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F2p understanding Klingon content cut

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Star-trek was a show about the voyages of the star ship enterprise ... space ... being the final frontier ... seeking out new worlds and civilizations ... to boldly go where no man has gone before. During these voyages they happened upon Klingons, romulans, cardassians, and Q's. How can you not see that the cannon of star trek revolves around this concept. The show never had fully fleshed out klingon content but after 25 years of shows it was possible to see what being klingon was all about through the trials of Worf and Blanna. You could see what being Vulcan was through Spock and T'pal and you could understand alittle about the borg through Q and 7of 9, but the show focus was always about the trials of the crew of the Enterprise. Please don't be so hard on Cryptic, cannon forces them to push federation content and introduce these factions in a limited way. I love the new ships, uniforms, and the series weeklies. I just watched an episode of voyager and they introduced the multi-vector that the romulans had stolen. One show and i'm flying that proto-type everytime I log in. After I maxed out a fed toon I started a klingon and your telling me to start at lvl 25 is bad....he he he. When they introduce the romulans at lvl 25 ill be dancing in my shoes. You downrate Dsthal and cryptic without full understanding the show and cannon. shame <--
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Please don't be so hard on Cryptic, cannon forces them to push federation content and introduce these factions in a limited way.

    "Canon" doesn't force them to do anything. They have the license to CREATE as much Klingon content as is needed, with CBS having a veto in case they try to introduce pink ponies as traditional mounts for the Klingon targ hunt.
    You downrate Dsthal and cryptic without full understanding the show and cannon. shame <--

    You know that there are companies that have released Star Trek games that consisted ONLY of Klingon content or had equal content for multiple factions? But of course those didn't understand "canon" as you and Cryptic do. Oh, but Cryptic promised us full PvE content for the Klingon faction. So I guess it's just you who understands canon that way.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Actually I have to agree with the basic statement of the op (although he/she forgot to mention the Voyager, DS9 and the Defaint).

    But IF you introduce the Klingons as an independet faction then it HAS to have full content. I still thing the Klingons should be kind of a sub faction, with some exclusives and may be (to set them really appart from feds instead just visually like it is now) own character classes and BO abilitys... but same content wich can be done together as an federation allied.

    Would have been better for ALL.

    But Cryptic didnt go that way, they wantet an own indipendent faction, now they have to stick with it. And that means equal content.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I think you have a very naive concept of Star Trek. It wasn't about the adventure, or the thrill, it was about exploration. But not exploration of space. It was about exploration of the different facets of humanity.

    The Original series was a series of morality plays, almost blatantly, in fact. From the treatise on power that was Where no man has gone before to the racial issues behind Let that be your last Battlefield, it was an examination of what is right, what is wrong, how do these concepts apply to situations beyond the pale of human experience, or can we not know?

    The characters of Worf, B'Lanna, Spock, T'Pol, and to a lesser extent Ro and Seven of Nine all were about separation from ones roots, being alone in a crowd, about being different and the struggle within to live and cope with that. The Klingons themselves were an allegory, in the Original Series, they were the outsider, the feared foreigner, the strange other. In the Next Generation and beyond, they became something altogether different, that proud alien culture of warriors, to whom Honor is everything, and to die in battle is not to be feared or considered a tragedy, but the ultimate act of nobility, to live to ones purpose so fully one dies from it.

    That story, the story of honor, the story of courage, of sacrifice, is one that has barely been told in Star Trek. And Star Trek Online, through the stories of the Klingon Faction, is a perfect medium with which to give that facet of humanity it's due.

    That is why KDF players are so disappointed. That is why all this Fed favoritism is so unfortunate, saddening, and yes, a little infuriating.

    So what I guess all this boils down to is, too bad, so sad, we want KDF content, and no, we're not going to shut up about it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I see your idea on this and in some ways I agree with you. Being a Trekkie since I was 5(I am 35 now), I have watched all of the shows and seen all the movies more times than can be counted. I feel that the show never had a real "main" antagonist. Sometimes it was the Klingons...other times it was the Romulans...Dominion...and the Borg. Plus there was all the minor races like the Ferengi, Cardassians, and Naausicans. None of those races were truly fleshed out unless you used your imagination.

    That being said, from a gameplay standpoint, this is actually a good thing. It allows you to do things and add things to a faction without messing up canon too much. You can have your character have any backstory and do anything in game because he or she is not part of the Enterprise/DS9/Voyager crews. Really the only thing Canon in the game needs to be the timeline and the ships. For our characters, the sky is the limit.

