So what , One Kirk like Officer is only spawned once every couple hundred years then I take it.
Becuase Picard, Janeway,Sisko even Archer where certainly good at there jobs and a credit to star fleet, but still not of that caliber to be sitting around in comfy enviroments, eating fine foods and macking on all the women like the Kirk.
He's the only Captain to have a racial hatred from us
Even all the clones I see while traveling in sector space fall short of the one and only Kirk.
So I can safetly say the Empire is hardly worried.
Coverage of those officers was because of the "Anit-Mack" Federation Press, they say the "pimp-daddiness" of Kirk is bad for the rep' of the Federation. Thats why they kept Riker down (he macked anything in site). Oh.... were there....... were sooooooooo there
Coverage of those officers was because of the "Anit-Mack" Federation Press, they say the "pimp-daddiness" of Kirk is bad for the rep' of the Federation. Thats why they kept Riker down (he macked anything in site). Oh.... were there....... were sooooooooo there
lol- Still not worried.
Thanks for your concern though.
Feel free to Pimp to your hearts desire.
There is still only one Kirk.
if you don't mind I'd like to get back to your "superior engineering" statement for a mment (no worries, no arguing, no flaming) but I'd like to ask you what you mean with this term.
As an example my paternal grandfather will hopefully turn 90 next year.
He was a German paratrooper during the invasion of Russia and he told us something that makes determining what superior engineering is somewhat less clear.
The German machine guns of those days could already fire at a very high rate.
He made a sound like WRRRRRRRR to depict it and he said it was nearly impossible to fire a single shot unless you were both skilled and careful with the trigger.
The Russian model was...slower.
He depicted it rate of fire as POTT...POTT...POTT....
So based on that one might say the German model was better because it was not hindered by its low rate of fire.
An example of better German engineering one might say.
But at -40 degrees C (which happens to also be -40 degrees F) when he was literally frozen solid to the ground (sometimes he still can't sleep at night because those parts of his body that had been frozen to the ground still hurt) and the German model ceased to function he still heard POTT...POTT...POTT... coming from the enemy lines.
So which one is actually superior?
In many ways Starfleet and Klingon equipment can be compared in similar fashion.
Sure Starfleet ships and weapons can do all sorts of stuff but Klingon engineering is geard towarts an entirely different priority: their stuff hardly ever breaks.
I'm sorry but I don't think I understand this statement properly so I don't want to respond ina a potentially wrong way.
Could you please elaborate a bit what you mean?
From my experiences with the Mass Effect novel series the novel tie-ins to a video game are canon to the point that the first two Mass Effect novels even have codex entries in Mass Effect 2. In fact from what it looks like a development in the third Mass Effect novel will carry over to Mass Effect 3.
In Needs of the Many, it it implyed that the federation is still around decades after STO takes place.
So if Needs of the Many is canon in regards to STO like with Mass Effect novels are to the Mass Effect games. Then the klingons don't get to conqure the federation.
From my experiences with the Mass Effect novel series the novel tie-ins to a video game are canon to the point that the first two Mass Effect novels even have codex entries in Mass Effect 2. In fact from what it looks like a development in the third Mass Effect novel will carry over to Mass Effect 3.
In Needs of the Many, it it implyed that the federation is still around decades after STO takes place.
So if Needs of the Many is canon in regards to STO like with Mass Effect novels are to the Mass Effect games. Then the klingons don't get to conqure the federation.
Ah, I see.
Thank you.
But then I wonder why the novel mentions the "Undine War" while the power of the Iconians who are quite possibly far more devastating are never mentioned.:)
Of course the real reason for that is the book predated the inclusion of the Iconians into the game's story beyond the cameo in the Iconia System.
But would that not also mean the game's timeline is in a state of flux and that the view "back" on those events in the novel is only one of several possible "futures" from the game's 2409 perspective?
if you don't mind I'd like to get back to your "superior engineering" statement for a mment (no worries, no arguing, no flaming) but I'd like to ask you what you mean with this term.
