We'll see how long it takes for me to regret posting an actual time...I'll say 7:31 pacific if the shard isn't up.
Heh.... don't regret it yet... you're still our hero (well, one of them anyway)
if it isn't up.... just say that someone forgot to calibrate the dilithium matrix before firing things up and instead of letting it crash and burn everything, they ejected the server
And that's fair enough. Yes, it's a test server, but it's also (at least, I think so), a good idea to nip this in the bud now, and to see what caused the problem, so the same thing doesn't happen on holodeck.
Is it vitally important? No, but after promising that they would lower the prices (and they did, all credit to them), they're not going to be able to get feedback on them when nobody can afford anything yet lol.
And in all honesty, i spent time and effort earning it, and they were good enough to decide that they should rectify the situation. I'm not going to complain about it, am i.
And i don't believe it's the only one of significance. A very significant, if not the most significant, sure, but not the sole one, imo.
Shh! You know what happens when you ask!
I may not have been clear. My concern wasn't spending time on fixing the conversion error on an on going basis, but instead worrying about spending time replacing lost dilithium on a beta server character.
I may not have been clear. My concern wasn't spending time on fixing the conversion error on an on going basis, but instead worrying about spending time replacing lost dilithium on a beta server character.
because it's not a live character and such, right?
I didn't see anything about fixing Crafting in this patch so we can make Even Mk items again.
If that is not addressed then it's clearly another trick to get players to buy items from Dilithium Stores, and thus more likely to buy C-Points to Trade for Dilithium. A hurdle that no subscriber should have to go through.
clearly (rolls eyes)
Some people are far too hostile. The game needs to make money somehow. I don't think Cryptic is using any "tricks" here. everyone who buys c-points knows why they are, and the more people who buy c-points the better. The more revinue STO makes the more Cryptic and PW will be willing to invest in it.
If it's 40 min, that would be central time.... isn't Cryptic in Pacific time?
if so, 7:30 is in 2 hours and 40 min.
Oops, I may have misinterpreted Salami's post. I thought he was being sarcastic and changed his time definition to say Pacific time instead in case he was wrong; which would gain him two more hours of time to cover his estimate.
I didn't see anything about fixing Crafting in this patch so we can make Even Mk items again.
If that is not addressed then it's clearly another trick to get players to buy items from Dilithium Stores, and thus more likely to buy C-Points to Trade for Dilithium. A hurdle that no subscriber should have to go through.
I thought the new Executive Producer said the crafting changes weren't due till next Thursday?
Not me. Jcase, Justin Case (and derivations of same) is a common handle as is Scot Free and other, less savory flavors, all intended to be tongue-in-cheek. I was lucky to grab that.
Looks great! Thanks for listening to us. I also love this, just because I hate bottom-feeders with no manners who think they are so much more clever than everyone else:
Starfleet Academy Event
Players can no longer use other players particle puzzle once when it spawns. (cheaters)
Players killing other players holo-klingons will get no loot. The loot now always goes to the player that spawned the enemy no matter who kills it.
Fixed particles that always procced puzzles, now they are all random.
Event Timers on the map have been removed since they were only accurate on the first instance the event started in.
The Starfleet Cash Grab will be so much more fun now!
p.s. "Did I miss the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?!"
We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.
Any ship that has a special power will have that power adjusted to a console, and that ship will be given an extra console slot to accommodate it.
Does this mean i can finally use "Ablative Armor" with my Nebula class(best ship ever) or my Tachyon detection grid with my Intrepid class.
*Gold members will get a free ship token at every level except for VA.
*Silver members will get a free ship token at every level through Commander, a discount on their ships at Captain and Rear Admiral, and no token at VA.
*New Klingons now start at level 21 instead of 17.
*The following ships are now available in the C-Store: Galaxy Retrofit, Intrepid Retrofit, T3 Nebula, and the T5 Nebula.[/LIST]
Honestly, I think I can live with this. VA still might need a discount or something, but I'd like to see the current VA ships moved to RA-U, and a full Tier 6 added for VA (Odyssey, new Escort, new Sci).
Not sure where i heard but i think T6 will be made when level cap rises again.
3. Science ships ALL have a special power, Subsstem targeting.
3a. Dumb question: Are you making Subsystem targeting a console and giving all the Sci ships an extra console slot?
Heh.... don't regret it yet... you're still our hero
if it isn't up.... just say that someone forgot to calibrate the dilithium matrix before firing things up and instead of letting it crash and burn everything, they ejected the server
Roughly 2.5 hours from the time of this post
And if things run a little late, I think most of us will understand Salami. I appreciate the ETA.
Now to go grab a 2.5 hour Power Nap !
I may not have been clear. My concern wasn't spending time on fixing the conversion error on an on going basis, but instead worrying about spending time replacing lost dilithium on a beta server character.
because it's not a live character and such, right?
clearly (rolls eyes)
Some people are far too hostile. The game needs to make money somehow. I don't think Cryptic is using any "tricks" here. everyone who buys c-points knows why they are, and the more people who buy c-points the better. The more revinue STO makes the more Cryptic and PW will be willing to invest in it.
Thats Awesome!
Oops, I may have misinterpreted Salami's post. I thought he was being sarcastic and changed his time definition to say Pacific time instead in case he was wrong; which would gain him two more hours of time to cover his estimate.
Big Bang Theory is on CBS with Wil Wheaton and Brent Spiner this week.
I thought the new Executive Producer said the crafting changes weren't due till next Thursday?
Not me. Jcase, Justin Case (and derivations of same) is a common handle as is Scot Free and other, less savory flavors, all intended to be tongue-in-cheek. I was lucky to grab that.
If you're already saying that, then chances are you already regret it in some form
Wait, Salami's proccing HIMSELF now? That ain't fair!
Ding Ding! We have our winner!
What? Why would they do that?
Another mixup? But is Tribble even up yet (haven't checked personally, too afraid now)?
Nm, I figured it out.
... You logged on to Holodeck, didn't you?
The shards available from the launcher, but it's still under maintenance.
Either that or Redshirt.
and they said it likely will be..until 7:30 pacific time
Yes. Correct. Si. Hai. Oui. Ja. Jes. SIm. Etc, Etc.
The Starfleet Cash Grab will be so much more fun now!
p.s. "Did I miss the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?!"
Well, I guess I'm waiting 'til 10:30 then (stupid Ohio).
Ahh I missed that. Thanks.
No I didn't log onto Holodeck.....It was Red Shirt.
Give me a break, I just woke up.
Good good!
Not sure where i heard but i think T6 will be made when level cap rises again.
Ya a F2P player shouldnt be able to pay for 1 month get a VA ship and then never sub again.
i am so for this.
No, it just means you can sacrifice your ability for a new console slot.
You can't put them on any other ship.
Are the Venture and Thunderchild going to be up on this Tribble build too? *crosses fingers*