    As far as the Klingons, since they are not completed as of yet, that gives the perfect opportunity to be creative, and utilise the Foundry. The way I see it, the Fed is cookie cutter. With the Klingons, it can give players the opportunity to shape the Empire into what they want it to be until the faction gets finished. Even after it is finished, that Foundry is still going to be an important tool in establishing an even more well rounded race.

    In my opinion, this is the perfect time to put the RPG into mmorpg.

    About alot of people not fully understanding the show, I totally agree. It is like that with any game based around an established IP such as Star Trek or Star Wars. A good example is back in the days when I played Star Wars Galaxies, many people that played Rebel were complete and utter jerks and went around harrassing people, but for the most part, the Imperial players were pretty cool people. And alot of those Rebel players actually had no clue about the IP. Youd be surprised how many players in that game had actually never saw the movies. There were some people who actually thought the Rebels were the bad guys.

    Thats my two cents worth.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Naive, concerning what? The show was a space western and all westerns had morality issues embedded in them. In fact most shows have morality issues embedded. You said the show wasn't about the adventure, or thrill but the exploration of different facets of humanity and i'm naive. lol No sir, the show was about all that you said it wasn't .... was .... and much more. At a time when our youngest president was gunned down and blacks were rioting and received some respect. Young people were revolting against a war they didn't believed in. Young people were expanding sexual norms, and women were demanding equal rights. Star Trek used these themes to say that we are gonna be alright. Star Trek said the human race will overcome all these troubles and use their experiences while traveling the Stars to fix the universes problems. Even the God like Q was amazed how far the war like humans could love, and have humility and empathy for life. It is these traits that the Q's were afraid of and that these traits would overcome even them in the end. That's why they sent the Borg to stop man from evolving and return man to his base feelings of self preservation. I said that the show was about the voyages of the star ship enterprise, the adventure, and thrill of exploration why do you disagree? Can't we have adventure and thrill while exploring space and the facets of humanity all at the same time. Expand you mind man. Through Warf's interaction with the federation the Klingon empire became less blood thirsty. Janeway gave the Hirogen holodeck technology so that they wouldn't hunt themselves into extinction. The enterprise represents humanities efforts to make the universe a loving place to be and explore. In what way do the Klingons represent this theme? Therefore until the Klingon's can preserve life and not foolishly throw it away with honor lust they should be relegated to sub-role status. Dose this sound like naivety my friend?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    One more thing if you want the Klingons to have more content, refresh the Khitomer accords, stop the house vs house blood letting, remove the title "Empire" from your name, and love each other. Then you will see a ever expanding Klingon race.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    No we well never change our name. We are warrior culture and fuedal, its how we settlethings between the houses. And you are forgetting that duras is still allied with the honorless romulans. There is alot of content out there for us.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Star-trek was a show about the voyages of the star ship enterprise ... space ... being the final frontier ... seeking out new worlds and civilizations ... to boldly go where no man has gone before. During these voyages they happened upon Klingons, romulans, cardassians, and Q's. How can you not see that the cannon of star trek revolves around this concept. The show never had fully fleshed out klingon content but after 25 years of shows it was possible to see what being klingon was all about through the trials of Worf and Blanna. You could see what being Vulcan was through Spock and T'pal and you could understand alittle about the borg through Q and 7of 9, but the show focus was always about the trials of the crew of the Enterprise. Please don't be so hard on Cryptic, cannon forces them to push federation content and introduce these factions in a limited way. I love the new ships, uniforms, and the series weeklies. I just watched an episode of voyager and they introduced the multi-vector that the romulans had stolen. One show and i'm flying that proto-type everytime I log in. After I maxed out a fed toon I started a klingon and your telling me to start at lvl 25 is bad....he he he. When they introduce the romulans at lvl 25 ill be dancing in my shoes. You downrate Dsthal and cryptic without full understanding the show and cannon. shame <--

    For give me if I use Kirks own words from TOS, but Roddenberry summed it up as you yourself quoted, "To seek out strange worlds and new civilizations..." As a teacher once told me you never really come to grips with a culture till you immerse yourself in it's civilization.

    Perhaps civilizations like the Klingon Empire. Last I checked the KDF is a civilization.

    Now consider this for a moment, canon is a crutch. The vast majority of the shows existence they did not have the special effects tech to present the Federation through another civilization's eyes. Come lately there is the fear that even though we have the tech the audience may not adopt it. Problem is when it comes to Trek, Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, Cardassians you have an audience that is almost assured.

