Please bring us the New Orleans class from TNG (the U.S.S. Kyushu).
Not only is it a cool-looking ship from the TNG era (designed to essentially be a developmental precursor to the Galaxy class), but the New Orleans class has something that could make it unique and therefor motivate players to buy it:
The New Orleans class was a light cruiser/frigate with modular upgrade hardpoints (pods) so that Starfleet could quickly and easily deploy the latest technology for testing in the field.
In TNG the U.S.S. Kyushu had three "pods" (two above the saucer and one below the secondary hull) ... and the STO devs could use that concept to give this ship a special upgrade slot that takes one of three optional consoles (that only fit inside this ship's special upgrade slot).
Each of the unique consoles would give this ship some unique trait/ability for science, engineering, or tactical ... but you can only mount one on a New Orleans class ship. So you have a maneuverable cruiser that is customizable so the player has his or her choice of extra science abilities, extra engineering abilities or extra tactical powers.
That's just an idea to do something cool with the hardpoints/pods on the New Orleans class. I don't care what the devs do as long as they add the New Orleans class to STO.
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
Thanks for the new Connie skin. Beautiful work! It needs navigational strobes, however, to complete the look...A new bridge and interior would be a nice touch as well. Then, we could move on to the Excelsior and give it a similar facelift?...
Re-watching the episode the U.S.S. Centaur appeared in and looking over the model artwork, I would love to see the skin reworked to ad all the copper colored ECM plating and nodes on the upper saucer section and wings, the four phaser turrets on the upper rear of the saucer, and the forward facing shuttle bay.
On another note I'm surprised cryptic doesn't have access to the subscription where they could see, hold and add so many canon ships and gain ideas to create more advanced versions. Also each model comes with notes about the class of ship and they could create consoles based off the notes.
Since it's pre-divergence, being from the 2160's, and all the Kelvin Timeline ships now in game kind of blow away the whole 'no AOS Movies' thing that used to exist anyway, what about ...I don't think they actually named its class, but the USS Franklin from "Beyond"? I mean, we've got the NX, NX Refit and Daedalus, which are all from roughly the same time frame, so that's not a concern.
Make it T6, capable of equipping a cloaking device and come with a special console that does massive damage to small targets (NPC fighters, targetable torpedoes, mines, etc.) in close (less than one or two km) range, it could work.
Personally, I'd still like to see the ship from TNG: "Gambit" (where it was used by Arcus Baran's mercenaries) and DS9: "Vortex" (Where it was the Miradorn ship) added as a cross-faction ship.
Privateer Lock Box ship? Totally called it!
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Has any considered beginning this thread over and starting it with a list of all of the canon ships that were successfully implimented and placed into the game.
Does anyone know if there's any plans to add (cue the haters...) any of the ships from "Star Trek: Discovery" to the game?
(Or will that come with a 2018 or 2019 'Discovery'-themed expansion?)
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
I would like to see the Sydney-class (USS Jenolan, from the episode Relics) as a Lieutenant-level ship:
I, too, would love to see the Jenolan. It would make a PERFECT ship for a T6 Scout ... and now that we have the new T5 Lukari scout ship I'm sure the devs are planning to try out a T6 scout.
Speaking of T6 scouts, I'd also like to get a Cardassian Hideki T6 scout that comes with spiral wave disruptor cannons (since we already have spiral wave disruptor beams in the game).
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
Might I recommend a "Mirror 'Palace'-class Dreadnought Cruiser", ala the ISS Charon, for the next Duty Officer Pack promotional ship?
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Please bring us the New Orleans class from TNG (the U.S.S. Kyushu).
Not only is it a cool-looking ship from the TNG era (designed to essentially be a developmental precursor to the Galaxy class), but the New Orleans class has something that could make it unique and therefor motivate players to buy it:
The New Orleans class was a light cruiser/frigate with modular upgrade hardpoints (pods) so that Starfleet could quickly and easily deploy the latest technology for testing in the field.
