Hi guys ... I wanted to get some feedback hoping the Guys will put this into the game .. one ship i have always wanted still do ...Is the Constalation Class .. aka Uss Stargazer or Uss Hathaway...I never liked the new one .. and not to mention the constellation class was bada** what do you guys think?
what other ships would you like to see added to the game .. and one other thing i would like to see all federationships to have at least have one Universal bridge officer slot added to each ship at a Lieutenant commander level or higher... cause l honestly i would love to even use my older ships in higher level missions

P.S. just makes them useful agian:)
this is the 3rd threed asking for a end game Connie and I want one too
The 2nd link in my sig provides my idea for said ship to be in game. I'm hoping Logan and Geko look at it.
Version this have been on people wish sence Beta. Eveyone was major mad at Cryptic for not having this in game and they lost a lot of people over it.
Now if the Constellation were implemented into the lower tiers, like T2 or T3 then that'd be more reasonable and probably more doable.
Oh a T6 connie would be even better
I think you are right the tiers are messed up. I think if you want to fly a viable Constitution class ship at end game you should be given the ability to craft a retrofit kit and apply it to one of you ships kind of like putting ground a kit on you Captain.
Come On Development Team I want an End Game Constitution Class Ship to Fly
The tiers are even *more* messed up now due to the new "+1" (see: RI variant and Venture refit) ships being released via C-Store, with no *viable* plans to get them within the game.
You see. you don't even need to buy the thing we're talking about. you can just ignore it as other players enjoy it. this happens to be a MMORPG and anything related to Canon or Immersion were shot out the window on February 2nd 2010.
If it were about a t5 connie it wouldnt be the 3rd more the 300st.
However; as much as I'd want to see the t5 connie (along with a lot of other ships at t5 or somehow usefull at higher tiers) the answer has been officially given and it is "No".
Maybe not the perfect solution, but it might be a happy compromise. Maybe give the console like a bonus to stealth or something so it's not a purely cosmetic item.
In terms of ships I'd like to see.
The Niagra & Freedom class I always throught looked nice (Galaxy-styled ships with 3 & 1 nacelle respectively)
Also the Curry, as a T3 level Carrier, which can then be followed up by higher level fed carriers launching Peregrines would be nice.
And for a "fun" small craft, how about an authentic replica Captain Proton Rocket ship?
I want an End game constitution class ship. (Squeak) (Squeak)
The ship tier chart is a mess. The T5 D'Kyr shouldn't exist, but thank heavens they had the good sense to leave the NX and Oberth at T1. Anyway, I tend to agree we need more forward-looking ship designs, however it would really be nice to fill in some canon holes (I know some of these are in as "Variants" but the original would be nice for completeness):
Also, considering the average Vulcan lifespan of about 200 years, that they are far slower to implement change than humans, and finally that Vulcan Ship design ≠ Starfleet Ship design, it is conceivable that they may still be using that ship design in the 25th century where STO takes place.
Even if Vulcan ship technology has advanced since the 22nd Century, I would not be surprised if they were using the same spaceframe. It would only be logical to design the ship with a degree of modularity so that, as new technologies are developed, you can simply upgrade existing vessels and build those technologies into new vessels without designing a whole new spaceframe.
Ambassador orginal design
Akira T5 Cruiser variant
Akira T5 Torpedo Boat
New Orleans Battlecruiser
Nebula Variant Phoenix
Nebula Variant Malbourne
Ships from the new movie:
USS Kelvin
USS Enterprise
et al.
Ambassador Class
Vulcan T'Pau Class
Now, go make yourselves some money!
BTW... I really appreciated the Venture Class - it's like flying around in a new pair of sneakers!