% Shield Capacity)
    Shield emitter amplifier (+13% regeneration)
    Field Emitter (+3.5 power)

    Each of these cost 7 Uncommon unreplicatable materials (Which I do not have). These items can be obtained in Memory Alpha for 1,000 Dilithium each.

    I have the rest of the materials necessary, and I can (and will) craft the items for you, at a price we can negotiate over, if you would like.
    Field Emitter isn't worth it, but the Amplifier and Generator are worth having around in your bank at the very least..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Would it be to a tactical captain’s advantage to replace my two prefire chambers(+18 all Energy effects cannon/turrets ) with two more (+26) antiproton mags?

    It is always hard to see if certain tactical modifiers have any improved effect do to the lack and any type of rating information on your ships specifications.

    Also has any one noticed that there is a 5 second delay when firing a torpedo spread even at optimum range? Could that be linked with using the space bar to “Fire All Weapons”?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    ivoe1574 wrote: »
    Would it be to a tactical captain’s advantage to replace my two prefire chambers(+18 all Energy effects cannon/turrets ) with two more (+26) antiproton mags?

    It is always hard to see if certain tactical modifiers have any improved effect do to the lack and any type of rating information on your ships specifications.

    Also has any one noticed that there is a 5 second delay when firing a torpedo spread even at optimum range? Could that be linked with using the space bar to “Fire All Weapons”?

    Yes, replacing the 'All Energy Damage' consoles with '+Antiproton damage' consoles is a good idea.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Yes, replacing the 'All Energy Damage' consoles with '+Antiproton damage' consoles is a good idea.


    I know that sound like a no brainer question, but after hearing stories about how some Mk XI weapons actually have outperformed Mk XII weapons I don’t what to think.. So I did not want to take any chances..

    Still it leaves me with question if certain tactical modifiers have any improved effect what with the lack and any type of rating information on your ships specifications.

    I am basically looking for some concrete indication that says “Your damage output has now improved” After all we do get a indication when we add a EPS Flow Regulator, of course that improvement is being measured in a (%) rather the a (+ no#.)

    In regards to the 5 second firing delay when using a torpedo spread I am at a loss of why that is happening. I know of course that you can’t fire any weapon when you are “hull to hull” but at a reasonable distance and no active cool downs you should be able to have an instant torpedo spread and not press the fire icon and have to count to 5. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    ivoe1574 wrote: »
    I am basically looking for some concrete indication that says “Your damage output has now improved” After all we do get a indication when we add a EPS Flow Regulator, of course that improvement is being measured in a (%) rather the a (+ no#.)
    If you want concrete evidence, put one of your energy weapons on your hotbar. Put your mouse over it to see how much damage you are doing.

    Then swap consoles and check again.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    If you want concrete evidence, put one of your energy weapons on your hotbar. Put your mouse over it to see how much damage you are doing.

    Then swap consoles and check again.

    thank you sir I will do that. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    If you want concrete evidence, put one of your energy weapons on your hotbar. Put your mouse over it to see how much damage you are doing.

    Then swap consoles and check again.

    I was going to suggest that, but as an added thought, go to the Exchange, and buy the lowest Mark of the consoles in question (Common, regular items), and do it that way.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I wanted to reinforce that the new "Best" shield in the game for STF's are the MACO shields.

    Here is why:
    M.A.C.O. (Starfleet Elite)

    SHIELD: Added 5% SHIELD resistance to all energy types (in addition to basic 5% bleedthru resist)
    SHIELD: Replaced Plasma SHIELD resist with normal Plasma resist (works when shield is down)
    SHIELD: Increased Plasma resist from 10% to 20%
    SHIELD: Damage Trigger now stacks up to +10 Energy (max 5 stacks, 2 power each, once per second)

    The Damage triggered energy spike DOES work now, and it DOES stack 5 times! Thats +10 power ALL power levels, thats huge.

    Plus, the Plasma resist and ALL ENERGY Resist's are VERY high, PLUS the high shield cap of this shield for being a Resilient shield and the fact it is a Resilient shield means the Borg CAN'T get through your shields very easily!

    I've been testing it out, and it is now the best shield by far for STF's without a doubt. MK XI OR MK XII if you are lucky.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Gapaxbr wrote: »
    i posted this in another forum but anyone know of another way to get the rechargable shield battery other than buying it for 10 million lol

    Ooo. Please give more details!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    I wanted to reinforce that the new "Best" shield in the game for STF's are the MACO shields.

