Cutie or Joshdarnit, I heard the Shockwave or Echo members mentioning that you abuse the GM by asking for free items or free upgrades :open_mouth: . Greeting from ET :)
do you mean they will bring back the "pwi version / old nation forge" ?
To the game developers and GMs: Are you aware that the fashion rotations have been the same for a while? Could you consider revising and updating the Linlang store to keep the content fresh and engaging?
not sure why you guys are hyper for lol we wont get it for another 2-3 years
clearly they dont give a single s h i t anymore, as long as there is promo , the staffs are happy
we are not talking about those **** lmao
just close the game then, dont waste time
ya thats the point , game is currently dead anyway, nobody care now
Fix ? Lh still available in PVP lol lol lol
it is so disappointing even after they put the news about the reset tw map and more content update coming. Watch they gonna be ghost mode for few months without doing **** again. They dont even bother anymore :)
shut up if you dont charge , thank you
what can we do ? just complaining for nothing :)
and heero doesnt even want to submit a new follow up with content update either
It is end of July for them, they already announced in their discord.
8. We are further behind on updates than we have ever been, do we have any news when the next updates will hit as PWCN / PWRU and PWBR have had there’s for a while? 8. Content Updates: Yes, details have been delayed, as the Devs are assessing the content right now. question, do you mean the developers are testing the new…
I agree what you have said from all the recommendation, but the probleme is they dont even care what we think now , just only activate charge promo and milking money from us. No event or any expansion details at all. I am not sure even the CM is communicating with the Dev/GMs , no response or any conclusion from all the…
> @"heerohex#3018" said: > Sorry Im not sure as its not something I have discussed or even asked about as of this point other things are being worked on. > > Thanks. Then it is time to do it and ask then, all they do is milking our money ? we haven receive any single event except double drops and thats it... At least give…