    Swimming out of the shallow waters of canon could actually be rewarding for the players and the Devs alike. Making excuses to stay in the safe side of the pool cuts out some real potential exploration of what it truly means to be human. To question ones humanity is also core Trek.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well, I agree with half of the original post. Starting the KDF at 25 until they can actually complete the faction is a good thing. Starting the Romulans at 25, 30, 40, or whatever level they can to avoid pointless grinding will also be a good thing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Wait, so... because the Klingon's do not espouse federation principles in the cannon, they should not have full content in the game... this is what your saying...


    ouch, this hurts....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    tsabonayev wrote:
    Wait, so... because the Klingon's do not espouse federation principles in the cannon, they should not have full content in the game... this is what your saying...


    ouch, this hurts....

    Yes, Would the Klingons send out diplomats to secure a protection treaty? wheres the honor in that? wheres is the Klingon diplomatic corp? they don't do that because they'd rather rob and kill. You see it's just not interesting enough after the blade of Kahless and gates of Gre'thor what else is there? If you want to make something up the foundry can help you other than that .... what? The federation grows because it help races not harms them like the Natzi.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yes, Would the Klingons send out diplomats to secure a protection treaty? wheres the honor in that? wheres is the Klingon diplomatic corp? they don't do that because they'd rather rob and kill. You see it's just not interesting enough after the blade of Kahless and gates of Gre'thor what else is there? If you want to make something up the foundry can help you other than that .... what? The federation grows because it help races not harms them like the Natzi.

    • No consideration of the other sides point of view? CHECK
    • No idea what honor is or what Klingon culture is about? CHECK
    • Misapplication of Poes Law? CHECK

    Sir or Ma'am, you have failed entirely to back your argument.

    Klingons do not "rob and kill" You're thinking of Cardassians, say it with me: Car-Dass-E-Ens. If you'd bothered to read the Path to 2409, you'd know that the Federation sectors they invaded all previously belonged to the Empire, ceded unwisely and unlawfully by previous Chancellors more interested in peace than justice.

    That's like giving your front yard to your neighbor because you don't want to argue, and your spouse coming back and building a fence to take your yard back. You were foolhardy to give it up, and your spouse has every right to take it back.

    The invasion and war against the Gorn? For one reason, and one reason only, to expose and remove the Undine (Species 8472) infiltrators manipulating the Gorn. The Gorn then willingly swore allegiance to the Empire to assist them in fighting the Undine.

    The Orions? Joined by treaty. The Nausicaans? A non-aggression pact, with immigration and emigration allowed freely.

    In STO, the Klingon Empire is rapidly becoming a counterweight to the Federation, an alliance of species working together for their common good against a common enemy, in this case, the Federation and the Undine who have infiltrated them. Maybe if you paid attention to the storyline, you'd know that the Federation is rife with Undine infiltrators. Ambassador Sokketh, Captain T'Vala, The Admiral who then infiltrates the Romulans after that one mission (can't remember their name or which mission)..

    By canon story and by literary license, not to mention one not-so-forgooten-promise by Cryptic back in development, the Klingon Empire deserves full content.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Katic wrote: »
    • No consideration of the other sides point of view? CHECK
    • No idea what honor is or what Klingon culture is about? CHECK
    • Misapplication of Poes Law? CHECK

    Sir or Ma'am, you have failed entirely to back your argument.

    Klingons do not "rob and kill" You're thinking of Cardassians, say it with me: Car-Dass-E-Ens. If you'd bothered to read the Path to 2409, you'd know that the Federation sectors they invaded all previously belonged to the Empire, ceded unwisely and unlawfully by previous Chancellors more interested in peace than justice.

    That's like giving your front yard to your neighbor because you don't want to argue, and your spouse coming back and building a fence to take your yard back. You were foolhardy to give it up, and your spouse has every right to take it back.

    The invasion and war against the Gorn? For one reason, and one reason only, to expose and remove the Undine (Species 8472) infiltrators manipulating the Gorn. The Gorn then willingly swore allegiance to the Empire to assist them in fighting the Undine.

    The Orions? Joined by treaty. The Nausicaans? A non-aggression pact, with immigration and emigration allowed freely.

    In STO, the Klingon Empire is rapidly becoming a counterweight to the Federation, an alliance of species working together for their common good against a common enemy, in this case, the Federation and the Undine who have infiltrated them. Maybe if you paid attention to the storyline, you'd know that the Federation is rife with Undine infiltrators. Ambassador Sokketh, Captain T'Vala, The Admiral who then infiltrates the Romulans after that one mission (can't remember their name or which mission)..

