vlsi Arc User


  • Plume shell on, Holy Path, follow the barb closely and nothing happens. And don't do TT with randoms.
  • ^ this. Anyway TB will be accepted as time passes and they will be respected for what they are. Assassins are supposed to be the best robe killers; we needed that considering the OP mages out there. Assassins are supposed to have highest DPS in game(so stop QQing fist BMs). If ppl stopped QQing about them and start working…
  • why oh why do players that are not even level 80 talk about class power in end-game situations.... WHY???? NEWS FLASH: YOU DO NOT EXIST BELOW LVL 90
    in PWI Dying Comment by vlsi February 2010
  • ^this. 10char
  • The damage was done within the first few weeks of the anni packs, making rich ppl able to get end-game gear and distance themselves from the bulk of the players. So keeping the packs is kinda necessary to keep the balance, giving light/non-cash-shoppers time to get their gear. Anyway lunar/FC gear is no longer end-game as…