turdstealer Arc User


  • So, I take it you never go see a movie in a theater, correct? You wait until it "premieres" on broadcast TV? Because, obviously you don't have cable or satellite TV, either, or buy/rent DVDs, as that would be "paying for pixels". This game is a form of entertainment, no more and no less. Are there other things I could've…
  • Ummm.... No. There is no qualitative difference between waiting on a spawn to kill it and waiting on that same spawn to tame it. Killing it is no more griefing than taming it is, provided that killing the mob provides some benefit (XP, drops, etc.) -- unless that mob is a bottleneck quest mob (and to my knowledge, none of…
  • Except that we happen to be discussing a matter of opinion. Logic is immaterial. Were I trying to sway your opinion, I might be inclined to craft a logically coherent argument. But I really don't care one whit whether you agree with me or not. I happen to be a very polite person myself in most situations. I also happen to…
  • No need to feel offended. You asked for opinions on whether what you did should be classified as KSing. I offered my opinion that it was not, but that I felt it was rude. If you don't, then more power to you. No need to justify your actions to me, unless you honestly care what I think (and I'm pretty sure you don't).…
  • Didn't. Brought opinions to an internet forum for a game, and answered a question by a poster. When I'm actually IN-GAME, usually too busy having fun to involve myself in discussions like this, but since I'm at work right now (and can't reasonably PLAY the game), this forum is as good a diversion as anything else...
  • Actually, I play a veno as my main. No intention whatsoever to bash venos, ranged toons, or anyone. However, I can say that I have never KNOWINGLY targeted and killed a mob that someone else had targeted (although I'm reasonably confident I've done it by accident, and the tab-targeting has probably made accidents more…
  • Did you READ the OP? It doesn't appear so. From the screenshot, it appears that the other person was close enough to the mob that intent was obvious (He/she says "right next to" the mob, but I assume a bit of exaggeration for effect). For the dessert analogy, let's say slightly to the side of the dessert and reaching for…
  • As I said earlier, No, you were not KSing. However, you stated that you KNEW the other player was focused on the mob you attacked, yet you attacked it anyway. That was rude, plain and simple. Yes, there were extenuating circumstances. Did you attempt to explain to the other person why you attacked that particular mob? Did…
  • You get max exp from killing mobs at the pets level or higher. No additional benefit from the mobs being higher level than the pet. Just make sure you have pet's loyalty at 501 or higher for the exp bonus.
  • In other games I've played, it would be classified more as Camp Stealing than Kill Stealing. Provided you engaged the mob first (and you clearly did), then it's technically your mob and your kill, and the only person you could steal it from would be yourself. On the other hand, it is rude to attack a mob that someone else…
  • Does gear make a big difference? Since I was saving up for the herc, didn't spend anything on gear. Wearing mostly gear I've gotten as drops or quest rewards, and still have the Trial Pataka as a weapon.
  • That's what I did. Got relatively lucky, though, and got an average of 27.5 sources/feathers per pack (27.54768392 to be exact).
  • 43. just got herc a few days ago (thank you boutique sale). But I guess I better get my second box working first, so I can squad with an alt on second account... Oddly enough, though, you seem to be one of the few cautionary types. Most of the threads I was reading say that with a herc, you can basically do FBs and such at…
  • That is exactly what I meant. Thank you. Just got a herc, and figured I can solo the fighting. Is there a level req on squad member? can I squad with a lvl 1 alt (pretty sure the alt will get no xp), or does it require at least 2 squad members of the appropriate level? Final question, does the rest of the squad have to be…
  • Didn't see the answer here, so sorry if I missed it... Do you HAVE to be in a squad/party to do FB29? By that I mean, will I even be able to run the quest solo, or does it require at least one other toon? And will I be able to tab it solo, or does THAT require a squad?