As an example my paternal grandfather will hopefully turn 90 next year.
He was a German paratrooper during the invasion of Russia and he told us something that makes determining what superior engineering is somewhat less clear.
The German machine guns of those days could already fire at a very high rate.
He made a sound like WRRRRRRRR to depict it and he said it was nearly impossible to fire a single shot unless you were both skilled and careful with the trigger.
The Russian model was...slower.
He depicted it rate of fire as POTT...POTT...POTT....
So based on that one might say the German model was better because it was not hindered by its low rate of fire.
An example of better German engineering one might say.
But at -40 degrees C (which happens to also be -40 degrees F) when he was literally frozen solid to the ground (sometimes he still can't sleep at night because those parts of his body that had been frozen to the ground still hurt) and the German model ceased to function he still heard POTT...POTT...POTT... coming from the enemy lines.
So which one is actually superior?
In many ways Starfleet and Klingon equipment can be compared in similar fashion.
Sure Starfleet ships and weapons can do all sorts of stuff but Klingon engineering is geard towarts an entirely different priority: their stuff hardly ever breaks.
What on the Earth are you talking about?I just rolled all the way back to the begining of this thread and nowhere in this thread have I aluded to "superior engineering". Unless you count "superior pimping" to fit that. I really have no idea about what you are talking about.
Why not have a storyline where the Klingons get help from the Iconians or some other faction and they do destroy the Federation. The develop some weapon that the Federation is caught off guard by. The Story could then be that the Feds (player) goes back in time to destroy THD weapon and save the Federation. Just a thought
So what , One Kirk like Officer is only spawned once every couple hundred years then I take it.
Becuase Picard, Janeway,Sisko even Archer where certainly good at there jobs and a credit to star fleet, but still not of that caliber to be sitting around in comfy enviroments, eating fine foods and macking on all the women like the Kirk.
He's the only Captain to have a racial hatred from us
Even all the clones I see while traveling in sector space fall short of the one and only Kirk.
So I can safetly say the Empire is hardly worried.
Picard and Archer, I'll grant you that. But sisko and Janeway... Oh, how wrong you are...
The reason there is no racial hatred for Sisko is because the klingn's fear gets the better of them. You may have hated Kirk, but you fear the Sisko. Even klingons know better than to mess with someone who knocked Q on his butt and designed the most powerful warship in the quadrant.
And then there is Janeway. Everyone in multiple quadrants fears Janeway. Cross her and before you know it, you'll have a comm badge on your chest and following her every order; regardless of how reckless or suicidal it is.
Between "The Sikso" and "Janeway of Borg", no one is a threat to the federation.
What on the Earth are you talking about?I just rolled all the way back to the begining of this thread and nowhere in this thread have I aluded to "superior engineering". Unless you count "superior pimping" to fit that. I really have no idea about what you are talking about.
Picard and Archer, I'll grant you that. But sisko and Janeway... Oh, how wrong you are...
The reason there is no racial hatred for Sisko is because the klingn's fear gets the better of them. You may have hated Kirk, but you fear the Sisko. Even klingons know better than to mess with someone who knocked Q on his butt and designed the most powerful warship in the quadrant.
And then there is Janeway. Everyone in multiple quadrants fears Janeway. Cross her and before you know it, you'll have a comm badge on your chest and following her every order; regardless of how reckless or suicidal it is.
Between "The Sikso" and "Janeway of Borg", no one is a threat to the federation.
LMAO, ok you keep saying that to yourself.:D
make it your mantra.
Sorry, seems I was sleepwalking my way through this one.
Okay, that makes more sense. What I was suggesting is that they don't really use as much technology in their ships. Thier ships are tools of war for them. With the exception of the cloaking device, they pretty much dont put much in them. Very few labs, crew quarters or entertainement or anything else that would take up space or add tonnage to the ship.
