Rate your PWI experience over the past 5 years. GMs/Arc has neglected PWI for far too long.

Hello all PWI players. I am not sure how many of us are left in this game and what percentage of players are still using this forum considering there is no GM interaction since Kalystheconqueror left PWE.

Please can you vote on a scale of 1-10 how likely you are to recommend PWI or any of the games published by Arc Games / Gearbox Publishing / Perfect World Entertainment.

Personally, in the last 6 years or so, I feel like the game has been completely abandoned by the GMs / publisher.

To list a few things:

1) Logging into PWI needs to happen through Arc client which, as everyone has experienced more recently, has been a nightmare.

2) Lack of in game events / GM led events. I remember in the golden age, GMs would log to do giveaways, art contests, fashion contests.

3) We no longer get patch notes. Pretty self explanatory, the last big update happened without any warning. It just 'happened' and most of the 'upcoming' content is based on what's been released in Perfect World Russia and Perfect World Brazil. Skill updates, dungeons, quest guides, drop rates for pack items, are all translated from Russian/Brazil/Chinese version since years.

4) Live chat / Ticket support from GMs. Unless it is regarding a billing issue or raising your spend limit, the GMs typically provide a template response to all issues. Something along the lines of 'keep checking the news page or forum for future updates.'

I can write a bible on how many other ways the game has been and continues to be mismanaged however, I would like you all to vote on this pole and be able to use this as a stat to get GMs to make a change.

As the poll isn't working properly on forums, please respond to this thread with your rating 1-10.


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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    3, well said
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    1/ you have other tools for log more fast now
    2/ agree
    3/ agree
    4/ Support can be improve but not the worth
    This game have so much potential compare to other, agree to go back invest a little in there with asking player for improvement, should be great
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    ploofabri wrote: »
    1/ you have other tools for log more fast now
    2/ agree
    3/ agree
    4/ Support can be improve but not the worth
    This game have so much potential compare to other, agree to go back invest a little in there with asking player for improvement, should be great

    I know players have been using another tool to log in faster however, this is unauthorised by Arc TOS. Even if it weren't covered by TOS, why should players rely on third party tools to access the game? They shouldn't, no other legit game does this.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    I agree what you have said from all the recommendation, but the probleme is they dont even care what we think now , just only activate charge promo and milking money from us. No event or any expansion details at all. I am not sure even the CM is communicating with the Dev/GMs , no response or any conclusion from all the feedback we provided for past months. Conclusion, we are just a milking money machine for them.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Thank you for this post. I will get around to reading it later and pass feedback back where I can. If I can and it's the right thing to do I will give feedback as well.

  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    noisesas wrote: »

    These two videos are what inspired me to make this post. PWI has so much potential if they just put in even a crumb of effort. Alas, no input from GMs for years.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    I'm not going to lie I'd love to see more input from the GM team. I also think that we should have a community manager. I think this is something that I've said quite a lot.

    To be fire I am generally quite happy about the feedback that we have recently especially like the da crash we would never have had information on this in the past.

    Also the apology about the Arc system the 2x extended. I can't really say this has happened in the past and it's nice to see it happening now.

  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    I'm not going to lie I'd love to see more input from the GM team. I also think that we should have a community manager. I think this is something that I've said quite a lot.

    To be fire I am generally quite happy about the feedback that we have recently especially like the da crash we would never have had information on this in the past.

    Also the apology about the Arc system the 2x extended. I can't really say this has happened in the past and it's nice to see it happening now.


    I believe you may be clutching at straws here. The DA crash is a problem that should have never existed to begin with especially considering how long the set up has been running for. To top it off, the time it took to resolve the issue (which btw, I had issues connecting to arc again today though it might just be me this time) was extremely poor for a live service game. There were login issues in the past and developers / GMs would take prompt action and resolve the issue within 24-48 hours (this however, is many years ago where I presume there was an active channel of communication between PWI and its dev counterpart in China.

    The apology about the Arc system is a generic, templated response as that appears to be how GMs communicate, via templates. This has been demonstrated in all of their tickets / livechats.