In TNG the U.S.S. Kyushu had three "pods" (two above the saucer and one below the secondary hull) ... and the STO devs could use that concept to give this ship a special upgrade slot that takes one of three optional consoles (that only fit inside this ship's special upgrade slot).
Each of the unique consoles would give this ship some unique trait/ability for science, engineering, or tactical ... but you can only mount one on a New Orleans class ship. So you have a maneuverable cruiser that is customizable so the player has his or her choice of extra science abilities, extra engineering abilities or extra tactical powers.
That's just an idea to do something cool with the hardpoints/pods on the New Orleans class. I don't care what the devs do as long as they add the New Orleans class to STO.
I'd love to see the New Orleans class as a playable ship too. It's always been one of my favorites despite having so little screen time in the show.
what about ...I don't think they actually named its class, but the USS Franklin from "Beyond"?
A display in the film names it as a Freedom Class. A different Freedom Class appears in TNG (the USS Firebrand in BoBW). I think this would be the only instance of a Federation ship where two different classes have the same name. Though the Federation have used the same designation (D7) to refer to two different Klingon ship classes (the Sech and the K't'inga).
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
It's been mentioned many times, but I would love to see a T6 Vor'cha. Would also love to see/have:
T6 Oberth
T6 Pioneer
New Orleans
Newton (Kelvin Timeline)
The ships I'd like to see now are the Freedom class and Challenger class. These could be set as Tier 1 ships even. Fitting to put in a similar KDF and ROM variant of the Freedom class too...
Still wanna see the Type 9 and Type 11 shuttles as well.
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood."
Although this seems to be a dead or neglected thread, I'd like to pose an STO version of the Achilles-class as a new Star Cruiser archetype.
Its main feature would be a set of 4x Quantum Micro-Torpedo Launchers; which fire twice as fast as regular Quantums, but deal only 1/4th the damage per torpedo, and are limited to 135' broadside arcs. 2x Launchers per side, each firing off a volley of 4 micro-torpedoes. Similar to the Fixed Weapon mounts on Escorts/Destroyers, these weapons would be Fixed to Star Cruisers, but removable for rarity/level upgrade purposes. These weapons would always be first affected by Torpedo: Spread skills, but not Torpedo: High Yield skills. On the other hand, these weapons also always multi-target, with each of the 4 torps heading to a different target, in order by range. It's only when there are less than 4 targets that the spare torpedoes focus on a specific target.
It doesn't need a console, though adding a console that increases the firing arcs to a full 315 degrees (sides and rear) as a continuous passive and increases the number of torpedoes launched by 1 per launcher works. Of course, said console is limited to Star Cruisers.
Other than that, the stats would mostly be geared towards a heavy survivability focus (Command or Miracle Worker BOff Lt.Cmdr seat) with a minor secondary attack focus (Intel BOff Lieutenant seat), with a standard 4/4 cruiser weapon set.
Then expand the design to equivalent KDF/Romulan variants, with the KDF also using Quantums but having a 5/3 weapon loadout, whereas the Romulans use Romulan Plasma Micro-Torpedoes instead but retain a 4/4 weapon loadout.
Although this seems to be a dead or neglected thread, I'd like to pose an STO version of the Achilles-class as a new Star Cruiser archetype.
Its main feature would be a set of 4x Quantum Micro-Torpedo Launchers; which fire twice as fast as regular Quantums, but deal only 1/4th the damage per torpedo, and are limited to 135' broadside arcs. 2x Launchers per side, each firing off a volley of 4 micro-torpedoes. Similar to the Fixed Weapon mounts on Escorts/Destroyers, these weapons would be Fixed to Star Cruisers, but removable for rarity/level upgrade purposes. These weapons would always be first affected by Torpedo: Spread skills, but not Torpedo: High Yield skills. On the other hand, these weapons also always multi-target, with each of the 4 torps heading to a different target, in order by range. It's only when there are less than 4 targets that the spare torpedoes focus on a specific target.