    By canon story and by literary license, not to mention one not-so-forgooten-promise by Cryptic back in development, the Klingon Empire deserves full content.

    Well said.. err written indeed. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I suggest you get a little more familiar with the warrior societies of this world before you judge Klingons to be naught more than thieves and murderous TRIBBLE. The Samurai of Japan, (a warriors society that impacted the way we perceive the Klingons in Star Trek the Next Generation), were known for art and poetry.

    If what you imply of the klingons is true we would expect them to be misogynistic barbarians without science, especially during the original series. Yet Day of the Dove, (originally broadcast in 1968, you know back when it was OK to be a male chauvinist), portrays Kang's science officer as a valued member of his crew, who was female. Think on that. Uhura was a glorified switchboard operator, while the TRIBBLE like Klingons, (as you put it), have a high ranking female science officer. Lo and behold! The Klingons are more progressive in the 2260's than the vaulted idealists in the Federation.

    The Federation appreciates Shakespeare. The Klingons LOVE to revel in Shakespeare!

    The humans are almost as reserved Vulcans. The Klingons Live for their passions.

    Was not Quark shown mercy in a Batleth competition and his opponent shunned by his piers, because Quark's opponent sought to kill a physically inferior combatant?

    Honor means nothing to a thief. Yes in war you take food and water to extend your campaign and deny your opponent those resources, but what honor is there in taking from non-combatants in need when you have no need.

    If you have not lived as a warrior you have no right to judge a warrior.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Katic wrote: »
    • No consideration of the other sides point of view? CHECK
    • No idea what honor is or what Klingon culture is about? CHECK
    • Misapplication of Poes Law? CHECK

    Sir or Ma'am, you have failed entirely to back your argument.

    Klingons do not "rob and kill" You're thinking of Cardassians, say it with me: Car-Dass-E-Ens. If you'd bothered to read the Path to 2409, you'd know that the Federation sectors they invaded all previously belonged to the Empire, ceded unwisely and unlawfully by previous Chancellors more interested in peace than justice.

    That's like giving your front yard to your neighbor because you don't want to argue, and your spouse coming back and building a fence to take your yard back. You were foolhardy to give it up, and your spouse has every right to take it back.

    The invasion and war against the Gorn? For one reason, and one reason only, to expose and remove the Undine (Species 8472) infiltrators manipulating the Gorn. The Gorn then willingly swore allegiance to the Empire to assist them in fighting the Undine.

    The Orions? Joined by treaty. The Nausicaans? A non-aggression pact, with immigration and emigration allowed freely.

    In STO, the Klingon Empire is rapidly becoming a counterweight to the Federation, an alliance of species working together for their common good against a common enemy, in this case, the Federation and the Undine who have infiltrated them. Maybe if you paid attention to the storyline, you'd know that the Federation is rife with Undine infiltrators. Ambassador Sokketh, Captain T'Vala, The Admiral who then infiltrates the Romulans after that one mission (can't remember their name or which mission)..

    By canon story and by literary license, not to mention one not-so-forgooten-promise by Cryptic back in development, the Klingon Empire deserves full content.

    Summed it up perfectly Katic :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yes, Would the Klingons send out diplomats to secure a protection treaty? wheres the honor in that? wheres is the Klingon diplomatic corp? they don't do that because they'd rather rob and kill. You see it's just not interesting enough after the blade of Kahless and gates of Gre'thor what else is there? If you want to make something up the foundry can help you other than that .... what? The federation grows because it help races not harms them like the Natzi.

    Way to be close-minded and ignorant of what it means to be a Klingon. Klingons are NOT mindless butchers and thieves. Some are, yes, but they are not the norm. They are an honorable race with a code, not unlike bushido in feudal Japan. They have art and culture. They have science. They love opera and poetry and tell legends of their ancestors. In fact, most of these things make the Klingons more interesting than the Federation.

    Katic sums up the KDF pretty damn well, and you should take stock to listen to him. I highly recommend you read the book Kahless by Michael Jan Friedman. It gives a great glimpse into the legend's past and what it means to be Klingon.

    You sound just like Kirk in The Undiscovered Country. "Let them die!" Is that the Federation that you hold to high ideals?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Katic sums up the KDF pretty damn well, and you should take stock to listen to him.