    Here is why:

    The Damage triggered energy spike DOES work now, and it DOES stack 5 times! Thats +10 power ALL power levels, thats huge.

    Plus, the Plasma resist and ALL ENERGY Resist's are VERY high, PLUS the high shield cap of this shield for being a Resilient shield and the fact it is a Resilient shield means the Borg CAN'T get through your shields very easily!

    I've been testing it out, and it is now the best shield by far for STF's without a doubt. MK XI OR MK XII if you are lucky.

    Do you think it would be a good mix with the rest of the Borg set? Is the MACO set better than the Borg set now? I am running the Borg set with the Aegis shield. I was thinking about trying the full Borg set to see how it does. Then, getting the MACO set piece by piece starting with the shield.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    Do you think it would be a good mix with the rest of the Borg set? Is the MACO set better than the Borg set now? I am running the Borg set with the Aegis shield. I was thinking about trying the full Borg set to see how it does. Then, getting the MACO set piece by piece starting with the shield.
    I'm still running it with the Borg set.

    Although I am working towards the full MACO set to test it.

    I tested the MK X MACO on Tribble, but not in STF's. I like the Graviton Beam weapon you get with the full set! (basically another Galaxy-X type Javelin weapon)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    I'm still running it with the Borg set.

    Although I am working towards the full MACO set to test it.

    I tested the MK X MACO on Tribble, but not in STF's. I like the Graviton Beam weapon you get with the full set! (basically another Galaxy-X type Javelin weapon)

    Got the MACO MK XI yesterday for my Tac/Fleet Escort. The Graviton Beam is nice but is extremely aux power dependend and thus probably best used by sci ships (or you have to equip aux batteries). With about 50 aux power and no points in the right sci skills I get some 1700 damage and +59 repel, with 125 aux power it goes up to 4600 damage and +99 repel. Haven't tested if the beam gets buffed by tac abilities, if so I should consider going with aux insteaad of engine batteries.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I run a Red Matter, so that works too.

    But I was hitting for more like 10000-20000 when I was testing it on Tribble. That was with the MK X set and doing an Alpha-Strike with Tac buffs and not much Aux power. About the same damage I've done with a Javelin on a Galaxy-X.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Did a few tests in STFs and normal missions. Full tac buffs (without APOmega) and an aux battery brings the Graviton Beam to about 9500 damage for me. As long as you don't crit it wasn't really satisfying, even with the 50% shield penetration. I still have no clue how speccing in the right sci skills (Particle Generators for the damage I guess) will enhance it though, but looks like this could be a nice toy for tacs flying a Recon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Your Fleet Escort build is pretty much Identical to the one I am running now. However, I replace one of the dual heavys with a dual beam bank, so I can have 'Target shield subsystem' and 'Beam overload'. (I can take down the shields of any ship in one shot, plus hit them with high yield torps in that same shot.)

    Also, you can fix the low cap of the Borg shield with one of those +35% shield consoles (and investing in skill points), Like I am running now.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Thanks Kostamojen...this has been a BIG help!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Ok, so I was doing a few test scenarios and general testing with a buddy and fleet mate of mine the other night and I think the results show some discussion on this thread. I was a complete fanboy for cannons.
    I was wrong.
    Until you can do powers like beam overload 1-3 and fire at will 1-3, with the benefit of target subsystem weapons 3 with cannons, beams are better. I 'll start off by saying that I crit for over 14,000 damage at least once for every enemy I attack. Sometimes over 16,000 damage, but no less than 14,000.

    I grinded a little more and got a fully Mk XI Borg weapon set (Disruptors). I changed out the Borg shield for the Maco Mk XI shield and it is omgwtfbbq sauce-tactic.

    I can sum up the experience by saying that I never got below 98% hull and got below 20% shield on purpose (to activate the auto regeneration capability of the 3 item set bonus of the Borg set). I killed his Klink character repeatedly and his fed characters were taking more damage than I was receiving.

    I then took this build into STF's and never died. I don't care what people say about using an emergency power to shields 1, I prefer emergency power to weapons 1. I'll explain why: when I use Target subsystems weapons, the skill's effects are based off of your current weapon power state. Furthermore, I've noticed that after a complete broadside of beams, the power comes back faster if the Boff power is activated.