They also really dont have that many "classes" of ships: K'tinga/D-7, Neghvar, Vorcha, B.O.P. are pretty much the noticable ones.Take a look at what one ship we mostly see in the show over the years, the B.O.P. . Small agile, simple. I would argue that not much has seriously has changed in the design over its life. Little things here and there, but nothing game breaking. The ship is mostly a raider style ship, small crew, with little equipment save a cloak, shields and disruptors/torp. Its used in very high numbers in a combat force to overwhelm the enemy. They are supported by the battle cruisers and heavier ships.
Theres very little in the way of need for the Klingons to make the ships with as high level of technology or as much in the way of high consideration in engineering. Klingon warriors have a belief in self honor (and for the Empire) , they need not depend on high tech/egnineering "wizardry" to do thier fighting for them. They are designed to be "inexpensive" for the Klingon economy to build and in high numbers.
The Fed's rely on high tech/engineering to make thier smaller fleet more capable, they keep on making thier fleet to much as if it was a "peactime dividend" fleet and it shows. Thats why the reserve fleet of Mirandas get stuck in situtations that they don't belong in (and die like it too).
In short, the Klingons are the Warsaw Pact to the Federations NATO in the 60's, 70's and 80's . Quantity over quality. Yeah, the AK-47 doesn't muck up like the M-16, but all things equal, the NATO guys were better equipped and supported. The NATO tanks and planes (still using chains on avionics in some cases for high speed fighters) didnt suffer as much down time to breakdowns as the Pact did, and one-on-one the NATO technology/engineering made them better than the Pact counterparts (except the whole stupid idea to not put guns on early F-4's, yeeeesh).
You're forgetting one very crippling piece of information: Klingon access being restricted when F2P comes around.
While federation numbers greatly increase, klingon numbers will at best remain the same and at worst, diminish.
The writing is on the wall: the mighty klingon empire soon won't have the numbers to conquer a freighter, let alone the federation
Federation number will increase but with what?
The most played character type is human tac from what Cryptic told us.
Meaning redshirts.
So the ink of that that writing on the wall is made of out of their blood
spilled by warriors of the Empire.
Federation number will increase but with what?
The most played character type is human tac from what Cryptic told us.
Meaning redshirts.
So the ink of that that writing on the wall is made of out of their blood
spilled by warriors of the Empire.
I disagree. I think most of the blood spilled will be when 8 beam array cruisers totally forget how to turn and run into each other.
The writing is on the wall: the mighty klingon empire soon won't have the numbers to conquer a freighter, let alone the federation
Thats ok. Our lesser KDF numbers means it'll be a fair fight for the UFP.
We wouldn't want to just walk all over you in combat. That might make some of you cry, then there will be more peace accord attempts, summits on how things should be, cries of how over powered the Klingons are and a general level knicker-twisted anxiety on the UFP part.
We will make it fun for you though as we want your hero-complex driven soldiers to remain intact and happy to throw themselves into the fray.
We like the UFP in fact, as you have a most tenaciuos and entertaining opponent over the decades and we KDF would hate to see the UFP suffer a mental breakdown or health issues from the stress of such a defeat.
I disagree. I think most of the blood spilled will be when 8 beam array cruisers totally forget how to turn and run into each other.
Oh, I saw two perfect candidates last week.
I walked by a crossroads and saw that there was a police car standing in the middle of it.
I also saw two police officers looking around in a rather bored fashion.
I wondered "are they having a picknick?"
When I walked a few steps further I saw that the police car had blocked the view onto two cars.
From the look of it two left turners had managed to crash into each other frontally.
Yup, Starfleet can have those two if they want them.
Oh, I saw two perfect candidates last week.
I walked by a crossroads and saw that there was a police car standing in the middle of it.
I also saw two police officers looking around in a rather bored fashion.
I wondered "are they having a picknick?"
