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The STF Escort Build Thread



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Vizmu, care to post your full layout, and maybe even your skills? I'm pushing ~7k full buffs with MK XII AP DHC's.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    Your link goes to super redbellies feeding.

    Yes, it does.

    It was a joke. ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Malakite wrote: »
    Vizmu, care to post your full layout, and maybe even your skills? I'm pushing ~7k full buffs with MK XII AP DHC's.

    I'd be curious to see that as well. I could see 8k DPS with four cannons, but not sure how to get more.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    What ship are you using? I've toyed with the idea of a cannon boat. I tried it for a short while. But, I'm in a Defiant-R. If I don't have a torpedo launcher I've got a tac ensign sitting on his hands.
    For my tactical toons - fed side I run the defiant r, klink side I fly a bop.
    I've yet to find anything to put in that defiant ensign slot lol. Franky I think it should be a universal slot...
    Malakite wrote: »
    Vizmu, care to post your full layout, and maybe even your skills? I'm pushing ~7k full buffs with MK XII AP DHC's.
    There's nothing all that special about my setup. And I often swap BO's depending on who joins the pug elite stf.
    Since I also pvp my setup is for single target damage. I run 0 aoe skills. Plus I'm never able to play during prime time. So the queue's are small and I'm lucky to get 1 additional dps'er with a decent build. Eg. I pull absurd agro with csv.

    My ideal max distance is 3km.
    4x Antiproton dual heavy cannons [CrtD]x2 [Dmg]
    All Antiproton turrets, either [Borg]/stf or [CrtH]x2 [Dmg]/pvp
    All +26 Tactical Antiproton mag regulators
    Universal assimilated module

    If I need to help others with dps I run something similar to this:
    Commander Tactical station: Tactical team 1, Attack pattern delta 1, Rapid fire 2, Rapid fire 3
    LT Commander Tac Station: Tactical team 1, Attack pattern delta 1, Attack pattern Beta 2

    With omega:
    Commander Tactical station: Tactical team 1, Attack pattern delta 1, Rapid fire 2, Omega 3
    LT Commander Tac Station: Tactical team 1, Attack pattern delta 1, Rapid fire 2
    Tbh I rarely run omega anymore. Rapid 3 has half the cool down and offers +50% damage.
    I find debuffing far more helpful when grouped with fairly low dps beam boats.

    STF Skills, I kinda blew thru this. Sorry If I missed something lol...
    The above build gives me more than 125 weapons power. Since they patched the "buffer" I take that additional power and toss it over to shields.
    Higher shield power = more shield resists. So when needed stacking those resists with epts, tss, distro shields and a tac team = :cool:

    My bop setup is a bit different due to the universal bo layout and having only 4 bo's total.
    And when not running stf's I spec into threat control for the damage resistance buff.

    As for crits the Antiproton dual heavy cannons [CrtD]x2 [Dmg] = +70% crit severity by default.
    Alpha 3 = + 50% crit severity, +50% damage, +5% crit chance.
    Skill - Energy weapon specialization adds to crit and crit severity - When looking at Ship Status/Attack the default crit severity reads +50.0%.
    The Universal assimilated module @ +9.2% Critical Severity brings this default from 50% up to 59.1%.
    When hitting alpha the default goes from 59.1 to 108.8% crit severity. So stacking alpha plus the default severity seemingly looses almost nothing, or very very little.
    Stack that 108% with the [CrtD]x2 +70% while hitting a debuffed target and you're looking as some big crit numbers.

    In Ship Status/Attack the numbers aren't affected by the +70% received from the [CrtD]x2 AP DHC's because its a per weapon only buff.
    Rapid 3 = +50% damage but drops crit severity down to +60% when highlighting a DHC on the toolbar.
    But alternating between rapid 3 @+50% dmg and Rapid 2 @+40% dmg every 15 seconds is well worth -10% crit severity.

    For my single target alpha strike I stack all below:
    Alpha 3, Tactical Fleet 2, Go down Fighting, Rapid fire 3, Tactical team 1.
    Once the target shoots at me I hit Beta 2 or delta 1. If its a priority target I'll toss on fire on my mark as well.

    As I said this build is nothing special and is all single target based.
    But when firing from close range 3km or less +debuffing the target +stacking tactical buffs +[Crtd]x2 I get insane hull hits and crazy crits.