    To reiterate my build: All Vice Admiral Engineer powers

    Defiant Retrofit (cloaks)
    Bow Weapons: 4x Disruptor Beam Arrays Mk XI (Borg)
    Aft Weapons: 3x Disruptor Beam Arrays Mk XI (Borg)
    Shield: M.A.C.O. Resilient Shield Array Mk XI
    Deflector: Assimilated Graviton Deflector Array
    Engine: Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines
    Tactical Consoles: 4x Disruptor Induction Coils Mk XI Rare (+26)
    Engineer Consoles: 2x Neutronium Alloy Mk XI Rare (+18), 1x Field Generator Mk XI Rare (+35%)
    Science Consoles: 1x Assimilated Module, 1x Cloaking Device

    Ensign Tactical: Beam Array Fire at Will I
    Lt. Commander Tactical: Tactical Team I, Beam Array: Fire at Will II, Target Weapons Subsystems III
    Commander Tactical: Tactical Team I, Beam Array: Overload II, Attack Pattern Beta, Attack Pattern Omega
    Lt. Engineering: Emergency Power to Weapons I, Reverse Shield Polarity I
    Lt. Science: Hazard Emitters I, Transfer Shield Strength II

    This build out damages and out heals other escorts - even ones with a full M.A.C.O. set. The three of four part set bonus (Autonomous Regeneration Sequencer and Multi-Regenerative Shield Array) cannot be over estimated.

    Oh, and for all of you E.C. grinders who do Starbase 24, you'll see me in there getting first place (and thus the purple gear) every single time with this build.

    So the secret's out. Try this out on tribble and if you got the money, on Holodeck. If you critique, I challenge you to try it out first before you autonomously naysay just because you think your build is better. I'm not trying to earn epeen, just give helpful insight to properly setting up an escort for STF's.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Pardigm wrote:
    So the secret's out. Try this out on tribble and if you got the money, on Holodeck. If you critique, I challenge you to try it out first before you autonomously naysay just because you think your build is better. I'm not trying to earn epeen, just give helpful insight to properly setting up an escort for STF's.

    1. You've got a nice little cruiser. But every Excelsior-R can easily outdamage you with 8 arrays, 2 * EPtW1, DEM etc.
    2. You use 4 BO skills that share the same cooldown. The Tac Ensign slot that has little to no use in your build, right? How often do you use BFaW1? I'd prefer the Fleet Escort with an Eng slot (i.e. EPtS1 or another EPtW1 if you like it so much).
    3. Every tried an EPS console instead of one of the armors? It really helps to increase your weapon weapon power by regenerating the power drain faster since your beams' cooldown will overlapse.
    4. SB24 is no real reference. ;)
    5. Do you play elite STFs? Guess not.
    6. Beam Escorts are superior in 1on1s since you fire on your target almost all the time while a cannon escort has problems to get you in the front arc. No doubt about it.. But it suffers against multiple opponents.
    How's your damage compared to someone with 2 DHC / 3 Turrets who cycles Rapid Fire or Scatter Volley 1 and 3, a DBB with two Beam Overload 3 and a Quantum launcher with Torpedo Spread 1 and 2? my guess is around 45-55%.
    7. I'd drop the cloaking device. How often do you actually use it in an STF?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I was a bit hesitant to try my standard hulltanker I have posted in the first page when I saw the new borg set tweaks, but in retrospect, I put on the deflector and shield (Will be switching to MACO when I can).. The shield proc is generally quite insane.
    P.S. why do people run neutroniums for their engineering slots? I would imagine that in the STFs you would want electroceramics for the high plasma resist? The neutroniums seem useful as a catch-all for general PvE, but if running an STF where you solely fight borg, don't you want as high of plasma resist as possible?

    To answer that, the consoles for resistances all have diminishing returns with the equations targeting 40% softcap. Stacking all of one console type usually gives less of an overall benefit over spreading things out. I'll admit that, yes, if you used three eletroceramic plates, you'd get somewhere in the margin of 43-45% plasma resist, but... And this is a big but.

    Using 1x Monotanium, 1x Neut, 1x Electro, and even before taking skills like Hull Reinforcement and Armour Plating into account, you can sit on 34-36% resists EACH (Plasma, Kinetic). Count the armour perks if you have them, and the skills, once they're all fixed, you can potentially sit on 40-45% Plasma, Kinetic with 25-27% in the unfocused damage types.

    Atleast, if you're a pure armour tank like some of us.
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