When I walked a few steps further I saw that the police car had blocked the view onto two cars.
From the look of it two left turners had managed to crash into each other frontally.
Yup, Starfleet can have those two if they want them.
Coverage of those officers was because of the "Anit-Mack" Federation Press, they say the "pimp-daddiness" of Kirk is bad for the rep' of the Federation. Thats why they kept Riker down (he macked anything in site). Oh.... were there....... were sooooooooo there
lol- Still not worried.
Thanks for your concern though.
Feel free to Pimp to your hearts desire.
There is still only one Kirk.
if you don't mind I'd like to get back to your "superior engineering" statement for a mment (no worries, no arguing, no flaming) but I'd like to ask you what you mean with this term.
As an example my paternal grandfather will hopefully turn 90 next year.
He was a German paratrooper during the invasion of Russia and he told us something that makes determining what superior engineering is somewhat less clear.
The German machine guns of those days could already fire at a very high rate.
He made a sound like WRRRRRRRR to depict it and he said it was nearly impossible to fire a single shot unless you were both skilled and careful with the trigger.
The Russian model was...slower.
He depicted it rate of fire as POTT...POTT...POTT....
So based on that one might say the German model was better because it was not hindered by its low rate of fire.
An example of better German engineering one might say.
But at -40 degrees C (which happens to also be -40 degrees F) when he was literally frozen solid to the ground (sometimes he still can't sleep at night because those parts of his body that had been frozen to the ground still hurt) and the German model ceased to function he still heard POTT...POTT...POTT... coming from the enemy lines.
So which one is actually superior?
In many ways Starfleet and Klingon equipment can be compared in similar fashion.
Sure Starfleet ships and weapons can do all sorts of stuff but Klingon engineering is geard towarts an entirely different priority: their stuff hardly ever breaks.
From my experiences with the Mass Effect novel series the novel tie-ins to a video game are canon to the point that the first two Mass Effect novels even have codex entries in Mass Effect 2. In fact from what it looks like a development in the third Mass Effect novel will carry over to Mass Effect 3.
In Needs of the Many, it it implyed that the federation is still around decades after STO takes place.
So if Needs of the Many is canon in regards to STO like with Mass Effect novels are to the Mass Effect games. Then the klingons don't get to conqure the federation.
Ah, I see.
Thank you.
But then I wonder why the novel mentions the "Undine War" while the power of the Iconians who are quite possibly far more devastating are never mentioned.:)
Of course the real reason for that is the book predated the inclusion of the Iconians into the game's story beyond the cameo in the Iconia System.
But would that not also mean the game's timeline is in a state of flux and that the view "back" on those events in the novel is only one of several possible "futures" from the game's 2409 perspective?
What on the Earth are you talking about?I just rolled all the way back to the begining of this thread and nowhere in this thread have I aluded to "superior engineering". Unless you count "superior pimping" to fit that. I really have no idea about what you are talking about.
Okay, try this one. We will introduce a virus amongst the Klingons that will turn them all into TNG first season Picard.
Ok, thats just cold blooded.
Funny but cold.
you must be Romulan in disguise
Picard and Archer, I'll grant you that. But sisko and Janeway... Oh, how wrong you are...
The reason there is no racial hatred for Sisko is because the klingn's fear gets the better of them. You may have hated Kirk, but you fear the Sisko. Even klingons know better than to mess with someone who knocked Q on his butt and designed the most powerful warship in the quadrant.
And then there is Janeway. Everyone in multiple quadrants fears Janeway. Cross her and before you know it, you'll have a comm badge on your chest and following her every order; regardless of how reckless or suicidal it is.
Between "The Sikso" and "Janeway of Borg", no one is a threat to the federation.
The good news is I found what I was referring to.
The bad news is...I put it in the wrong thead.:o
Sorry, seems I was sleepwalking my way through this one.
LMAO, ok you keep saying that to yourself.:D
make it your mantra.