    I know many here are hooked on CSV and torps, that's fine. I have nothing against torps, they just don't fit my playstyle.
    Due to my work schedule severely limiting the time of day I'm able to play I'm often the only dps'er. Thus in elite pugs if I open up with a buffed CSV I pull more agro than I can deal with. -Which quickly becomes counter productive.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    So with the advent of the Jem'hadar Bridge officer being available with Torpedo Spread 3 (which you can get two copies of by replaying twice, using the first Jem'hadar to train a BO with Torp Spread 3, then keeping the second Jem'Hadar for your crew), I decided to try running a new BO layout:

    Cmdr Tac BO: Tac Team 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp Spread 3, Beta 3
    Lt. Cmdr Tac: Tac Team 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp Spread 3

    I tested it out a bit last night, and I do like the huge hits from Spread 3 and torps flying everywhere :D

    I'm contemplating testing a new Forward weapon layout with this, one that I used to run albiet updated:

    Forward Weapons: Quad Canons, Dual Phaser Canons MK XII (NOT HEAVY!), 2x Quantum Torpedo MK XII
    Rear Weapons: 3x Phaser Turrets MK XII

    I used to run setup (albeit with MK XI equipment and not the quad cannons but two normal dual canons) back when torpedos had a shared global cooldown of 3 seconds and Dual Canons also had a shared cooldown meaning you couldn't run more than two Dual Normals without causing firing issues. It used to work well because of the cooldown timing, keeping the canons and torpedos firing in a constant stream which kept shields down and kept you hitting the hull with High Yield Torpedos for HUGE critical hits.

    I'm going to test it a little today, but I don't have the Prototype salvage yet for another Quantum and Dual Canon, but I'll try it with MK XI equivalents.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    So with the advent of the Jem'hadar Bridge officer being available with Torpedo Spread 3 (which you can get two copies of by replaying twice, using the first Jem'hadar to train a BO with Torp Spread 3, then keeping the second Jem'Hadar for your crew), I decided to try running a new BO layout:

    Cmdr Tac BO: Tac Team 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp Spread 3, Beta 3
    Lt. Cmdr Tac: Tac Team 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp Spread 3

    I tested it out a bit last night, and I do like the huge hits from Spread 3 and torps flying everywhere :D

    I'm contemplating testing a new Forward weapon layout with this, one that I used to run albiet updated:

    Forward Weapons: Quad Canons, Dual Phaser Canons MK XII (NOT HEAVY!), 2x Quantum Torpedo MK XII
    Rear Weapons: 3x Phaser Turrets MK XII

    I used to run setup (albeit with MK XI equipment and not the quad cannons but two normal dual canons) back when torpedos had a shared global cooldown of 3 seconds and Dual Canons also had a shared cooldown meaning you couldn't run more than two Dual Normals without causing firing issues. It used to work well because of the cooldown timing, keeping the canons and torpedos firing in a constant stream which kept shields down and kept you hitting the hull with High Yield Torpedos for HUGE critical hits.

    I'm going to test it a little today, but I don't have the Prototype salvage yet for another Quantum and Dual Canon, but I'll try it with MK XI equivalents.

    I am very curious to see how this turns out. I noticed though that you said "NOT HEAVY." Is there a reason not to use DHCs? I thought they had the most DPS or do the dual cannons have a higher firing rate= more DPS?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    Forward Weapons: Quad Canons, Dual Phaser Canons MK XII (NOT HEAVY!), 2x Quantum Torpedo MK XII
    Rear Weapons: 3x Phaser Turrets MK XII

    I'm going to test it a little today, but I don't have the Prototype salvage yet for another Quantum and Dual Canon, but I'll try it with MK XI equivalents.
    Alright, this test was a TOTAL FAILURE.

    Well not total, its still more effective than a TRIBBLE mixed beam setup that people use, but the fact that the Dual Normal Cannons fire simultaneously and the 2x Quantums fire one right after the other makes this setup just not work like it used to. Damage is WAY down compared to 3x Heavy Canons, 1x Quantum.

    Cmdr Tac BO: Tac Team 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp Spread 3, Beta 3
    Lt. Cmdr Tac: Tac Team 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp Spread 3
    Is a VERY successful Bridge Officer layout!

    Torpedo Spread 3 is damn powerful and very much worth using. If you don't like to use TWO torpedo skills, you can swap out one for Omega 1 instead (which is required with the Defiant Refit anyway, and use a second Torpedo Spread 1 skill).

    I find that Torp Spread 3 does significantly more damage to targets, and how it hits even more targets is especially useful at times. I would recommend swapping out Scatter Volley 2 and Torp Spread 2 for Scatter Volley 1 and Torp Spread 3 for sure.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    How can an engineer get APB 3? Are there any BOFFs on the exchange that would have it?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    I find that Torp Spread 3 does significantly more damage to targets, and how it hits even more targets is especially useful at times. I would recommend swapping out Scatter Volley 2 and Torp Spread 2 for Scatter Volley 1 and Torp Spread 3 for sure.

    I've been looking for TS3. Any idea which BO's will have it?


    Never mind, found one. It was an Alien Tactical in Very rare.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    I've been looking for TS3. Any idea which BO's will have it?

