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The Captain_Zero Is PURE AWESOMENESS Thread



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Here are a couple of Z’s mentioned favorites from the "Read Through The First 50 Pages" post.
    JCSWW wrote: »
    *puts Cappy bunny and Momo bunny in a box, closes the lit, and shakes* Make us some little bunnies! MAKE LITTLE BUNNIES!!! NOW!!!
    Capulet wrote: »
    *pokes head out of the box* You failed biology didn't you?
    JCSWW wrote: »
    Yes I did! :D *stuffs bunny back in box and continues to shake*
    Archanubis wrote:
    Are you trying to make a rabbit milkshake in there? :confused:
    JCSWW wrote: »
    No but... *goes and gets tub of real vanilla icecream, opens, dumps in box, closes lip, continues shaking* I'll let you know when it's ready Archie! (;
    Capulet wrote: »
    He's trying to goad me into malleting him. :rolleyes: I am getting a headache and fiction burn on my butt.
    MGDawson wrote: »
    *chloroforms JC and takes Momo and Cappy to an undisclosed location for medical and vetinary treatment*
    Archanubis wrote:
    You could always eat the icecream. Or is that the problem?
    JCSWW wrote: »
    You're going to have to do better than that. It usually takes a double dose of gereral anesthetic just to make me drowsy.
    Archanubis wrote:
    *drops a grand piano from several yard up onto JC*

    Will that do? :D
    JCSWW wrote: »
    Yus! *seeing stars, falls over*

    hort_wort wrote: »
    Archanubis wrote:
    Oh, dear lord...
    SenshiBat wrote: »
    oooh Shiney.. [eye sparkle]

    I can you can
    Do the Toucan

    Bop bop

    just open your beak
    move them feet..
    JCSWW wrote: »
    Meh! Yellow gold is overrated! I prefer white gold or platinum.

    PvP stuff is on-deck and a lot of other stuff as well!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Kickin' off the new year right!
    JCSWW wrote: »
    HAPPY NEW YEAR Z!!! I hope your 2011 was an awesome and that 2012 will treat you even better! Thank you for making my 2011 an year to remember! [=
    JCSWW wrote: »
    When it comes to my buddy. The only ones to meet their match is everyone else. :D Just look at the massacure she pulled off in PvP today. She was so good, it wouldn't even count her kills. :P
    hort_wort wrote: »
    Heh, I gotta admit, she's got me beat very soundly on the ground. :D
    I still cant help but laugh at that. Nothing like scoring 27 kills on the opposing team in a 15 kill limit match for a combined damgae score of over 13,000, and having none of those count unless assited by a teammate :D
    JCSWW wrote: »
    In future, you might have to consider killing them slower. Cryptic's system clearly isn't capable of keeping up with your awesomeness in PvP.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The Ten Forward Battle Brigades is a Player-versus-Player event for the casual and non-elite players. Captain_Zero is the person behind these weekly events on Saturday’s and Sunday’s at 2PM Eastern Time. With some very creative types of matches that don’t even exist due to the unoriginality of Star Trek Online’s Development team, things like Kirk-Style Hand-To-Hand Combat really can make for an entertaining type of match. Shuttles and Fighters is another great asset the TFBB does regularly that stands out from the boredom and bland PvP that is so unpopular with the vast majority of the players of STO.
    ive heard rumours of zero's involvement in pvp. whispers of some unstoppable terror, fragments of information from victims who survived her wrath like harbingers of her ability to destroy all that stand before her.

    Zee is the very definition of class (i would know i have none)

    She is the cunning that exsists within the very term of wit (I wouldn't know such a thing....I failed a pee test)

    Her prowess with a carrier is reknowned many times over, and her reputation as a great klingon ninja is well deserved......(I was lucky just to get the position of clown or barber...alas....I'll never be a true klingon)

    Her kowledge of in game sneak attack has others riddled with fear...(I fear my enemies can't stop laughing at me)

    To cross her is to bring about the end of the world....your world.