Okay, that makes more sense.
They also really dont have that many "classes" of ships: K'tinga/D-7, Neghvar, Vorcha, B.O.P. are pretty much the noticable ones.Take a look at what one ship we mostly see in the show over the years, the B.O.P. . Small agile, simple. I would argue that not much has seriously has changed in the design over its life. Little things here and there, but nothing game breaking. The ship is mostly a raider style ship, small crew, with little equipment save a cloak, shields and disruptors/torp. Its used in very high numbers in a combat force to overwhelm the enemy. They are supported by the battle cruisers and heavier ships.
Theres very little in the way of need for the Klingons to make the ships with as high level of technology or as much in the way of high consideration in engineering. Klingon warriors have a belief in self honor (and for the Empire) , they need not depend on high tech/egnineering "wizardry" to do thier fighting for them. They are designed to be "inexpensive" for the Klingon economy to build and in high numbers.
The Fed's rely on high tech/engineering to make thier smaller fleet more capable, they keep on making thier fleet to much as if it was a "peactime dividend" fleet and it shows. Thats why the reserve fleet of Mirandas get stuck in situtations that they don't belong in (and die like it too).
In short, the Klingons are the Warsaw Pact to the Federations NATO in the 60's, 70's and 80's . Quantity over quality. Yeah, the AK-47 doesn't muck up like the M-16, but all things equal, the NATO guys were better equipped and supported. The NATO tanks and planes (still using chains on avionics in some cases for high speed fighters) didnt suffer as much down time to breakdowns as the Pact did, and one-on-one the NATO technology/engineering made them better than the Pact counterparts (except the whole stupid idea to not put guns on early F-4's, yeeeesh).
Not Romulan, just a tad bit sick and twisted
If it weren't for guys like me, the Federation would've "given away the homeworld" in "diplomatic" (not in the face-ish) negotiations.
Well you can't have slaughter without laughter
< reaches out and rapidly squeezes whamhammer's clown nose >
Actually ... This is EXACTLY why we WILL conquer the Federation! ... We are beyond bored and need something to do.
Lack of content makes Federation conquest seem rather appealing.
Hmmm .... Wonder if the songs of our victory might be with a number of Foundry missions that allow people to relive the glory? ... hmmmmm.
You're forgetting one very crippling piece of information: Klingon access being restricted when F2P comes around.
While federation numbers greatly increase, klingon numbers will at best remain the same and at worst, diminish.
The writing is on the wall: the mighty klingon empire soon won't have the numbers to conquer a freighter, let alone the federation
Federation number will increase but with what?
The most played character type is human tac from what Cryptic told us.
Meaning redshirts.
So the ink of that that writing on the wall is made of out of their blood
spilled by warriors of the Empire.
I disagree. I think most of the blood spilled will be when 8 beam array cruisers totally forget how to turn and run into each other.
Thats ok. Our lesser KDF numbers means it'll be a fair fight for the UFP.
We wouldn't want to just walk all over you in combat. That might make some of you cry, then there will be more peace accord attempts, summits on how things should be, cries of how over powered the Klingons are and a general level knicker-twisted anxiety on the UFP part.
We will make it fun for you though as we want your hero-complex driven soldiers to remain intact and happy to throw themselves into the fray.
We like the UFP in fact, as you have a most tenaciuos and entertaining opponent over the decades and we KDF would hate to see the UFP suffer a mental breakdown or health issues from the stress of such a defeat.
Oh, I saw two perfect candidates last week.
I walked by a crossroads and saw that there was a police car standing in the middle of it.
I also saw two police officers looking around in a rather bored fashion.
I wondered "are they having a picknick?"
When I walked a few steps further I saw that the police car had blocked the view onto two cars.
From the look of it two left turners had managed to crash into each other frontally.
Yup, Starfleet can have those two if they want them.
We hafta have someone for the "first wave"...