Whilst you're checking the Lethean Boff's.. can you do a sweep on the Klink Boff's in general.. because in the last week I've seen 2 x Human (Sci, Tact, and Eng), and numerous Alien Boff's for KDF, but I'm yet to see a normal Klink Boff assignment.. It's normally Aliens only as far as the KDF are concerned.
Is your Exploration Tier higher than your Engineering, Military or Science, perhaps?
Is your Exploration Tier higher than your Engineering, Military or Science, perhaps?
Just checked my main Klink toon and no, my Exploration is the lower than my Military and Engineering, but not my science
I was actually basing my comment on the Doff Jobs Spreadsheet.. I don't think I've even seen one Klingon Boff assignment listed.. Aliens there's loads.. Couple of Nausican's, Couple of Gorn.. Klinks.. = zip.
Just checked my main Klink toon and no, my Exploration is the lower than my Military and Engineering, but not my science
I was actually basing my comment on the Doff Jobs Spreadsheet.. I don't think I've even seen one Klingon Boff assignment listed.. Aliens there's loads.. Couple of Nausican's, Couple of Gorn.. Klinks.. = zip.
I checked the assignments this morning, and at least one a quick look couldn't see any obvious reason why Klingon bridge officer assignments would be any rarer than Aliens; they have the same rarity. I will continue to look and see if there is anything else that might cause this.
One possibility is that Alien is Exploration, so usually in starclusters, and since the Colonial chains are where most people who are very deep into the duty officer system are focusing on, it may simply be better reported there for that reason.
So there has been a few off the Doff missions where i recieve a reward that is a variant of prototype plans. I havent found anywhere on the forums or the stowiki with information on what to do with these items. I figured since it was a reward from a doff mission this would be the best place to ask. Hope i can get some positive feed back on this issue.
So there has been a few off the Doff missions where i recieve a reward that is a variant of prototype plans. I havent found anywhere on the forums or the stowiki with information on what to do with these items. I figured since it was a reward from a doff mission this would be the best place to ask. Hope i can get some positive feed back on this issue.
There is a Shipboard assignment that will allow you to assemble it into a functional consumable.
So there has been a few off the Doff missions where i recieve a reward that is a variant of prototype plans. I havent found anywhere on the forums or the stowiki with information on what to do with these items. I figured since it was a reward from a doff mission this would be the best place to ask. Hope i can get some positive feed back on this issue.
Put it in your bank. If you get the shipboard DOff mission to craft the item from it, you can use the mats (including the schematic) from your bank.
Uum, sorry for being a noob, but how do I join a custom channel, like doffjobs?
I picked up the very rare Saurian Cultural exchange earlier tonight and wanted to tell people, but didn't find out how to join the channel.
Edit, and since I'm asking stupid questions, I'll ask the other one that really puzzles me. The buffs you can get from doing some ship board missions, how do they work? Are they permanent, time limited, do we see the the buff anywhere, like you do when you use a Boff buff on your ship?
I think I've critted at least one mission like it, but I have no clue where the effect went, and how long it lasted.
Uum, sorry for being a noob, but how do I join a custom channel, like doffjobs?
I picked up the very rare Saurian Cultural exchange earlier tonight and wanted to tell people, but didn't find out how to join the channel.
Right click on your chat window
Go to the Tab Channels
Enter the name of the channel (In this case Doffjobs) and press join
Edit, and since I'm asking stupid questions, I'll ask the other one that really puzzles me. The buffs you can get from doing some ship board missions, how do they work? Are they permanent, time limited, do we see the the buff anywhere, like you do when you use a Boff buff on your ship?
I think I've critted at least one mission like it, but I have no clue where the effect went, and how long it lasted.
They are time limited. 2 hours I think (correct me if I'm wrong). You can see their buff icon like any other above your shield/hull indicator.
I picked up a duty officer from an cadre assignment whose portrait is outlined in red: Nitiani Ghosen. I can't seem to find out why she's like that.
She's Cardassian, an astrometrics scientist: eidetic memory, emotional, resolve.
Has anyone run across another red bordered duty officer or know why they're different?
ETA: This is on a Federation character, if that's important.
ETA 2: She does NOT show up in my list when I start an assignment either. I have one right now that needs an astrometrics scientist and I can't get her to show up.
I picked up a duty officer from an cadre assignment whose portrait is outlined in red: Nitiani Ghosen. I can't seem to find out why she's like that.
