szael Arc User


  • I am a new user of PW, and even though Ive played MMO's before, I've hardly ever had to put up with this before. I always move around the screen when I first log in,just to see what all the buttons do, and what happens? Some jerk puts on the World Chat: "Hey, look! some idiot noob just arrived!" Why must people be so…
  • Also, how much does this cost? I am sorry if this is getting annoying, but I am a very frugal person, and do not want to spend one penny more than I have to.
  • How much does this cost?
  • the thread (not sure of exact name) with "Lots of Q&A" in [brackets] has an extensive section on exactly this tpoic. to condense what is said there into a sentence, the glows are based on rarity, with rarer ones having different glows. for the specifics, you really should visit that thread. I can't remember the exact name…
    in Glows Comment by szael November 2008
  • I watched on as a friend of mine with a PW account faced a Veno at least 15 levels lower than he was. The veno had a phoenix. my friend lost in 37.93 seconds. i timed him. this is what he looked like when he saw the lv. of his opponent.b:laugh this is what he looked like when he lost in less that a minuteb:shocked
  • The icon indicating that you have no picture set as your avatar looks exactly like AIDA-infected Sakaki from .****\\G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption for the PS2. has anyone else played that game, or am I the biggest <censored> nerd on the Web?
  • I was about to post something along the lines of: "why did you ceate this festering nest of spammers, Fireblood," but my above post, when combined with that, would have been quite mollifying. thus, I surrender to teh INSANITYb:surrender
  • ... ... ... ... ... rutabagas!!!!!!!
  • Since, to my knowledge, you have to download the game to your computer, they probably don't charge because most game fees normally go toward processing the enormous ammounts of data required to keep a MMO up and running. since the computers of the PC's handle most of the "grunt" processing in PW, this is the most likely…
  • Also, I apologise if my typing style is too formal. This is just the way I am. As another note, I am a new player to PW, and go by the player name Szaellapollo, as in Szaellapollo Grantz from the manga/anime Bleach.
  • To Kazuma: I have seen someone on the Naruto chat rooms calling himself Kazuma Kuwabara. Is this, by any chance, you? His typing style is quite a bit like yours, and he seems like the kind of person who would like this kind of game. If you are this Kazuma, please get back to me ASAP. I frequent the (decent)…