Well .. remeber to get the right information to the login. Means your Account and Accountpassword. At all .. try the recover. First let you sent your id to you'r email account Second ... make a new password over the webside. Than try again. IF you have Status accepted at the Accountoverview!
Well if you're encounder the 0 (n/a) message also at Direct X Dialog there ist a problem with DirectX vs. Graphic Card. Ok for the newones : here how to deinstall DirectX (ONLY VERSION 9) !!!!!!! Direct X 10 couldn't deinstalled, it's part of the Windows…
Gave Archer a try well nice to have, not my class Give Venomancer a try - sweet - but also not up to mage now :)
Yeah made my day!
*rolling eyes* a chinese couldn't read the Dialog because you machine didn't use Chinise Fonts at all. At my opinion it's quite useless now to install chinese Fonts only to get the Errormessagr written at Old Chinese Types. At all start the check at your machines. This means : Right CLICK your Nvidia Driver Symbol at the…
Yes after the pedobear it is a moment to think off :( not good really not good :mad:
As all Time Itemshops will made you're "Work" a little bit easier, but hopefully will not be needed before reaching the max. Level. After that ... well take a look around if there are some nice items are offered!
YES the problems with the Timezones... well as my Chief says at the Army Forces Headquarter we have to use UTC to get a good timing of attacks ;) But at all on the Admins mentioned that the Countdown is more a gimmick than a tool. So easly try to logon at Aug the 19 oder Aug the 20 if you'r more East at Wordsight. For my…
Well still 10 Hours to go :) But i don't think i will stay up all nite long to get a "first" view of Perfect World :D better have some sleep and than start bug busting.
Well this quite easy to understand ... ty for this information. Makes i a littlebit easier to get at the start!