It doesn't need a console, though adding a console that increases the firing arcs to a full 315 degrees (sides and rear) as a continuous passive and increases the number of torpedoes launched by 1 per launcher works. Of course, said console is limited to Star Cruisers.
Other than that, the stats would mostly be geared towards a heavy survivability focus (Command or Miracle Worker BOff Lt.Cmdr seat) with a minor secondary attack focus (Intel BOff Lieutenant seat), with a standard 4/4 cruiser weapon set.
Then expand the design to equivalent KDF/Romulan variants, with the KDF also using Quantums but having a 5/3 weapon loadout, whereas the Romulans use Romulan Plasma Micro-Torpedoes instead but retain a 4/4 weapon loadout.
I like this idea. Well rounded and not too OP, but with enough advantages to make it desirable. Always been a fan of the Achilles, so much so that I continue to try and replicate her with an Arbiter/Avenger Battlecruiser.
two ships I would like too see are the U.S.S. Incursion from Armada II and Star Trek: Away Team. this ship has a holo masking system that allows it to appear as any other ship (to be used for stealth infiltration)
another is the Venture class first seen in Star Trek: insurrection (piloted by Data I think) and seen again in Armada 1 and Armada II. It would make for an interesting T1 ship that could maybe also do shuttle stuff for new players or whatever.
U.S.S. Incursion I believe was a heavily modified defiant variant
Venture class is a really small scout vessel with (I think) a crew of only 5 or so (yes I know crew levels are no longer counted in STO, I listed it so you could get an idea of how small it is)
also the shuttle ARGO and it's accompanying buggy from Star Trek Nemesis.
the buggy could be useful when traveling large distances on the ground map like the Dyson BZ or at nimbus.
I'm still wanting the return of the Heavy Bird Of Prey. Although I could complain t hat we haven't had a T5 or T6 heavy bird of prey like we had that I think is considered a dilithium ship or maybe T4 bordering on a T5. The game has had so many years and tech that didn't exist yet and talents that had not yet joined their various STO Teams. I'm just looking at it from a positive viewpoint that the lack of KDF content was just so it could be way better now.
The one idea I had after loving these jem hadar ships like those two pilot/wingman mechanics. Is combining that tech with some of the multi vector tech. So a heavy bop could function on its own with commands/powers and then have like the wing men pieces when it could seperate into 3 bops. I think it would be pretty cool but not sure if the demand for something like this would be high enough to get it made. What would be great is if I was way too late on this and already being made yep I could deal with that lol.
I would love to see the Loknar become canon during Discovery. In many ways the NX-01 has a lot in common with the Loknar concept - a primary hull with a pair warp nacelles attached directly to it, as opposed to a Connie based ship design of a primary and secondary hull with a pair of warp nacelles attached to the secondary.
> @zedbrightlander1 said: > (Quote) > > I would love to see the Loknar become canon during Discovery. In many ways the NX-01 has a lot in common with the Loknar concept - a primary hull with a pair warp nacelles attached directly to it, as opposed to a Connie based ship design of a primary and secondary hull with a pair of warp nacelles attached to the secondary.
I am quite new to the FASA lore (it was never published in my country). I included Loknar because its role in the Four Years War there, I would preffer personaly much more Larson or Nelson class (I am kind of confusing these two :D ) and of course Anton class. Miranda and Constitution are my top best favourite designs, but I always preffered more the TOS design style over the TMP style. My dream-ship is actually "experimentaly modified" anton ship :D
Post Scriptum: I have no idea what I did wrong that the quotation is not working...
I'd still love to see an updated version of the Luna. They used the ship class at launch but never gave it any more love after that, other than a T5 fleet option. As far as I know the model is still the same version from launch.
The Olympic also has this issue, and its model looks worse.
