For me it's nostalgia, started playing this game in 2010 at the age of 15. The memories and relationships this game has given me I dont think will ever be matched. I rarely play these days but always pop back in after a couple weeks/months just for the fondness.
I was going to reply to this sooner but I was waiting on a response from the support team about my ticket I submitted. Although I would agree with you that there are some people who know themselves they didn't qualify for the mystery event and now they want it out of greed, then again there are the ones like me who are…
I have a lot less soulforce than you as im mainly +7 but my transposition generally goes off 7/10 times even on people who i know have a lot more soulforce than me
Idk why but this made me laugh more than it should
Assuming tht im right lvl 70 was bh 59 and the highest i got there was 42k from my seeker on a DHF, dont even remember wht weap i was using, most likely a tt70 sword though. Opkossy live up to his name, my 102 bm hardly hits pass 100k yo b:cry
b:cry, k ty for the info
Choices would be between a bm and seeker, they both already seem to be humans so they'll fit right in but i'd have special skills b:victory
Ohh that's why? I have no idea why I have a stone face it was like that from my first post ever, I was told its a glitch in a earlier post, if u can fix it pls do b:thanks
I honestly don't have the energy to argue with a machine right now so please jus award the player the points or tell me what I did wrong in the request so I can fix itb:surrender Edit: TitotitoJR - Raging Tide <my name, if it still counts
Lol! I think RankNine will think twice before being a d.ick SweetieBot please assign Kniraven - Lost City 10 points for shutting up a troll
This made me chuckle b:chuckle
el o el
Why so much hate on bm's? I play mine every time in NW and the only problem I have is going up against high gear casters, other thn that its quite simple and fun. Bm's are meant to be strategical geniuses, maybe ur the ones that can't play the toon :/
Aren't the only mele dd's sins, bms, barbs and seekers when they are auto attacking? Why r people talking about archers ranging and seeker phys/METAL casting moves?
i jus talked to a fellow bm on my server, he has no problem either, guess its jus me :/
C'mon guys im curious if its bugged or not. 19 views and no reply? b:sad
And the attemptive trolling begins. b:surrender
Honestly imma good chap but when you see dumbass post like these u stop to wonder, Ur QQ'ing about not being in the same level as people who put a butt load of their money in the game. If they pay they deserve to be better and if That bothers you, S T F U and gear up! From the words of the Great One, "Just Bring It". Also…
Nothing, the item/ items u leave on jus becomes red and u'll see ur stats drop like vit, str etc because technically u don't have on the gear if ur stats don't meet the requirements.
U seem puzzled at pwi logic, u must be new
Welcome! people don't really check this thread tht much anymore so don't feel down if no one replys, welcome again b:cute **And seekers are really useful when it comes unto both PvE and PvP check out their sub forums:
Its quite humorous tht less than 10 mins of server downtime created a 9 page thread, damn! b:laugh
wht's ur calc? if u dont mind me asking
my question is, wht about the ones who are at lvl 100-104 without any quests to do? how the fuc are they gonna reach 105?
amazing video as always
bm's hands down, well a good bm tht is, we can AoE the **** out off monsters when needed then know when to go aps mode as well, ultimate PvE Troll b:thanks
this made me chuckle b:chuckle good video overall though, ur music reminded me of pokemon!! when im riding my bicycle down the paths like a boss, the memories <3
ooohh i have points! b:victory, well there you go belle jus ask SweetieBot politely! anything you want and she will be sure to respond, one of the neat perks that have came about while you've been away. b:cute
You might not be able to upvote him but you can give him points, SweetieBot can you please tell belle how the point system works?
Gold use to be 100k till the economy took a ball to the nuts so going back to 100k isnt really scamming in my opinion, :/