You got a klingon Doff (Klingon faction not klingon race to prevent a misunderstanding). It is a known bug but you can send the Doff to a klingon character or just sell him on the exchange.
You got a klingon Doff (Klingon faction not klingon race to prevent a misunderstanding). It is a known bug but you can send the Doff to a klingon character or just sell him on the exchange.
Wow, that's a lovely bug. Get a DO out of an assignment and you can't even use them, LOL! At least it was just a common DO and not rare or VR. I'd have been unhappy then.
Excelent guide. I already knewd some basics like recruiting DOffs from SFA, buying from Lt. Ferra etc. But I didn't knew about the asylums and some more rare DOffs. However I have some questions yet: is there a list of what are the best traits for each specialization? Basically, how to recognize a DOff with good traits? And lastly: is there anyway to obtain the DOffs with the new traits (resolve etc) without purchasing packs from C-Store or buying it on exchange?
Although it's not worth making a new thread over, I'd like to say that I love the fact that you can "trade in" Doffs at SFA to get a higher quality Doff. I've only just found out that you can do that, and I had far too many whites and greens, so being able to trade 5 whites for a green, or 5 greens for a blue, etc, is great. I can finally get my crew in order.
Qo'noS First City, Klingon Academy, Ganalda Station: General recruitment
Omega Leonis: Anything other than basic "Klingon Recruitment"
Eta Eridani: Gorn, Nausicaan, Lethean
Pi Canis: Nausicaan
Regulus: Orion
Sirius: Orion
Gamma Orionis: Gorn
where can I find [*]Lethean Imperial Recruitment? The npc isn't in klingon academy where I found the orion, gorn, and nausicaan. And where are those second recruitment npcs for the orion, gorn, and nausicaan?
where can I find [*]Lethean Imperial Recruitment? The npc isn't in klingon academy where I found the orion, gorn, and nausicaan. And where are those second recruitment npcs for the orion, gorn, and nausicaan?
Thanks in advance!
There isn't a Lethean NPC at the academy. I don't know what happened to the other racial recruitment assignments since they got moved to NPCs at the academy. They may not exist at all any more. I thought I had seen some once in Klingon sector space, but I haven't been able to find them again. It seems like most of these are now only available at the NPCs, and those are always available. The rarities of these assignments have also changed.
The Gamma Quadrant DOff expansion kind of overwhelmed me, and I'm lacking information to bring the guide up to date. I'm working on a solution to that, but it'll be a few days at least before I'm ready to discuss it.
Edit: Heretic answers your question here. Summary, all the recruitment missions besides asylums that weren't moved to academy NPCs were removed entirely.
Excelent guide. I already knewd some basics like recruiting DOffs from SFA, buying from Lt. Ferra etc. But I didn't knew about the asylums and some more rare DOffs. However I have some questions yet: is there a list of what are the best traits for each specialization? Basically, how to recognize a DOff with good traits? And lastly: is there anyway to obtain the DOffs with the new traits (resolve etc) without purchasing packs from C-Store or buying it on exchange?
There aren't really "best traits" because different traits are good or bad for different assignments. If you find you're running a certain assignment every time it's up, then you might want to get some DOffs specifically for that assignment. Otherwise, I just take what I can get.
You can get the new "Gamma Quadrant Expansion" DOffs from several of the new chains, which you can read about here. Specifically, the repeatables unlocked by Consular Authority, Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar, and Project Chrysalis.
There isn't a Lethean NPC at the academy. I don't know what happened to the other racial recruitment assignments since they got moved to NPCs at the academy. They may not exist at all any more. I thought I had seen some once in Klingon sector space, but I haven't been able to find them again. It seems like most of these are now only available at the NPCs, and those are always available. The rarities of these assignments have also changed.
The Gamma Quadrant DOff expansion kind of overwhelmed me, and I'm lacking information to bring the guide up to date. I'm working on a solution to that, but it'll be a few days at least before I'm ready to discuss it.
Edit: Heretic answers your question here. Summary, all the recruitment missions besides asylums that weren't moved to academy NPCs were removed entirely.
That's not entirely correct. For KDF, a recruitment assignment for each species still exists, and can be randomly found in the personal section in various sectors - this is to even out the cultural exchanges that Fed gets (which can also be found under personal randomly, and are also sector-restricted). What was removed were the tactical/engineering/etc recruitments
Concerning the "Support Colonization" missions, am I correct that you don't need to do the chain again in order for these to show up? If someone can confirm for me I'd appreciate it.