    I am perhaps somewhat biased as the company has consistently disregarded the players however I know more players share the same sentiment a I do than not. The 2x extension is nice but doesn't really compensate for anything especially considering the difficulty in forming squads to farm TT or JDH unless people are able to solo them. The instances which benefit F2P players such as MWT are not affected by 2x. They still haven't addressed any of the core issues with the game or responded to the community's cry for updates and open communication. They just simply bury their head in the sand and rotate charge and spend promotions every other week like we're cows getting milked and pumped with drugs.

    I mean, just a look at the news page or the official site on pwi (as shown in the videos that someone else has helpfully linked), last updates were in 2018. Appalling.

    This I thought was quite humorous too:

  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    Well since 2020... Ever since then we receive the same reward over and over again. Same event. The person that had his/her hands into designing events for us, must have fallen under the lay off hammer.
    The game itself is not as bad, as other versions of it show it. Yet it is evident that more and more people left, because of some of the expansions.

    Lets take a look back. From what I remember on the feedback of guildmates, and why they left is as follows.

    The first wave was small factions 2018, but that was before Corona, due to the new chivalry system they was unable to compete. The issue was mend in a later update with Dawnlight, which was another update that received a lot of critique. It introduced the key systems and replaced the Silent Sea Grain and Dawnlight feather, but on the flipside also made dungeons that wasn't requiring a key to enter, requiring a key such as Endless Universe, Undercurrent Hall and Flowsilver Palace. Therefor people rarely ran FSP and EU. Over that course some more left. But before that a major chunk of people left that was not happy with the introduction of Silver Coins and that you get tradeable coins only through doing Treasure Hunt (the new bounty hunt daily) and few other things.

    But what really toppled it over was the faction trials makeover. It is not as bad, as it seemed, for me it was too much to learn, as I was preoccupied due to preparations to parenthood. i don't have that much time now for this and I would need to learn all the mechanics. Not really in the mood for that now. Same with other dungeons. I do enjoy playing some PWI for doing dailies or participate in events, as I don't have too much time to spend on that now. I bet I would be able to put some dungeon runs in between, but for me that doesnt feel right to focus on now. I be back later, when my kid is older.

    So there is the Problem. So far PWI is mostly for those that either farm a lot and sacrifice their free time or use their credit card. But for those that just look for fun, such as me, there is nothing to look out for anymore. Regular events would have been a nice thing to look forward to. It's not permanent thing, it is just a nice occassion that happens. And if it is bugged, there is still time to fix it, and run it later. Guess there is where a lot of other people left, right after the Fountain of Fate expansion, because it was not enough for them, not enough new. Just a new story chapter and a new sky level and a new dungeon that most casuals cant go to yet. As i have heard, they get nerfed eventually.

    In Winter we got an actual nice expansion, but there is a catch. The last glyph slot quest is bugged, because the sentence to activate the task is too long. And it still has not been fixed to this date. Plus we are supposed to have a spring event around this time too. A big one with menu in flowerpetal shape that gives also codex transmutation items.

    In fact this is not a PWI exclusive problem. It is a general problem of mmo's that their publishers/support pretends to have deaf ears. But to PWI staffs defense, they do react on some issues, maybe not all, but they do respond. Why they don't want no events or other nice things for their players, I don't know. It's not like it gives us this much or they have losses. The codex transmutation items are mostly in packs that you can only buy once per account and when you had it, you had it. It is not like they make a big loss on that. And in future they become farmable anyway with the new daily quest on east continent.
    So no harm in running Archosaur Warsong, Spring Event and Dragon Rise Celebration. On the latter one the last part with the Archosaur Dragon race is probably always broken and is probably even broken in china. It doesn't give this much, but some shovel that also does not give much. So when this part is broken, it does not that much harm to the participant. You can get pretty much all items that it can offer.
    Venomancer "Nehilenia" from Twilight Temple Server (Ex-Sanctuary) 12~14th Nov' 2008 - December 2012
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    a solid 1.5
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    • The game is to complex
    • To much dead content
    • To much gambeling
    • To time-consuming at later-game-stage
    • To expensive
    • To much exclusive content inaccessible for normal people
    • To big gap between the end-game player and the normal players - not really competitive and pretty boring and demotivating


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