I was considering signing my Fleet up to this, but then I read your poorly chosen words against the Romulan Star Empire. Until this is revised, the Romulan-Klingon Alliance (Fleet) will stay their hand.
Good thing you aren't holding out until the Romulan faction is actually introduced into STO, huh?
I'll bet it'll be 2 years min. before we see that...if the game itself lasts that long...
Ragh, of the Klingon Special Ops signs this charter.
on another note, the next bi weekly meeting will be held this Saturday, again at 8pm central standard time. I hope to see everyone there. Please remember to have all guild members sign up for the KDF Alliance charter. Also this weekend, the first weekend of august 2011, STF runs will be all day, specifically KA and Terradome. However Cure and Infected runs will be made as well.
My Apologies to the attendees last night, something came up and I had to leave longer than the 15 minutes log out. I was gone for almost an hour and missed a lot of the meeting. Again I am sorry, if anyone could tell me what i missed as well as who will be hosting the next meeting/time and place that would be great Thanks!!
Talk to your fleetmates, try toget a consensus as to what sort of new kdf content they want (missions, ships, costumes, etc) so that we can collaborate the wants of all the members of all the fleets in the alliance to paint cryptic a picture to better prioritize their resources in delivering content.
Pm or mail me the results and ill post the googledoc, so far between 5 fleets storyline episodes are way out in the lead (who would of thought?) Followed by ships and costumes.
Added: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showpost.php?p=3662637&postcount=1
Viaxa and the entire Orion Syndicate fleet.
Who are you, and whom do you represent? (Who is signing the Charter, and how do they sign?)
The Orion Slavegirl Syndicate formally requests entrance to the alliance
Vata, Mistress of the Orion Slavegirl Syndicate
Your signature has been added to the Charter: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=225553
I'll bet it'll be 2 years min. before we see that...if the game itself lasts that long...
At least give a basic ship tree and some prototype models or something.
on another note, the next bi weekly meeting will be held this Saturday, again at 8pm central standard time. I hope to see everyone there. Please remember to have all guild members sign up for the KDF Alliance charter. Also this weekend, the first weekend of august 2011, STF runs will be all day, specifically KA and Terradome. However Cure and Infected runs will be made as well.
However, the Chat system went down, and nothing could be done.
Had a RL minor family crisis Saturday, daughter drama...:rolleyes:
Still here,,,
Pm or mail me the results and ill post the googledoc, so far between 5 fleets storyline episodes are way out in the lead (who would of thought?) Followed by ships and costumes.