I have configured my keyboard keybinds so that "W" makes my ship go up and "S" makes it go down. When I use a Xbox 360 controller to play the game, "up" on the left stick makes my ship fly down and "down" makes it go up. Is there any way to invert this behaviour so that it is identical to what I have with my keyboard?
So far I could not find an in-game way of inverting the flight axis (only options for inverting the camera controls on the right stick), I have not found a way to force it via registry hacks to the controller calibration and the in-game "/invertupdown" command seems to only affect the behaviour of "W" and "S", not the Xbox controller.
Is there anything I can do to invert the flight axis on the left stick of my Xbox controller?
When I use the Xbox controller option, I cannot remap the thumbsticks.
It is possible to force the /invertibleup, /invertibledown commands to execute when I move the left thumbstick (via /bind commands), but they do not override the internal thumbstick mechanics of the game once I am not pointing it exactly up or down. Which leads to a situation where "up" = "up", "up+right" = "down+right" etc. The diagonals don't adjust to these mappings. It is simply not playable.
Inverting the Y axis in the game only inverts the camera axis on the right thumbstick, unless there is a different "invert axis" option that I have missed.
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It is possible to force the /invertibleup, /invertibledown commands to execute when I move the left thumbstick (via /bind commands), but they do not override the internal thumbstick mechanics of the game once I am not pointing it exactly up or down. Which leads to a situation where "up" = "up", "up+right" = "down+right" etc. The diagonals don't adjust to these mappings. It is simply not playable.
Inverting the Y axis in the game only inverts the camera axis on the right thumbstick, unless there is a different "invert axis" option that I have missed.
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