wiseprophet Arc User


  • TOO LATE TO NERF THE VENO! People already paid hundreds for their charr. I dont think that nerffing the veno will help h their bussiness.
  • well except for the story line, malaysian version totally blew it. But you have to admit some things sound much better in the malaysian version- like werefox and werebeast as an example.
  • Malaysian version made much more sense if you ask me.
  • Technically, being able to bring a boss into a safe zone is a glitch, and abusing a glitch is bannable. I dont think they care though. IMO: If the game lets you do something then whos fault is it? The developers is who. If they dont like it then they need to fix it.
  • If you want to help your friend lvl up quick then your gonna have to help him with his quests. The fastest way to lvl is doing quests, and if you can 1 hit kill the enemies for him then he will lvl up in no time.
  • I would love to support this game, and definitely will as soon as prices go down. Until then I will not spend a dime though.
  • Also I know I would spend alot more cash if it were cheaper as would many other people. I spent almost a hundred dollars on zhen parties on the other version. This version is so expensive I probably wont see anyone zhening. For those of you who dont know what zhening is, it is when you spend alot of cash on exp scrolls and…
  • True but there would be many more satisfied players and the game would be more fun.
  • Exactly. I know they would. I for one would spend alot of money on this game if it was reasonably priced. This is ridiculous. hmm... $30 for a mount ... or ... $30 for a new game....