Remember the USS T'Pau from that episode in which they go to the starship graveyard in TNG?
Anyway, if were talking about prefixes.
NCC= Naval Commision Contract: The number the ship was assigned before being built and before it got its name, this explains the Prometheus's odd registry, even though it was NX, it is still a number in the NCC system, and the only way they can get up that high in the 90,000's is if they included shuttles, freighters, and civillian ships, and possibly captured ships, but then it wouldn't be NCC if it were a captured ship, but it would have to assigned a number any way and was given the next free number if it were pressed into active duty. Also take the Federation Curry and Raging Queen Class carriers from DS9, I bet they got new numbers when they were retrofitted from Excelsiors to carriers.
NX= Naval Prototype: The "X" is often used for prototype, and it is tied in with the NCC system.
NAR= Navy Astrological Researcher?: I don't know for sure what the NAR stands for but this is my guess since the ships were built by starfleet and used by civillians as science ships.
USS= UFP Star Ship
S.S. = Star Ship
IKS= Imperial Klingon Ship
IRW= Imperial Romulan Warbird
And now my solution for the Dykar
VSV= Vulcan Science Vessel, but in vulcan lettering, with no NCC, NAR, or whatever with just a number
However if the ship was acquired by starfleet from the Vulcan Navy, then it would get the USS and NCC treatment because it would be operating under the UFP Flag and therefore a Federation wessel
When a nation buys a ship from the US, that other nation doesn't keep a USS designation just because a ship used to be somewhere else or was made by another country.
These USS designations in Star Trek would only apply to Starfleet vessels--regardless of manufacturer or origin.
These USS designations in Star Trek would only apply to Starfleet vessels--regardless of manufacturer or origin.
If it was fairly simple for Cryptic to add the NX prefix to the C-Store, then I don't see why Cryptic couldn't do something similar here, to allow players who want to role play a character who isn't part of Starfleet, for a price.
Remember the USS T'Pau from that episode in which they go to the starship graveyard in TNG?
Anyway, if were talking about prefixes.
NCC= Naval Commision Contract: The number the ship was assigned before being built and before it got its name, this explains the Prometheus's odd registry, even though it was NX, it is still a number in the NCC system, and the only way they can get up that high in the 90,000's is if they included shuttles, freighters, and civillian ships, and possibly captured ships, but then it wouldn't be NCC if it were a captured ship, but it would have to assigned a number any way and was given the next free number if it were pressed into active duty. Also take the Federation Curry and Raging Queen Class carriers from DS9, I bet they got new numbers when they were retrofitted from Excelsiors to carriers.
NX= Naval Prototype: The "X" is often used for prototype, and it is tied in with the NCC system.
NAR= Navy Astrological Researcher?: I don't know for sure what the NAR stands for but this is my guess since the ships were built by starfleet and used by civillians as science ships.
USS= UFP Star Ship
S.S. = Star Ship
IKS= Imperial Klingon Ship
IRW= Imperial Romulan Warbird
And now my solution for the Dykar
VSV= Vulcan Science Vessel, but in vulcan lettering, with no NCC, NAR, or whatever with just a number
However if the ship was acquired by starfleet from the Vulcan Navy, then it would get the USS and NCC treatment because it would be operating under the UFP Flag and therefore a Federation wessel
By that logic wouldn't you just replace the NCC with something Vulcan specific? So you'd have something like the "USS Pride of Andoria, VCC 12345".
The problem with the V.S. is that you are a Fed and it is the Feds that are sending you on missions deemed importent by the UFP. Vulcan ships run missions for Vulcan. Vulcan ships when assigned to Starfleet run missions for the UFP and in many cases are crewed and comanded by non-vulcans.
If it was fairly simple for Cryptic to add the NX prefix to the C-Store, then I don't see why Cryptic couldn't do something similar here, to allow players who want to role play a character who isn't part of Starfleet, for a price.
NX is different from USS.
I could see a NV prefix to signify that the ship was recomissioned as a Federation ship.
The problem with the V.S. is that you are a Fed and it is the Feds that are sending you on missions deemed importent by the UFP. Vulcan ships run missions for Vulcan. Vulcan ships when assigned to Starfleet run missions for the UFP and in many cases are crewed and comanded by non-vulcans.
p.s. I am no Vulcan hater.
I think people just want it from an rp standpoint. I've met a lot of toons that are either defected from Starfleet, mercenaries, civilian transporters, from the Terran Empire, etc.
But hey, if we're going the distance, why not more than just V.S? What about A.S. for Andorian ships or T.S. for Tellarite ships? That'd be interesting.
DS9 begs to differ...
Anyway, if were talking about prefixes.
NCC= Naval Commision Contract: The number the ship was assigned before being built and before it got its name, this explains the Prometheus's odd registry, even though it was NX, it is still a number in the NCC system, and the only way they can get up that high in the 90,000's is if they included shuttles, freighters, and civillian ships, and possibly captured ships, but then it wouldn't be NCC if it were a captured ship, but it would have to assigned a number any way and was given the next free number if it were pressed into active duty. Also take the Federation Curry and Raging Queen Class carriers from DS9, I bet they got new numbers when they were retrofitted from Excelsiors to carriers.
NX= Naval Prototype: The "X" is often used for prototype, and it is tied in with the NCC system.
NAR= Navy Astrological Researcher?: I don't know for sure what the NAR stands for but this is my guess since the ships were built by starfleet and used by civillians as science ships.
USS= UFP Star Ship
S.S. = Star Ship
IKS= Imperial Klingon Ship
IRW= Imperial Romulan Warbird
And now my solution for the Dykar
VSV= Vulcan Science Vessel, but in vulcan lettering, with no NCC, NAR, or whatever with just a number
However if the ship was acquired by starfleet from the Vulcan Navy, then it would get the USS and NCC treatment because it would be operating under the UFP Flag and therefore a Federation wessel
These USS designations in Star Trek would only apply to Starfleet vessels--regardless of manufacturer or origin.
If it was fairly simple for Cryptic to add the NX prefix to the C-Store, then I don't see why Cryptic couldn't do something similar here, to allow players who want to role play a character who isn't part of Starfleet, for a price.
By that logic wouldn't you just replace the NCC with something Vulcan specific? So you'd have something like the "USS Pride of Andoria, VCC 12345".
Well, It would be in Vulcan lettering
p.s. I am no Vulcan hater.
NX is different from USS.
I could see a NV prefix to signify that the ship was recomissioned as a Federation ship.
I think people just want it from an rp standpoint. I've met a lot of toons that are either defected from Starfleet, mercenaries, civilian transporters, from the Terran Empire, etc.
But hey, if we're going the distance, why not more than just V.S? What about A.S. for Andorian ships or T.S. for Tellarite ships? That'd be interesting.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!