ultimatdq Arc User


  • Bowmaster FTW.
  • To be absolutely feared somewhat by every class in this game. Ask anyone who they dislike pking vs its always some class + bms. Example 95 archer $4000 in cash gear, lunar rings, wep event boots helm, cape, tome. them, "you will never be able to pk me again" ..... me, "How come I just killed you"? them, "My game was…
  • 9x bm from Dreamweaver a few things I have done that are pretty evil but some are standard pk tactics from other mmos. Well since pk has become about as rare as finding a hot girl that digs comics I thought I would share some things I have done and recorded.... repeatedly. A note of caution for those carebares; on a PVE…
  • hahah Sorry DD I only ever see you with axes now, i guess I may be a fist bm too with the tt90 zerk but really just waiting to get to 95 and equip the Dance.
  • I went Scythe ---> tt80 gold pole Ift of Wraith ( bless is a sick proc) skipping 90 as I got Dance of the Universe otherwise i would of gone Andanger
  • I am a lvl 91 pole BM Ajay, I am on Dreamweaver as far as i know bms that use pole arm off the top of my head that are 80+. moorta Drunken_Chu Measuralt PiTeR A bunch more in lower lvls i see many tt60 pole arms going around, but I am pretty sure I am the highest lvl pole arm user on the server. I have the only tt80 gold…