    Zero comes from the finest stock fleet captains have to offer.........She is death...that hasn't arrived for us yet.

    Be afraid.......be very afraid (sucks thumb, and hides under horts tucan pillow)

    SenshiBat wrote: »
    I know it was a wonderfull weekend. I invited Z and ..somebody.. over to a VA PVP match with experianced warriors and Z was 15-0 w[REx RALH-UH]

    oh yeah CHANG!

    I was going to try my hand at PvP someday, but now I might pass...

    The image in my mind is a scene "like" Wolf 359 with Zero sitting in the middle, buffing her nails, and a sinister grin on her face....


    On second thought, I could probably relieve some of you of the role as the punching bag....

    I'm always willing to take one for the team.

    When it comes to shuttles, our Z is equally as deadly!
    I've got my shuttles rocikin' and ready to roll Kirk and Picard for Sunday.
    JCSWW wrote: »
    The two matches were quite enjoyable! However... I think I'm going to have to name a shuttle the U.S.S. Hort for the next one because I seemed to draw a lot of fire at times. :P
    hort_wort wrote: »
    Heh. I had the first death in that match. I was a couple km behind archee, and I *still* got the attention of everyone on the opposing team. :eek:
    We j ust love ya Hort.:)
    JCSWW wrote: »
    "Captain_Zero: We just love to make ya go boom Hort.:)" Corrected!
    Priceless :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    So… many… pages of great stuff! Why can’t I just quote the entire thread? Lets start this post with one of Archie’s best finds.
    Archanubis wrote:

    SenshiBat wrote: »
    \o/ Ya Ya Dawson Assist..

    But here.. Look What i found involving School Busssesss


    School on Time Terrifies Me..
    Look out for Ravenstein Science..

    OMG , ITs Archies Transformer.
    JCSWW wrote: »
    That bus is epic Senshi, just like my buddy! [= Great find!

    How sad it was when this build got nerfed and ironically, after the changes, did more damage to itself than the target.
    Honestly didn't expect Zazinir's Raptor to be a one-shot wonder like it was. Last attempts I had at that faild pretty badly. With the new tric changes coming in soon, that's probably gonna be shot to pieces, but I'm willing to try and make it work

    This thread sure is long! It may not be Cappy’s thread long but it’s long. [= Talk about my buddy and food. Does it get any better than this?! [=
    jacklehop wrote: »
    I'm guessing that Z is still awesome by the length of this thread, lol. Rock on girl.
    JCSWW wrote: »
    Of course she's still awesome! People just don't come any better than her. That's why JC loves his buddy lots and lots and lots! :D

    SenshiBat wrote: »
    Reach out and Hug a Buuny..

    Night Ride Across the Caucasus by Loreena McKennitt
    JCSWW wrote: »
    ”SenshiBat: Reach out and Hug a Buddy.” Fixed that for you! *hugs Z* :D
    SenshiBat wrote: »
    You got that right ur.. I can still wave ... Hope Z had an excellent Tuesday.

    Capulet wrote: »
    Pure awesomeness with chocolate chips.
    JCSWW wrote: »
    If she comes back with a bite out of her. I'm going to blame you! *wipes chocolate from mouth*
    Capulet wrote: »
    All rules and bets are off when chocolate is involved.
    Dark, White, or Semi-Sweet Chocolate???
    jacklehop wrote: »
    All, I am fluffy so I can eat it all, I have no dignity!!!! I would even line my ship with chocolate if they let me. Might make me go boom a lot less. Plus I would be totally immune to tractor beams.

    SenshiBat wrote: »
    Fine Pesto needs fine Garlic.. have a mint later enjoy the garlic.. its a natural cloistral management tool. or medicinal. only the best Toast tomato and ingredients for CHE Z's
    JCSWW wrote: »
    Garlic is the primary ingredient. It's what gives her that... kissibly fresh breath. :P
    SenshiBat wrote: »
    aye aye.. It proved the Kiss is true or ment when garlic defence dosent work..
    JCSWW wrote: »
    MMMMMMMUAH *lit up light like the sun, waits patiently for smack* :D

    JCSWW wrote: »
    Well... It's so quiet in here this afternoon, I've decided to taunt you all with what I had for breakfast this morning.