    The reward BOFF for the latest FE mission has it.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    How can an engineer get APB 3? Are there any BOFFs on the exchange that would have it?
    Trainable only. If you can figure it out, you can trade with a fleetmate and have them train it for you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    The reward BOFF for the latest FE mission has it.

    Ya, I found one just before the server went down. It only cost me 1.3 million.

    All I can say so far with the TS3 added in is 'Holy Cow!'

    I'm running for my Commander Tactical Slot; TS1, CSV1, TS3, SCV3

    I ran one Cure Normal with 3 Fail Boats with Tecnicolor Rainbow Beams and one normal Cruiser. I watched the nodes just disolve before me. The Fail Boats were doing what they do best, nothing. The other Cruiser was keeping the Kang safe. But we finished with 7 minutes to spare.

    I'm pleased.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    Ya, I found one just before the server went down. It only cost me 1.3 million.
    Why the heck would you pay for it when you can replay (mission takes less than 15 minutes) it and get it for free??

    And you can replay it once, train someone with the officer, then replay again and actually keep the jem'hadar BO for your crew.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I realize you can't say for sure yet, but I was wondering if you had noticed that the two piece Jehm'hedar set bonus gives 4.5% bonus damage to polarion weapons. I realize that the three piece Borg set is probably better, but do you think it possible that a Jehm'hedar setup would be viable.

    I personally hit 50 just yesterday and it seems to be working well enough in normal STFs while I get the chips for Borg stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Found some help in zone chat and got myself a BOFF Candidate with CSV3. Did the FE mission and got TS3. Now it's time to see how my Defiant-R handles now. :cool:

    edited to add
    okay here's what I got
    Cmdr Tac TT1, CSV1, TS3, CSV3
    LCmdr Tac TT1, CSV1, APB2
    Ens Tac TS1

    I don't have numbers, but I did a Cure Space Normal run. I guarded the Kang and didn't break a sweat with anything headed my way.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    kostamojen wrote: »
    Why the heck would you pay for it when you can replay (mission takes less than 15 minutes) it and get it for free??

    And you can replay it once, train someone with the officer, then replay again and actually keep the jem'hadar BO for your crew.

    Because I didn't know it was free snd I have millions to spare.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    Because I didn't know it was free snd I have millions to spare.

    LMAO. Well now you know.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    LMAO. Well now you know.

    Yea, I'll have to fo do that mission some time this week.

    Been too busy trying to get my XII weapons.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    How can an engineer get APB 3? Are there any BOFFs on the exchange that would have it?

    If you can figure out how to do it I can send you a BO with APB3.


    He's as busy playing with the TS3 as I am. Cool Stuff there. LOL
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    If you can figure out how to do it I can send you a BO with APB3.

    Thanks, emailed in-game. Thought I'd post it here too. You can't actually send a BOFF, but you can send a BOFF candidate. Otherwise you have to trade to train someone else's BOFFs.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    This thread has been great.
    I noticed a massive improvement to my performance and DPS and that is without crunching numbers.

    Great work, this should be a sticky I think
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Here is a quote from the STO Skill Planner Suggestions section.

    http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/ (for those who don't know about it.)

    "Rule of One - The most important thing to do is stick to one ship, energy weapon type, and projectile weapon type."

    Those Technicolor/Rainbow weapons are a big time pet peave with me. They totally trash the potential DPS of a ship. It's been explained over and over and over again why Rainbows are bad yet people still do it.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »

    True, but it looks cool though :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Malakite wrote: »
    For STF, you don't want Reverse Shield Polarity?

    That's a pretty good emergency skill.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    sirjoost wrote:
    True, but it looks cool though :)

    I just lost a cure normal. I was trying out my Advanced Cruiser Retrofit again using information I learned here in this thread and all Borg cannons/torps/turrets. It worked well but I was stuck with 4 Rainbow/Technicolor Fail Boats. The Kang died before the first cube went and not having my Escort I could'nt help in time. All 4 Fail Boats were trying to kill the raptors with little if any luck. The Kang blew before I could get there and try to heal it. None of the Fail Boats were using heals.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bringram wrote: »
    Found some help in zone chat and got myself a BOFF Candidate with CSV3. Did the FE mission and got TS3. Now it's time to see how my Defiant-R handles now. :cool:

    edited to add
    okay here's what I got
    Cmdr Tac TT1, CSV1, TS3, CSV3
    LCmdr Tac TT1, CSV1, APB2
    Ens Tac TS1

    I don't have numbers, but I did a Cure Space Normal run. I guarded the Kang and didn't break a sweat with anything headed my way.