Could I suggest for cannon in particular, that things like temporal shields actually look visually different than the stock-standard Starfleet / TOS / Klingon etc. and going for something more "futuristic". For example, the Temporal Defense Initiative Regenerative Shield Arrary should at least look like the Sovereign Class (from the film Nemesis) or something similar as it has "temporal" in its name. Further, temporal shields like this should also (on a game play note) make you immune to the majority of temporal abilities cast on you by others of detrimental effect, like Borg adaptive shields (M.A.C.O set and others that adapt), should adapt to the weaponry hitting them. And likewise, other shield types should do the same (so for the borg adaptive fields, that would be a green colour and not a full shield effect etc). This is a matter of continuity and canon of the highest degree. Not to do something like this would also remove the feel of being in a "temporal ship" or "borg dreadnaught". (On another note:) Now, this isn't so much of a request as a question, but would full custom ship interiors ever be possible with the current way the system works? (After all for the big ships its just the same modules over-and-over, using some logic and instantiation, it could make it easier to replicate).
I just wanted to suggest a ship class from a ST game that many people have either forgotten about or just don't know about. Back around 2001 there was a ST game called "Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars". In that game there was the Achilles class starship which I would like to suggest for addition to STO. A simple google search will bring up the important info such as the developer and publisher.
Here is a you tube link of the game's video. If you dont want to watch the entire 3+ min video then the scroll to time index 1:38 in the video for the Achilles class.
Not only is it a cool-looking ship from the TNG era (designed to essentially be a developmental precursor to the Galaxy class), but the New Orleans class has something that could make it unique and therefor motivate players to buy it:
The New Orleans class was a light cruiser/frigate with modular upgrade hardpoints (pods) so that Starfleet could quickly and easily deploy the latest technology for testing in the field.
In TNG the U.S.S. Kyushu had three "pods" (two above the saucer and one below the secondary hull) ... and the STO devs could use that concept to give this ship a special upgrade slot that takes one of three optional consoles (that only fit inside this ship's special upgrade slot).
Each of the unique consoles would give this ship some unique trait/ability for science, engineering, or tactical ... but you can only mount one on a New Orleans class ship. So you have a maneuverable cruiser that is customizable so the player has his or her choice of extra science abilities, extra engineering abilities or extra tactical powers.
That's just an idea to do something cool with the hardpoints/pods on the New Orleans class. I don't care what the devs do as long as they add the New Orleans class to STO.
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
I would like to see the Federation-class (USS Star Empire from the TOS novel Dreadnought!) as a T5 or T6:
On another note I'm surprised cryptic doesn't have access to the subscription where they could see, hold and add so many canon ships and gain ideas to create more advanced versions. Also each model comes with notes about the class of ship and they could create consoles based off the notes.
Make it T6, capable of equipping a cloaking device and come with a special console that does massive damage to small targets (NPC fighters, targetable torpedoes, mines, etc.) in close (less than one or two km) range, it could work.
By the way, on another subject...
Privateer Lock Box ship? Totally called it!
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
(Or will that come with a 2018 or 2019 'Discovery'-themed expansion?)
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
I, too, would love to see the Jenolan. It would make a PERFECT ship for a T6 Scout ... and now that we have the new T5 Lukari scout ship I'm sure the devs are planning to try out a T6 scout.
Speaking of T6 scouts, I'd also like to get a Cardassian Hideki T6 scout that comes with spiral wave disruptor cannons (since we already have spiral wave disruptor beams in the game).
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
with these fighters:
I'd love to see the New Orleans class as a playable ship too. It's always been one of my favorites despite having so little screen time in the show.
A display in the film names it as a Freedom Class. A different Freedom Class appears in TNG (the USS Firebrand in BoBW). I think this would be the only instance of a Federation ship where two different classes have the same name. Though the Federation have used the same designation (D7) to refer to two different Klingon ship classes (the Sech and the K't'inga).
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
T6 Oberth
T6 Pioneer
New Orleans
Newton (Kelvin Timeline)
Still wanna see the Type 9 and Type 11 shuttles as well.