    This is probably one of the best compliments I've received here on the forums, thank you. :D

    However, just one, tiny, itty-bitty detail.. I'm a girl. I know, I know, "There are no women on the internet.", "G.I.R.L." etc & so forth.. Really, truly, I am female, in fact, I'm going to be taking an extended break from STO come either late September or early October.. Whenever I go into labor and give birth. :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Katic wrote: »
    This is probably one of the best compliments I've received here on the forums, thank you. :D

    However, just one, tiny, itty-bitty detail.. I'm a girl. I know, I know, "There are no women on the internet.", "G.I.R.L." etc & so forth.. Really, truly, I am female, in fact, I'm going to be taking an extended break from STO come either late September or early October.. Whenever I go into labor and give birth. :eek:

    When you had a different avatar, it was a bit easier to spot.;)
    But I understand that having an actual picture of oneself as avatar is not always the best thing to do.
    Anyway I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well with you and your child.

    Now that the more important real-world stuff is out of the way....:p thank you for that response of yours.
    It sums up what I felt reading this...thing Triangulum_Phoenix wrote far better than I could have conveyed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    piwright42 wrote: »
    If what you imply of the klingons is true we would expect them to be misogynistic barbarians without science, especially during the original series. Yet Day of the Dove, (originally broadcast in 1968, you know back when it was OK to be a male chauvinist), portrays Kang's science officer as a valued member of his crew, who was female.

    You make a good argument, but to be devil's advocate here...you could also claim favoritism of a sort - because Mara was also Kang's wife.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Joshmaul wrote:
    You make a good argument, but to be devil's advocate here...you could also claim favoritism of a sort - because Mara was also Kang's wife.

    Three things to consider there:

    1. She could not have taken such a position without someone higher up approving it.
    We know from DS9:"Once more Unto the Breach" that postings have been denied for lesser reasons.
    2. Noone in Kirk's crew was suprised by the presence of a science officer on a Klingon ship, or a female officer.
    3."The Klingon is his work, not his family" (Klag TNG:"A Matter of Honor") indicating a Klingon officer, at least an honorable one, would put the mission and/or KDF first.
    Clear and drastic example: Kruge blew his companion up since she knew something she was not supposed to know which would have put his mission in jeopardy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Fair point...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Katic wrote: »
    This is probably one of the best compliments I've received here on the forums, thank you. :D

    You're quite welcome. Credit where credit's due and all that.
    However, just one, tiny, itty-bitty detail.. I'm a girl. I know, I know, "There are no women on the internet.", "G.I.R.L." etc & so forth.. Really, truly, I am female, in fact, I'm going to be taking an extended break from STO come either late September or early October.. Whenever I go into labor and give birth. :eek:

    My bad. It's always kinda hard to tell on the Internets due to avatars that don't quite tell one's gender. It tends to be easiest just to use the masculine pronouns unless you know for sure. I'll also let you in on a shocking secret. I am also female. And nobody has yet caught on due to obvious reasons (forum name, perhaps?) and I tend to let it slide. ;)

    Guess I just let the proverbial cat out of the bag, eh? :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Katic wrote: »
    This is probably one of the best compliments I've received here on the forums, thank you. :D

    However, just one, tiny, itty-bitty detail.. I'm a girl. I know, I know, "There are no women on the internet.", "G.I.R.L." etc & so forth.. Really, truly, I am female, in fact, I'm going to be taking an extended break from STO come either late September or early October.. Whenever I go into labor and give birth. :eek:

    Congratulations! I hope everything goes excellent. To be honest I have to admit I thought you were a guy, but this twist makes it all the better. Your insight will be missed and I, among others, look forward to your return to the game.

    mister_dee: Thank you for flying flak. :)

    Why is it that Armstrong's admission is more shocking than Katic's? Gotta be the name. :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    K-Tar wrote:
    "Canon" doesn't force them to do anything. They have the license to CREATE as much Klingon content as is needed, with CBS having a veto in case they try to introduce pink ponies as traditional mounts for the Klingon targ hunt.

    You know that there are companies that have released Star Trek games that consisted ONLY of Klingon content or had equal content for multiple factions? But of course those didn't understand "canon" as you and Cryptic do. Oh, but Cryptic promised us full PvE content for the Klingon faction. So I guess it's just you who understands canon that way.