    JCSWW wrote: »
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    With threads about various Ten Forward well-known personalities around here, I started the Captain_Zero Is PURE AWESOMENESS Thread because Z was more than just a regular in the TenForwardForum chat. Z was appointed (by popular demand) to one of the 5 new A Fleet Called Ten Forward (AFCTF) admins, is the person behind and maintaining the TFBB, and is also one of three admins which oversee the 10ite community. I think Corban said it well in regards to this threads creation.
    A thread that is well overdue. I need not mention the PVP aspect. Zero is also very community minded and not at all in your face with her supeior fighting abilities. Unless she's smacking you in the face with a rifle butt, or blowing your ship up for the 10th consecutive time. Oops, I mentioned it.

    Dude! You are missed around here along with many others! Here are a few more posts from others, some of which no longer play.

    Vrano wrote:
    Zero is a great person to chat with. Havn't ever PvP'd against her...much less against anyone I know, mainly because I know I suck, so rather not waste anyone's time with it, lol.

    I would agree that Capt. Z is forged from solid awesomeness.

    Below are a few thankful and complimentary posts made by a few of us over the life of this thread.
    MGDawson wrote: »
    Playing with Captain_Zero in STO doing the Deferi dailies cheered me up, especially as being ill was starting to depress me. Thanks Z.

    JCSWW wrote: »
    By the way. I'd like to thank Captain_Zero for all of the help in getting my Klingon upto Lt. General during the Double XP weekend and before. From Commander 10 upto Lt. General 1, Rex was leveling with my toon almost the entire time. Thank you so much Captain_Z! [=

    SenshiBat wrote: »
    The best little big bus that could... Avatar award..

    JCSWW wrote: »
    Just wanted to offer up a huge thanks to Z for all of the time we spent teamed last week to get our toons very close to VA. [= We still have a little more time to get those toons to VA before the F2P mess takes over.

    Gronk braving the one of the forums he hates most to say hi to my buddy! [= The STO boards! :p
    Gronk161 wrote: »
    This is my first official post in this thread.

    HI Z!!!!

    There are so many great posts worthy of being quoted in the 124 pages. I wish I had the time to organize more. The forum limitations made it hard to add more to some of the previous posts or even keep some together enough to even bother post. That doesn’t mean they didn’t go unnoticed. I've heavily skimmed over this thread twice in the past week but please feel free to post and/or quote anything you wish to add. There is one more post I decided to make over on our boards because it would have taken four posts to do so here. I am very thankful for everyone that took the time to visit and post in this thread over the past year! [=

    One final note for the last post reflecting on this thread over the past year. This game is full of amazing people that I have come to know over the past couple of years. It's no secret how much I love and adore my buddy, Z! If you're ever in doubt of that, just read through this thread or ask. I have absolutely no problem stating it! :D A huge thanks to everyone behind Star Trek Online for providing the game that introduced me to my buddy! She is the greatest gift and blessing life has ever rewarded me with! That said, the last quote from this thread is by me.
    JCSWW wrote: »
    :D JC has already pledged to be around forever!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    JCSWW wrote: »
    There are so many great posts worthy of being quoted in the 124 pages. I wish I had the time to organize more. The forum limitations made it hard to add more to some of the previous posts or even keep some together enough to even bother post. That doesn’t mean they didn’t go unnoticed. I've heavily skimmed over this thread twice in the past week but please feel free to post and/or quote anything you wish to add. There is one more post I decided to make over on our boards because it would have taken four posts to do so here. I am very thankful for everyone that took the time to visit and post in this thread over the past year! [=

    One final note for the last post reflecting on this thread over the past year. This game is full of amazing people that I have come to know over the past couple of years. It's no secret how much I love and adore my buddy, Z! If you're ever in doubt of that, just read through this thread or ask. I have absolutely no problem stating it! :D A huge thanks to everyone behind Star Trek Online for providing the game that introduced me to my buddy! She is the greatest gift and blessing life has ever rewarded me with! That said, the last quote from this thread is by me.

