At first I was :eek: and then I realized, it was a mirage, and I wasnt seeing hardly any true cleavage at all.

I guess this is as far as they are willing to go. They do look great on one hand, but if my officers are going to look like Starfleet hoes, I want to see some real cleavage. I guess I should shell out for the Mirror Universe "swimsuit" set, lol. But its not encouraging for me to buy more clothes, when I have to shell out ECs just to change clothes for various "occasions" for at least 4 boffs. The gray casual Picard wear looks great, but the EC cost associated with every jacket change deters me. Im not VA, where money is no object. Personally, anything that costs you Atari points, shouldnt cost a sales tax of ECs too. Or maybe Im not watching the math right, but that seems to be what happens, correct me if Im wrong. Its too bad several players cant bring their full away team with each of them, and simulate attending a stuffy Admirals dinner banquet, dresses up or what have you on the same ground map, lol.
This is exacerbated by the fact the jackets in the future perfectly adhere to the form of the body, so the TRIBBLE are allowed to sit naturally while remaining perfectly supported.
Also in the future all TRIBBLE are naturally round and by a miracle of natural selection never smaller than a C-cup.
Natural selection nothing. Aint nothing natural about the character creator breast size slider.
Yet another example of better living thru technology.
And I once again renew my objection to the cleavage nerf.
Hey, I like big TRIBBLE and I cannot lie, you other brothas cant deny.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
Like I said in the zipper thread. If this is a subject people feel is worth raising a stink over, that must mean the game is in pretty good shape. Else they'd be complaining about something.... iunno... important?
u saying that open jacket is as daring as orion slave girl outfits ?
You're just late to the party. The cleavage nerf debate has been raging since they first posted the blue lady in club 47 and told us that was the open uniform, NOT the one they put up for us to vote for in the uni poll.
Complaints about zippers? Yeah, crazy.
Complaints about cleavage? Good, clean fun.
I do wonder if Cryptic really pushed as hard as they could with the ESRB but oh well.
He can't be saying that. Because then the statement would be completely rediculous. What rating system would be ok with full-on Orion side-boobage with metalic pasties and NOT be ok with normal good ol' cleavage?
you're forgetting one very important thing that makes all the difference when it comes to the Orions... Green skin... Slap some green skin on something and it seems you can get away with anything...
Stormshade mentioned this as well, and seemed every bit as confused and annoyed by it as some of us do.
While they're tons better than government regulation, the ESRB can be really... weird, sometimes.
Im not mad, just being nit picky. True, Orion girls are much more risque. Which reminds me, I just got my GTX 470card last night, and I need to get down to Risa to see some real coconuts
I understand the ratings thing. And really you cant make the regular uniforms too hussy. Thats what the Mirror Universe and Deanna Troi's outfit is for.
But when you think about it, unless its full simulated nudity, the ratings thing is a joke. Kids see much more skin walking down the aisles of the swimwear or bra section of walmart.
I've had nightmares because of some of the things I have seen in the swimwear/bra sections of Wal-mart. :eek:
I have a plan, a crack squad must be recruited to replace the US president with a secret European, this imposter president will then mandate that the BBFC or PEGI take over the ESRBs role. I see this plan as a little more feasible than a dwarf hamster defeating a steroid raging cat in a cage match.
What's this about the ESRB? I remember reading a dev post about a month or so back that stated that the cleavage was nerfed do to an 'in house' (read: Dev made) decision, not the ESRB.
I, for one, did not expect the start of a striptease if using one of these. I am against the female open jacket option until it is made to look better, preferably something alittle more professional and a little less "i want boobies".
How can a game rated T for Teen by the ESRB get away with this, as with almost every other game out there with that rating;
and yet STO, with the very same rating, has to color the skin green to get a pass. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon for cleavage persay, but I do feel it is unfair that STO is held to a much harsher treatment than others.
Unless it is CBS who doesn't want to allow said cleavage in game, then I could understand.
Frankly I'm disappointed in the amount of work put into this new uniform. Instead of giving people what they actually asked for, all they did was take an eraser to a small portion of the uniform top and then replace with with skin color texture.
No new art assets were added, which is why the open version shows sternum no matter how well endowed the character is.
That kind of simple, cost-cutting approach is fine if you're making something to put into the game for free. There's no way that I'd ever pay for it because that kind of "minimum amount of effort not really what they asked for but close enough lets rush it out and call it good oh whoops emergency patch cause our lack of testing caused it go live broken for Trills" just isn't good enough for my money.
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But heck, this thread just made me laugh, so that's one thing.'s one go about doing a quote?