Lifehunter disable ?



  • Posts: 18 Arc User

    Please remember Im only a player MoD myself with limited infomation.

    At this point I have had no more info back to what you have.

    To this accountability does not sit with me, If you feel you would like more info I would suggest to log a ticket. If I get anything back Ill pass it on.


    Has the information actually been passed along to the GMs/Devs though? It seems like our tickets and what we put here don't actually get through to anyone. It seems like you're the only one that can get stuff done.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    Heavy day.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    welp... now its disabled GG you ducking abusers
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    Thanks PWI you ruined the game for a ton of Sins because of a few people who have to cheat to win so you kill the Sin for everyone! Like I said earlier BOTS are a bannable offence enforce the rules and not punish everyone! Just so you know I will not put another dime on this game till my skill is back this is a bunch of BS! Hint disable the friggin green glyph to stop the cheat not the whole friggin skill!
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    BOTS are a bannable offence, enforce the rules
    But they don't know how to. They can't detect who are using such bots and so their only solution is to just turn off the skill. Stuff like this has happened over and over.

    Players glitched opening UP so they could run the whole instance in easy mode but get DUP drops (namely skull shard) from end boss - do they fix it so you can't glitch it? No they just turn off UP so DUP is the only option.

    Players glitched using active points to complete MBH - do they fix it so you can't glitch it? No they just turn off the ability to keep a BH in your quest list after server reset at midnight, so then people can't have any old MBHs in their list to complete with active points anymore.

    PWI are incompetent at doing real fixes the address the real problem and just make these blanket crazy updates that erase the problem instead of fixing it. But in this case I don't really care.
    you ruined the game for a ton of Sins
    Come on really, its not like they disabled say NV on a mystic where it is their only basic attack - sins have TONS of damage skills. Use different skills. All this fiasco has proved really is that sins are as annoying as we always knew they were and go around like they're so self important like they own the game. Get over it.
  • Posts: 70 Arc User
    Off topic but since someone quoted aps sins in here...

    The Chinese players believe that it emphasizes teamwork, as it encourages people to bring healers to dungeons and reduces the emphasis on solo gameplay

    Gl to all the aps sins with gof/sacri with the upcomming changes. Or any sin that tries soloing/duoing/tanking/questing without healers for that matter. Boss/mob debuffs with no bp makes sins useless af.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    lexxfx wrote: »
    Off topic but since someone quoted aps sins in here...

    Gl to all the aps sins with gof/sacri with the upcomming changes. Or any sin that tries soloing/duoing/tanking/questing without healers for that matter. Boss/mob debuffs with no bp makes sins useless af.

    ee dmg cap going also
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    rip LH dailies until update
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    Ligehunyer is not di
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    Thanks PWI you ruined the game for a ton of Sins because of a few people who have to cheat to win so you kill the Sin for everyone! Like I said earlier BOTS are a bannable offence enforce the rules and not punish everyone! Just so you know I will not put another dime on this game till my skill is back this is a bunch of BS! Hint disable the friggin green glyph to stop the cheat not the whole friggin skill!

    This is always the case in game and out, the many suffer due to the misdeeds of the few.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    why u all crying. LH still works in NR and cross server :smirk:
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    I have given back the information on life Hunter current status.

    At this point in time I do not have any more information.

    Please remember to stick within the forum rules.


  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    their solution for it instead of fix remove it all together and destroy SIN Class for good
    any combo regardless of what you use after first cast 6~8 seconds delay means you ARE DEAD in high instances and far less DD since you wont get enough charge or lower mobs PHY Def we are not BM to have enough defense armor either they just reckT assassin class
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    Prior to the bug, life hunter was used to build hit charges. Just glyph other skills to build it and we’re back to normal. Sins are far from useless! Change your gameplay according to what’s available

    stupid reply unintelligent as it gets any combo w.o LH on recast have at least 6~8 seconds attack stops in all instances u will DIE PVP u will die
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    So I know there are problems with life Hunter... Again.

    I have passed information back. I do not have any more information at this time. I'm sure at this point others have also put tickets in so they should be fully aware.

  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    Okay you all can come at me for saying what I'm about to say. If you take something away give something in return I think that would have been helpful like give us back ribstrike and twinstrike. Alot of the skills have HIGH cool down Life Hunter help alot with the othere skills Now don't get so nasty with me Please I can't afford the glyphs I don't have the uber armer or weapon trying to makr gold to do so is very hard and can't afford to by gold I had NO idea it was a explote. I play this game to relax from the world of hell I'm dealing with. So anyone can help do a better marco set up I would so pleased
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    green glyph on condesnsed thorn
    green glyph on spell cutter(wont interupt)
    red glyph elimination
    as long as those 3 main skills are in your macro you should be ok for continuous damage, id suggest grey earthen rift to consume hit charges for dmg in pve for the mean time.

    now that i helped. im sure somebody will come along and give a better way but its a start lol
    have fun and remember NOTHING IS PERMANENT
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    Thank you plzhlpingame I can give it try Thank you

  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    so after the devs fix LH abuse PROPERLY can you guys fix red glyphs on bms?
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    Fix ? Lh still available in PVP lol lol lol
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    LH only works in cross server. Heavy Week.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    faszikam01 wrote: »
    LH only works in cross server. Heavy Week.

    ya thats the point , game is currently dead anyway, nobody care now
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    so after the devs fix LH abuse PROPERLY can you guys fix red glyphs on bms?

    whats wrong with red glyphs on bm besides the false accuracy increase on them
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    They just proved that they can disable 1 color of glyph cuz they just kill cleric SOG white glyph only But the kill they whole friggin skill for Sins what's up with that Now do another Maintenance and fix Life Hunter for the folks that play fair and not cheat!


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