Support Colonization/Expansion Efforts is a repeatable assignment unlocked by completing the Colonization chain. Chain assignments themselves are not repeatable.
Gravimetric Scientist: Eidetic Memory, Resilient, Telepathic, Unruly.
Image is the standard Reman picture, quoting "Embrace the death that lies within the darkness".
Is your Exploration Tier higher than your Engineering, Military or Science, perhaps?
Just checked my main Klink toon and no, my Exploration is the lower than my Military and Engineering, but not my science
I was actually basing my comment on the Doff Jobs Spreadsheet.. I don't think I've even seen one Klingon Boff assignment listed.. Aliens there's loads.. Couple of Nausican's, Couple of Gorn.. Klinks.. = zip.
I checked the assignments this morning, and at least one a quick look couldn't see any obvious reason why Klingon bridge officer assignments would be any rarer than Aliens; they have the same rarity. I will continue to look and see if there is anything else that might cause this.
One possibility is that Alien is Exploration, so usually in starclusters, and since the Colonial chains are where most people who are very deep into the duty officer system are focusing on, it may simply be better reported there for that reason.
There is a Shipboard assignment that will allow you to assemble it into a functional consumable.
Put it in your bank. If you get the shipboard DOff mission to craft the item from it, you can use the mats (including the schematic) from your bank.
I picked up the very rare Saurian Cultural exchange earlier tonight and wanted to tell people, but didn't find out how to join the channel.
Edit, and since I'm asking stupid questions, I'll ask the other one that really puzzles me. The buffs you can get from doing some ship board missions, how do they work? Are they permanent, time limited, do we see the the buff anywhere, like you do when you use a Boff buff on your ship?
I think I've critted at least one mission like it, but I have no clue where the effect went, and how long it lasted.
Right click on your chat window
Go to the Tab Channels
Enter the name of the channel (In this case Doffjobs) and press join
They are time limited. 2 hours I think (correct me if I'm wrong). You can see their buff icon like any other above your shield/hull indicator.
She's Cardassian, an astrometrics scientist: eidetic memory, emotional, resolve.
Has anyone run across another red bordered duty officer or know why they're different?
ETA: This is on a Federation character, if that's important.
ETA 2: She does NOT show up in my list when I start an assignment either. I have one right now that needs an astrometrics scientist and I can't get her to show up.
You got a klingon Doff (Klingon faction not klingon race to prevent a misunderstanding). It is a known bug but you can send the Doff to a klingon character or just sell him on the exchange.
Thank you for the clarification on it
(yes I have him on one of my char's but have no clue of where I got him.)
Bad Link
Name: Tosk
Species: Tosk
Gender: Male
Rank: Chief Petty Officer
Dept: Operations
Spec: Explosives Expert - Ground
Traits: Honorable, Logical, Resilient and Shroud
where can I find [*]Lethean Imperial Recruitment? The npc isn't in klingon academy where I found the orion, gorn, and nausicaan. And where are those second recruitment npcs for the orion, gorn, and nausicaan?
Thanks in advance!
There isn't a Lethean NPC at the academy. I don't know what happened to the other racial recruitment assignments since they got moved to NPCs at the academy. They may not exist at all any more. I thought I had seen some once in Klingon sector space, but I haven't been able to find them again. It seems like most of these are now only available at the NPCs, and those are always available. The rarities of these assignments have also changed.
The Gamma Quadrant DOff expansion kind of overwhelmed me, and I'm lacking information to bring the guide up to date. I'm working on a solution to that, but it'll be a few days at least before I'm ready to discuss it.
Edit: Heretic answers your question here. Summary, all the recruitment missions besides asylums that weren't moved to academy NPCs were removed entirely.
There aren't really "best traits" because different traits are good or bad for different assignments. If you find you're running a certain assignment every time it's up, then you might want to get some DOffs specifically for that assignment. Otherwise, I just take what I can get.
You can get the new "Gamma Quadrant Expansion" DOffs from several of the new chains, which you can read about here. Specifically, the repeatables unlocked by Consular Authority, Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar, and Project Chrysalis.
That's not entirely correct. For KDF, a recruitment assignment for each species still exists, and can be randomly found in the personal section in various sectors - this is to even out the cultural exchanges that Fed gets (which can also be found under personal randomly, and are also sector-restricted). What was removed were the tactical/engineering/etc recruitments