Its main feature would be a set of 4x Quantum Micro-Torpedo Launchers; which fire twice as fast as regular Quantums, but deal only 1/4th the damage per torpedo, and are limited to 135' broadside arcs. 2x Launchers per side, each firing off a volley of 4 micro-torpedoes. Similar to the Fixed Weapon mounts on Escorts/Destroyers, these weapons would be Fixed to Star Cruisers, but removable for rarity/level upgrade purposes. These weapons would always be first affected by Torpedo: Spread skills, but not Torpedo: High Yield skills. On the other hand, these weapons also always multi-target, with each of the 4 torps heading to a different target, in order by range. It's only when there are less than 4 targets that the spare torpedoes focus on a specific target.
It doesn't need a console, though adding a console that increases the firing arcs to a full 315 degrees (sides and rear) as a continuous passive and increases the number of torpedoes launched by 1 per launcher works. Of course, said console is limited to Star Cruisers.
Other than that, the stats would mostly be geared towards a heavy survivability focus (Command or Miracle Worker BOff Lt.Cmdr seat) with a minor secondary attack focus (Intel BOff Lieutenant seat), with a standard 4/4 cruiser weapon set.
Then expand the design to equivalent KDF/Romulan variants, with the KDF also using Quantums but having a 5/3 weapon loadout, whereas the Romulans use Romulan Plasma Micro-Torpedoes instead but retain a 4/4 weapon loadout.
I like this idea. Well rounded and not too OP, but with enough advantages to make it desirable. Always been a fan of the Achilles, so much so that I continue to try and replicate her with an Arbiter/Avenger Battlecruiser.
That Captain Proton Rocket Ship would simply be phenomenal and yet, sadly I doubt that they would even consider it. Too bad!
another is the Venture class first seen in Star Trek: insurrection (piloted by Data I think) and seen again in Armada 1 and Armada II. It would make for an interesting T1 ship that could maybe also do shuttle stuff for new players or whatever.
U.S.S. Incursion I believe was a heavily modified defiant variant
Venture class is a really small scout vessel with (I think) a crew of only 5 or so (yes I know crew levels are no longer counted in STO, I listed it so you could get an idea of how small it is)
also the shuttle ARGO and it's accompanying buggy from Star Trek Nemesis.
the buggy could be useful when traveling large distances on the ground map like the Dyson BZ or at nimbus.
shuttle argo and buggy from ST:nemisis:
Venture class:
U.S.S. Incursion:
The one idea I had after loving these jem hadar ships like those two pilot/wingman mechanics. Is combining that tech with some of the multi vector tech. So a heavy bop could function on its own with commands/powers and then have like the wing men pieces when it could seperate into 3 bops. I think it would be pretty cool but not sure if the demand for something like this would be high enough to get it made. What would be great is if I was way too late on this and already being made yep I could deal with that lol.
Not reading through the whole thread, has anyone mentioned the Orion Interceptor before? I would love to have this for my Orion toon!
basically TOS era classic design starships:
Anton-class -
Loknar-class -
Larson-class -
Federation-class -
I would love to see the Loknar become canon during Discovery. In many ways the NX-01 has a lot in common with the Loknar concept - a primary hull with a pair warp nacelles attached directly to it, as opposed to a Connie based ship design of a primary and secondary hull with a pair of warp nacelles attached to the secondary.
> (Quote)
> I would love to see the Loknar become canon during Discovery. In many ways the NX-01 has a lot in common with the Loknar concept - a primary hull with a pair warp nacelles attached directly to it, as opposed to a Connie based ship design of a primary and secondary hull with a pair of warp nacelles attached to the secondary.
I am quite new to the FASA lore (it was never published in my country). I included Loknar because its role in the Four Years War there, I would preffer personaly much more Larson or Nelson class (I am kind of confusing these two :D ) and of course Anton class. Miranda and Constitution are my top best favourite designs, but I always preffered more the TOS design style over the TMP style. My dream-ship is actually "experimentaly modified" anton ship :D
Post Scriptum: I have no idea what I did wrong that the quotation is not working...
The Olympic also has this issue, and its model looks worse.
Here is a you tube link of the game's video. If you dont want to watch the entire 3+ min video then the scroll to time index 1:38 in the video for the Achilles class.