    Actually, canon does restrict Cryptic's ability to create content. It has to consent with CBS and more importantly Viacom or they get fined or maybe even lose licensing. Its the reason why they weren't allowed to put up a name contest for the new Enterprise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Actually, canon does restrict Cryptic's ability to create content. It has to consent with CBS and more importantly Viacom or they get fined or maybe even lose licensing. Its the reason why they weren't allowed to put up a name contest for the new Enterprise.
    K-Tar wrote:
    "Canon" doesn't force them to do anything. They have the license to CREATE as much Klingon content as is needed, with CBS having a veto in case they try to introduce pink ponies as traditional mounts for the Klingon targ hunt.

    a) That's CBS, not canon.
    b) CBS never forbade anyone to make Klingon content. There are at least two computer games that consist only of Klingon content. In fact content made in one of those was later used in DS9 and became canon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Star Trek Online is an MMO that was touted as having 2 main playable factions.
    You can't promote a game like that and then push everything new on to one side and give the other a quarter of the scraps.

    Lack of Canon material isn't the problem at all, if anything it gives the creative team more room to expand on the KDF experience and to not be as limited as you might be with the UFP.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well, well, well, you Klingon's have come out in droves to prey upon the bones of poor Triangulum_phoenix. I am shocked at the sarcasm and innuendo you throw at every opportunity. You dare to mention Kirks name when his only son was gunned down by those respectable Klingons? Honor bound murderers worried about Federation technology concerning the genesis project. Why are fierce Klingons so insecure? Is this honorable? I warp into the last space part of Cure and guess who the boss is? An assimulated Borg Klingon ship. You speak of undine infiltration while during the Diplomatic Orders mission ambassador Sokketh was exposed as an undine, turns into a Klingon, and issues orders and the Klingon warriors who have noses for undine infiltrations were completely fooled. Where is this undine now? And what about B’vat who wants to use the Doomsday Machine to further his own lust for blood? I’m sure he will get many Klingons to serve under him. So as you can see I am right when I point out that Klingon honor is used as a means to crush, kill, and destroy. The federation respects Klingon territory or your planet would be a burned out cinder.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Original message sufficient
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hm, are you really a Trekkie? Kirk's son wasn't gunned down, he was stabbed when he defended Saavik, a good warrior's death. And the trend of taking hostages, the augment virus originally introduced with its human DNA is thank Kahless mostly gone.

    If you start blaming the Klingons for what assimilated Klingons do I have to remind you of Locutus of Borg. I guess you can't stand Picard now. It must be an atrocity for you that he not only kept his command after being deassimilated but also became an ambassador later in life.

    The Klingons told you what Sokketh was. They don't have "noses" for that, but they have better intel than the Federation. That doesn't mean that they will instantly shoot everybody who gives them a reasonable command. Everything could have been so easy if you had trusted them and handed him over, he never could have fooled anybody ever again.... Well, he can't now either since his ship was destroyed, but it costed a lot more Vulcan and Klingon lives.

    I see your General B'vat and raise you a Luther Sloan and an Admiral Cartwright. There are always crazy nutjobs who are willing to commit atrocities in the name of what they think is right. B'vat is dead and no one mourns the wicked.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well, well, well, you Klingon's have come out in droves to prey upon the bones of poor Triangulum_phoenix. I am shocked at the sarcasm and innuendo you throw at every opportunity. You dare to mention Kirks name when his only son was gunned down by those respectable Klingons? Honor bound murderers worried about Federation technology concerning the genesis project. Why are fierce Klingons so insecure? Is this honorable? I warp into the last space part of Cure and guess who the boss is? An assimulated Borg Klingon ship. You speak of undine infiltration while during the Diplomatic Orders mission ambassador Sokketh was exposed as an undine, turns into a Klingon, and issues orders and the Klingon warriors who have noses for undine infiltrations were completely fooled. Where is this undine now? And what about B’vat who wants to use the Doomsday Machine to further his own lust for blood? I’m sure he will get many Klingons to serve under him. So as you can see I am right when I point out that Klingon honor is used as a means to crush, kill, and destroy. The federation respects Klingon territory or your planet would be a burned out cinder.

    There is not a single Klingon posting in this thread since there are no actual Klingons.
    Only humans who might or might not actually play that faction in this game.
    And from what I gather not nearly all of those who oppose your unsubstantiated "explanation" why they should not have content and flaming at the Klingons in general , even going so far to invoke the disgusting N-word.
    Or is everyone who disagrees with out automatically a Klingon?
    Must be pretty interesting to see you in a conversation shouting You Klingon murderer! at someone who disagrees with you whether to put mayo or ketchup on some fries.:p
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