    So my question is why do you have 3 copies of CSV? You should only need 2 to be able to cycle it. Maybe drop one, get APO1 (for a tractor beam counter) and drop APB2 to APB1?
    Jake81499 wrote:
    I just lost a cure normal. I was trying out my Advanced Cruiser Retrofit again using information I learned here in this thread and all Borg cannons/torps/turrets. It worked well but I was stuck with 4 Rainbow/Technicolor Fail Boats. The Kang died before the first cube went and not having my Escort I could'nt help in time. All 4 Fail Boats were trying to kill the raptors with little if any luck. The Kang blew before I could get there and try to heal it. None of the Fail Boats were using heals.
    I'm not sure I understand, if you didn't even down the first cube how were there "Raptors"? In normal cure, you should be running against BoPs and only have max 2 raptors spawn from destroying probes.... And if the Kang died, what were you doing the while its hp dropped? I have a hard time believing even an unoptimized group of cruisers could fail to kill the BoPs that spawn before one of the cubes dies, unless they were essentially ignoring them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Prof.Gast wrote:
    So my question is why do you have 3 copies of CSV? You should only need 2 to be able to cycle it. Maybe drop one, get APO1 (for a tractor beam counter) and drop APB2 to APB1?

    I'm not sure I understand, if you didn't even down the first cube how were there "Raptors"? In normal cure, you should be running against BoPs and only have max 2 raptors spawn from destroying probes.... And if the Kang died, what were you doing the while its hp dropped? I have a hard time believing even an unoptimized group of cruisers could fail to kill the BoPs that spawn before one of the cubes dies, unless they were essentially ignoring them.

    Raptors is a figure of speech. Would ENEMY SHIPS suit you better? And it was a very much less optimized group. I was trying to kill the first cube while the 4 fail boats were trying to do whatever they were doing at the Kang. All 4 could not kill the 6 ENEMY SHIPS at the Kang. By the time I saw what was happening it was too late. You can believe what you want but those Rainbow Weapons suck and that's being kind. I've seen more than one Cure, Infected and Kitomer where one Fail Boat with Rainbow weapons spent several minutes trying to kill one ENEMY SHIP.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    OK, I'm going insane thinking about my skills. I'm sure that I read somewhere that taking them all to 9 was a waste, and to set them all to 6. However, now I can't find where I read that and I'm seeing more people posting that you *should* take them to 9.

    I run alot of STF's but only Infected on Elite since it seems to be the easiest one for PUG's. Below is my ship layout and my build. The ship is a hybrid layout of the suggested stuff in the front of the thread. I seriously doubt I will change much if anything there. My main area I'd like advice on is the skills setup. The only *real* issue I have is long term survivability. I can cut through stuff no problem, but often find myself tanking for a long period of time and I just get worn down over time.

    Any help would be great!

    Advanced Escort - Everything is Rare or Very Rare

    Forward Weapons: 3x Antiproton Beam Array MK XII, 1x Quantum Torpedo MK XII
    Rear Weapons: 2x Antiproton Beam Array MK XII, 1x Quantum Torpedo MK XII

    Engineering Consoles: EPS console XI, Neutronium Alloy XI
    Science Consoles: Biofunction Monitor XI, Field Generator XI, Shield Emitter Amplifier XI
    Tactical Consoles: 3x Antiproton Mag Regulator XI, 1x Zero Point Quantum Chamber XI

    Devices: Subspace Field Modulator, Shield Battery

    Bridge Officer Skills:

    Commander Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Torpedo Spread 2, Fire at Will 3, Attack pattern Omega 3
    Lt. Commander Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Torpedo Spread 2, Fire at Will 3
    Lt. Science: Transfer Shield Strength 1, Hazard Emitters 2
    Lt. Engineering: Emergency Power to Shields 1, Reverse Shield Polarity 1
    Ensign Science: Tractor Beam

    My Skills - http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=TZBuild_0

    Pesonally, I think my damage is great and I have no issues with it. I have 125 weapon power and never have to wait for recharge/reload. I know I read somwhere that you only need 6 in weapon power to be at 125. Although I'm sure I'm missing out on something, somewhere. Since I'd have to buy a respec, I want to make sure I get it right the first time.

    I want to live longer!

    Or just die less in prolonged fights.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    "Rule of One - The most important thing to do is stick to one ship, energy weapon type, and projectile weapon type."
    Thats pre-Season 5 information actually, before they changed the Skill tree.

    You can use whatever ship you want now with no downsides.
    Energy weapon type, yes it is important to run ONE energy weapon type with the corresponding consoles.
    Torpedos are also important to use the correct console type with the torpedo you choose.

    The point of that rule was that you had to put SKILL POINTS into those specific ships/energy weapons/torpedos, which if you did not use those ones you put skill points into your damage was handicapped badly. Thats not the case anymore, its more dependent on the consoles now.
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