tw0tw0 Arc User


  • You can buy pet skills from an underwater npc at Archosaur and you can teach them that skill by using some granny at the southeast most of Archosaur or the pet trainers at the Untamed cities. Pet skills cost a lot though, around 200k each.
  • Right click and move the mouse to rotate. You need to learn the level 9 skill which requires a new cultivation to change into a fox. You can learn new skills at the Venomancer trainer.
    in help me Comment by tw0tw0 October 2008
  • Not all towns can be teleported to from any town. For example you cannot teleport to Bamboo Village from City of Lost. You have to teleport to Plume City first. You might be able to ask someone to fly you to safety. If you are at the town, using the teleport skill you have won't bring you anywhere.
  • Only magic attack affects your damage. The skill descriptions say a certain percent of your magic attack as physical damage.
  • Probably not, all the quest does it give you the sword.
  • There are 2 main types of charms. One type recovers your HP or your MP (You get one of them from a level 4 quest). The other type are like support charms, they either boost your physical damage, magic damage, reduce your physical damage taken, or your magic damage taken. Materials are used to manufacture items.
  • Press S and hover over your blacksmithing skill. It should be at 10/10. If not you have to craft weapons until it reaches that. And you have to craft the highest level required to gain proficiency. For example if you have level 2 blacksmithing you need to craft things that require level 2 to gain 1/10 or else you gain…
  • You need to learn the level 9 skill and it requires an upgrade in your cultivation (Do the orange quest when you get it). To log out you click the last button on the bottom right.
  • Mystical meat from monsters like Taurocs, Eldergoths, that green monster that can shoot magic right outside Broken Bridge Village, and any wolves that stand on 2 legs only. Probably all skeletons (level 8+) drop disguise skin.