zkuxen Arc User


  • nevermind, after doing some research, I figured out the problem. unfortunately, 3 of my friends no longer care to play, since they can't register with FireFox...
  • I like this idea, though I might add something like a system that prevents preoccupied people from being PK'ed. Also maybe a level cap for it. It's quite annoying being OHKOed by someone 10 levels higher than you while you're talking to an NPC. Also, you could add that besides level, infamy could increase points. For…
  • for the venomancer standard presets, you cannot change skin color, only face color changes. I have already reported this as a bug, and nothing has been done about it. I want to change my character's skin color, and I would like this bug fixed in time for me to change my character's skin color without having pale skin and a…
  • occassionally, when I click to go back the character selection screen, I get a message saying "username does not exist" then one saying I was disconnected from the server.
  • I know, but in a game, some things are very specific. I was thinking maybe there was one monster called a turtle and one called a tortoise or something, since I can't get any fodder and I've killed several dozen highland tortoises...
  • is that turtles, or tortoises? and if it's turtles, where are they?
  • Oh, yeah, and the preview button in this forum doesn't work...