sweetfoxxy Arc User


  • I really do appreciate your comments, cuz this one a real pain in the butt, sorry for the expression. So weird that the only one that glitches. All others never had trouble with it. Its nice to see that there still somme kind people in this game. b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased Big woots to all of you. Foxxy
  • I missed the link to customize you face can anyone give me sept by spet instructions how to do it tanks. Foxxy
  • TYVVM for the replys, appreciate it. b:victory
  • This glitch always happends with the same mq quest, the npc near Miss zoo, someting. Wich they fixed that. Never happend with the others. That one of the partners get exp and other does not.
  • I would like to bring to your attention that somme people are trying to kill us blue name in secret passage that are not pking. I was trying todo a quest in there and there not outside thsoe mobs. Could not go kill them cuz somme people were always killing me. I think this is revery frustrting for low lvl,s. PKers shoud…
  • On one of my toons I have a quest that the mobs are inside of secret passage and not located in the area via stone, Ancien Evil. I find it very frustrating that those people kill the noobs that are trying to do there quest. If they want to pk that there business but STOP KILLING BLUE NAME IN SECRET PASSAGE. This game for…
  • I was in one of my toons trying to do a quest in secret passage when a sins called ~removed~ keep killing me for noting and killing other players trying to do there quest or bh or fb. Could there be someone either banned this guys or fixe the glitch so we can do our quest in peace in there . Please tyvm for the attention…