theresamarie Arc User


  • hi,i have a windows 7 system,when it downloaded pwi it put the folers in my pictures,when I open up the folder I cant find elementclientexe.,I only have elementclient,when I click on that the pwi page loads,saying cant update client running,when I try to log in with an account that I have had, and use,for the last 6yrs,it…
  • could some1 PLEASE tell me how we can hav 1 higher toon helping a lower toon on the same account?i no I used 2 do it before arc came out,not sure now how 2 do it,ty
  • in the uk its the 16th so why is there no expansion????does any1 know when its happening?
  • sry i dont hav a solution 4 this,just wanted to let u no ur not the only person having this problem,i am 2.its almost as if pwi r sayin we dont hav any characters isnt it???i can go on my hubbys account&get his blessings wiv no probs but mine???FORGET IT!!!!!this has been goin on now 4 over 1mth & wen i send emails 2 pwi…
  • hi!ty very much 4 answerin my last moan,theyr still saying they cant change the dates,yet i no i hav been playin this game 4 over 4yrs,as wen i started playin we had a suziki swift car,which we had 4 3//2yrs then traded in 4 the rover we hav now,which we hav had 4 over 6mths. the other thing i hav probs wiv is gettin the…
  • do u by any chance no which is best 4 clerics:sage or drmon?as i am completely confused.i do do alot of dungeons healing,but at the same time clerics have thier own qsts 2 complete so u hav 2 b able 2 dd as well,any help wood b appreciated ty.