You people seriously complain about everything. 5 days is more then enough time to get level 40. Especially with free cash shop stuff. You can easily get level 40 in 20 days. Stop complaining,Stop whining,and deal with it. Note: I missed the first 3 days of closed beta due to a vacation, came back got to level 30 to PK,…
I don't gank. 1v1 only stop whining. We're not gonna get banned because we did nothing wrong.
Wait a minute? Your not in RQ? Yet you backed them up? OMG WUT you must be on a heavy stream of payment which their receiving from Al-Qaeda.
Im not surprised that there's been no replies. I told you this niwa :p, nobody wants to hear the truth.
Mebe Is Bcuz We R No Haz Bebe 10 Yr Or Oso Mebe Cus We R Not Want To Offend Or Parents Nemore? Speciawee After Dat Safezone Incident Huh?
Ingame. Only 147 in game hours to go and im white :p. Oh it's real life hours, but while logged in.
This thread fails epicly. We have people complaining about being PKed by RQ who has only about 10-15 people actually playing CB. We're trying to get to 40 as well. And if you think it's hard to do so with 10 people flying around and PKing you. Try and see what it's like for us when 99.9% of the people on the server attack…
Why don't you keep thinking that? I played to level 89 on the original chinese version, to 76 on the malaysian version, and high on many Pservers. We have a whole lot of people who got 65+ need a list: Me Kaiko t0yo Brutius etc. The list goes on, tbh we probably have more experience then most guilds on this server. Stop…
Please learn a little bit about the way this game works. Im a mage which means im very weak for PvP before level 70+ or at least until 49. Also if you didn't notice i had a mob attacking me and greeny is flying in the sky shooting me as well I have screenshots and you can even see the green dot on the map. Also rose can't…
Oh,so we really are the illuminati. I KNEW IT!
And you young padawan follow in mine. Nooby blue mage :p
Lol can you say zerg? 2v11.
Uhm? Al ot more people PK red names then they do white names. Get it right.
Dayzd fraps the whole thing so you can clearly see me and him killing a party then moving on to others in the area.
Those rings aren't +50% agi, They're +50% accuracy but still very good. Though hard to get.
I would imagine that while in combat with i player you can't change your settings. You probably have to go 30 seconds without being attacked/or attacking to turn it off or maybe longer.
Content. Too short.
Learn to use the edit button.
Stop QQing about the prices. I played the MY Version to 76 as a werebeast and didn't spend a cent on cash shop. So apparentaly it is doable.
Because she was blue when that was originally taken. And she's been white for 5+ days now.
What does that have to do with anything?
Were not talking about that screen shot. Were talking about the stall one in ADC.
I lol'd, What's the point on dating the SS's of me trying to 1v1? I could have told you that was earlier today. I was level 35 at the time.
I want to thank faruxe for posting those pics. They show nothing wrong, and if you call that QQing? Also neither of us died so apparently it was a tie. Is that the closest you guys can get to winning :P?
@Showharu, Your thinking of a differen't time. I don't interfere with 1v1's either. Im talking about when you, lag and condement were all trying to PK me. @Faruxe Demo wanted to 1v1 me, so i did and we couldn't kill each other. But he had priest buffs and i didn't so i asked him to relog so it would be a fair fight. But…
Because it's true. The truth is ironic and hilarious, At least most of the time.
Dayzd, And Ordain. Get it straight. And yes Thugstaz did PK you. But this was while you lag and Condement were trying to 3v1 me. No i did not ask for his aid. He has no affiliation with RQ as we speak.
The hiero thing changes at 70+, Though in rare cases people will be unable to kill each other.
I disagree, Most people have been fighting back when i attack. Which is why it's so damn hard for me to get red :(. I basically have to kite WR's for red.
This post is a waste of time. I've found 3 bugs so far. As well it gives new players a chance to try the game out as well as the cash shop.