Go away, the topic has been changed and it doesn't regard you now. Fact is DeadlySin actually poses some what of a challenge when we fight them. Where as your guild is weak and pathetic.
Because it's a very well known bug. That would require a lot of time to fix and people are knowingly exploiting this bug. Bug Exploitation=bad
Nice video. Shows me dying twice though :/ Hiero plizzz
:rolleyes: I r haz fond teh wepons of mazz destruzctions!
Join a guild and get them to help you? RQ did gouf and chewy both twice today in no time. Seriously if i catch anyone bugging him im reporting you due to the fact that i hate werefox's because everything is so easy for them.Deal with it.
I saw the exact same thing the other day but i thought maybe it was just lag. Or maybe they used an oracle scroll i don't know.
GM tickets are just used to get the GM to come. Once they've received the ticket from you the come ASAP and take action.
I just feel the need to post this again: [URL="[IMG][/IMG]"] [/URL]
He's legit. I make fun of him for having no life on vent 24/7.
Oh so if RQ went and sicked Ara(Level 54) on all of the level 30's on the server including yourself you wouldn't complain about it?
Who's complaining about levels?
I was wondering how i died while AFK. Apparently it was due to a werebeast who's level 47+ :(. Do you honestly think i would stand there and let you kill me normally? You've got at least 7 levels on me. Truth is i would just kite you and **** your hiero. Had you of been there for any of those fights you would have realized…
Actually we didn't we cleared to boss room and then he went crazy and ran back a few times so we ended up in the hall.
Edit Update: Cap level is 105. Im level 31 almost 32 and Ara is 38 because he has no life.
I didn't record it because i had talked to a GM about it and didn't suspect that the player would have a GM alarm and log off. I didn't turn fraps on until i saw the same player doing the same thing later.
That's fine lets see them then. I don't know if you've noticed but about half the people on this forum have tried to get RQ members banned for nothing.
Care to explain why you had to make an account just for this thread?
Do you have names,screenshots,proof,times?
In reply to the two above. 1.I added a high quality video with the second link. 2. There is proof that they are a bot due to the fact that i reported them earlier and a GM came but as soon as the GM entered the area they logged off(GM alarm) 3. We had tried tells earlier which also had no reply and you can also see normal…
I also want to commend PWE for this. Three times so far i have reported gold sellers/botters and a GM appeared instantly and took actions. Their also very nice and speak english fluently(Which is rare.) Big hand to Xeres,Faiten, and Perill :) ~Ordain
I got 200 as well :) Red Power FTW!
Respect for vaginas everywhere.
Actually were cool with DeadlySin now. Were not enemies at all anymore, were more on the friendly side of them if i do say so myself.
I just lol`d. Thank you.
Experienced?Didn`t i PK you then have you QQ at me in PM for 10 minutes? -Ordain
I see what you mean, This happens alot. But you DeadlySins guys are damn cool with me now. You guys are doing great PKing for a 3 man guild. Look at this 2v11 lol:
Daily happenings.
Lol so Wutang is going to stay and try and fight without conqueror ,vitality, balkans, and covenant to help them out number RQ?
Werebeasts name should have remained "Yao Shou" like it was on the CN version.
The drop damage is a good idea because alot of people just do that during PK to get away. But the breath meter idea is stupid since at 90+ you grind mostly in the water if your a DD. So that would cost you heaps of XP and time.