    *sniff* Somehow, reading this brought a tear to me eye.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ah geez, JC you made a mess!!
    -starts corralling the balloons into a corner-
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Bobservo wrote:
    *sniff* Somehow, reading this brought a tear to me eye.

    :D What can I say?! [=
    hort_wort wrote: »
    Ah geez, JC you made a mess!!
    -starts corralling the balloons into a corner-

    So I can inhale the helium out of them? (;
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    JCSWW wrote: »
    So I can inhale the helium out of them? (;

    No! There's a helium shortage. We can't waste any more helium to do fun stuff like sound like chipmunks. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    8766 hrs and i haven't seen anything except spam on this thread.


    Congrats on the first year anniversary.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Destinii wrote:
    No! There's a helium shortage. We can't waste any more helium to do fun stuff like sound like chipmunks. :(

    But what bout our planed concert, JC and the Chipmunks?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Destinii wrote:
    No! There's a helium shortage. We can't waste any more helium to do fun stuff like sound like chipmunks. :(

    Another Canadian? I promise to save some... *starts working on Witch Doctor performance*.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Happy one year Z! Now, where is cake? :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Capulet wrote: »
    Happy one year Z! Now, where is cake? :)

    She didn't share! )= I think I heard something like...

    "It's my, nom nom, thread and there for, nom nom nom, my cake! *crumbs flying everywhere* :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    But I thought the cake was a lie? :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    8766 hrs and i haven't seen anything except spam on this thread.


    Congrats on the first year anniversary.

    The spam all gobbled up as soon it it came out of the can. :p
    But what bout our planed concert, JC and the Chipmunks?

    *scoops up Z, starts dancing around with her in my arms, while singing Witch Doctor with a helium alterned voice*
    Bobservo wrote:
    But I thought the cake was a lie? :confused:

    The lie was, your piece is on the counter in the kitchen. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *runs into Z's room and starts jumping ont he bed*


    *belly flops onto bed next to Z, bouncing her onto the floor* :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *jumps on Z's bed*

    It's Christmas day! It's Christmas day! :D


    Wait, it's not? Then why am I jumping on Z's bed? :confused:

    Oh well!

    *continues jumping* :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *bounces off bed from Servo's jumping onto floor next to Z*


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Careful! You'll poke out your good eye falling off of beds like that! :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *puts eye patch over good eye*

    All better!

    *gets up and trips over Z, knocking over all of her cardboard models*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    NOOOOOOO!!!! Not the space shuttle!! :eek:
    JC, what have you done?! :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *stands up, knocking over a shelf of books*

    Don't worry! I'm okay! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    will the EC idic tribble buff that boobo
    or should we just find a map to jellystone park
    and grab a picnic basket b4 ranger smith
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I have yet to really test the new Tribble out. Did use it in the runw ith Z last night in a Romulan mission but dind't really think too much of it one way or another. With all of these different Tribbles, I'm starting to think that I might give them to selected BO's to help along the way. The IDIC Tribble does offer a benefit to the entire team so it will definitely make it into the hands of my BO's that always end up on Away missions.

    HAPPY FRIDAY, Z! Hope you are having an amazing day so far! [=
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    MGDawson wrote: »


    Next Thursday for me but no biggie. Just glad my Friday is finished!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Now I have the very annying chorus of a song some of my classmates keep chanting every Friday at school.... :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Now I have the very annying chorus of a song some of my classmates keep chanting every Friday at school.... :D

    Definitely can't blame you for thinking that song is annoying. How about this to get rid of it?
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