I sent in my ticket long ago (the day of my first post on this topic on or about Dec 17, 2009). Got an email from Customer Support asking for more info. I replied to that and got response instructing me to look for a makeover scroll ingame, but not to use it yet. Told to wait until the issue has been fixed. I've been…
I've submitted a ticket for TWO avatars affected on my main account so far. I spent a lot of time, and yes, even several makeover scrolls getting my avatars to look they way I wanted them to look. When I check other accounts, I'll probably find more unauthorized changes. I've also been getting emails from clients that I…
Just a few of the things I can think of off the top of my head: math, geometry, creative problem solving, computer literacy, teamwork, setting/attaining goals, prioritization, time management skills, budgeting/financial skills, marketing, good citizenship, social skills. These are all things that computer gaming can teach…
OK, gonna TRY to explain this, since so many ppl don't understand it. When some clothing item says "Random Color", it doesn't mean the color is a randomly chosen pure pigment color. It means exactly what it says, it is a randomly assigned color. Pure pigments are what you buy from the cash shop as Hot Colors. A "Random…
looks like all my threads have been patially merged and some moved, but the wrong ones moved. :/ anyway, this all happened within minutes, nay! within seconds. all obviously if not the same buyer, it was a coordinated effort. and btw, i fixed the post to remove the faction name and reposted as i was instructed.
If it was many others acting independantly, it wouldn't have happened simultaneously.
I posted regarding this in the General Discussion forum. Ya'll might want to look at it before you sell any of your zhen on AH. Or not. I'm interested in your thoughts. Good luck to us all on dear old Sanctuary!
I made a post regarding the Sanctuary zhen gold market buy-out today. It's under General Discussions up there ^^^^^. You may want to look at it before you place any zhen gold for sale on Sanctuary AH. Good luck cash shop peeps :D
Now, phew! I got the wall of text up with inital thoughts. And I hope no one is selling their gold on the AH, tho I know some people (lol i know who you are, some of you anyway) will do so to grab profits. I'm not even ingame atm, and I'm not gonna do anything for a bit myself. I've played a LOT of games online. I'm OLD.…
Ok, just a few minutes ago I was going about my regular busines and saw the AH gold market going freaking nuts. All the gold on offer was being bought up. I mean ALL the gold on offer. For a few minutes there was no gold on offer in the AH but 2 @ 600K each. Seriously. I thought I was suffering from a malfunction. I…
Now, phew! I got the wall of text up with inital thoughts. And I hope no one is selling their gold on the AH, tho I know some people (lol i know who you are, some of you anyway) will do so to grab profits. I'm not even ingame atm, and I'm not gonna do anything for a bit myself. I've played a LOT of games online. I'm OLD.…
It could be a simplified way to track cash shop spending. You could tell what price range the client is buying in and such. Just throwing it out there.
I was on a timed quest and just about toturn in to npc with about 16 mins to spare. no npc. couldn't go to fox form. was able to get off and on mount. able to autopath to npc location, but again, no npc there. was unable to log out until i used "force" to go to desktop. now unable to retireve character list upon trying to…
I've opened around 70 so far, nothing but regular tokens. IF I get any more this month (likely I will), I'll open them with a different avatar. My veno seems to be without luck.
Will it also double the (already enhanced) xp from aquatic and aerial mobs? I'm guessing YES. Leveling faster may be a coin sink for the economy. Makes you kill less mobs when grinding (of course same number for quests), and makes you need to buy new skills and gear more often. Unless the drop rates are also doubled,…
It is a graphical glitch in the coding of the lobsters. The "lines" (thicker grey and thinner blue side by side), when seen close up are almost like a very elongated but squared off cone. It's fattest near the mount, and seems to stretch to infinity "heavenward", getting thinner and thinner as it goes. I've seen it on both…
[Looks around for that old FeudaLordBattlemasterStrategy cap. Dangit! Must have left it in another mmorpg.] Anyway, if everyone really wants the map to change, seems the fatest way is to let one faction take it over as quickly as possible. Factualy speaking, Nefarious is the best choice here, as they control most of it…
Look very closely at the "garter" on the left (I think) thigh. The two thin stripes are what you just spent all those thousands of gp to dye. :/
There should be a toll free number listed on the back of your credit card. Good luck!
I'm looking forward to this! I'm not in love with the amphibian look tho. Made me get that old southern song "Frog Went a'Courtin'" stuck in my head :/ I really enjoyed playing a rogue/assassin in another mmorpg, and I'm likely to try this new class/race out ASAP. Bring it on!!
YAY!!! Such joy b:laugh Works a treat. I watched duels in Ether and went grinding conquering dustwraiths (or w/e) and had no appreciable lag or problems. Other than the screen being rather small, the only issue I had was keyboard fingering and feel. Nothing a little practice and a stick-on felt pad or two can't fix. Thanks…
Thanks folks, about to give it a shot while I run errands. Wish me luck! If this works, I'll be able to at least grind a little during down times at work. I have some time between "emergencies" and after all the routine stuff is done. I work nights and on my own, so it can get pretty boring. Not having to make space for a…
But Aadi, you probably are grinding a lot more for those small luxuries, and generally are getting them after they've been around a while. Not saying that's a bad thing, just seems like far too much of an investment of time than I can myself afford to give to PWI. I actually envy those who have the great gift of such an…
LMAO This thread has been so entertaining for me just in and of itself, that I feel moved to go charge some more Zhen as a way of saying "Thanks for the entertainment! Keep it coming." b:laugh >grabs her credit card and heads for the cash shop, stoppping briefly to say:< Don't hate me because I have worked to aquire…
Thanks bunches for the info! I'll give it a shot. Would it help if I loaded the client on a zip drive? I have an extra 2GB one around here somewhere.
Being myself both a conspicuous consumer and a deep-pocket investor, I can't say why some people say that. I have absolutely no problem spending every dime I make. Granted, I am addicted to alts (highest is 45ish?) and to having a few creature luxuries, ah, I mean basic comforts. ;) And trust me, I pick up every drop I…
In my opinion, only the desperate and the "small fry" or ignorant and impatient will sell gold at 160K gp. Granted, there are quite a few of those types, but at this time I see far more people holding gold out of the market when prices slip even to 170K. Look carefully and watch the listings, even if for just an hour or…
But when gold prices are high, the hammer, in effect, itself costs more, thus making the gp in the chest less valuable. no? Edit to mention that there is always going to be a lag whenever the market changes. Thats when the savvy investor/speculators make money if they move quickly in the right direction.
The following is based on gold trading in Sanctuary AH at 180,000 gp each. This is about an average price over the last 2 months or so, by my non-scientific reckoning. It's really probably a bit closer to 182-185K, but the figures below prove the point I want to make well enough. I'm basing the price of the "million gp…
I, for one, am glad this question was asked. I've been wrestling with the core question here since I started playing PWI not so long ago. Always a steep learning curve with any new game, at least for me. Not everything in PWI seems to work as intended, and I still see rather odd (if not downright misleading) descriptions…