stonk Arc User


  • b:cute I'd Blow up the aucitoneer and take all teh frogs for sale. oh and the gold b:victoryb:shutup
    in Dynamite :D Comment by stonk June 2011
  • I have a few weapons for different uses, and some just cos they look cood :D here is some. Uploaded with For getting fast chi. Uploaded with For being all +11'y and bad ***. Uploaded with Cos OHT weps look sexy. Uploaded with For purging nasty things. b:shutup
  • Thanks for forum fame. next time mention the 20 odd times that I shred you to the one where you killed me.
    in Giggity! Comment by stonk June 2011
  • Its called Glacial spike. Onyl works/(ed) with demon GS. BOth players are still formidible, obviously less then earlier esp for dph sins or bms w/ low refine. If it comes down to not doing enough damage without sparking, just spark b:shutup
  • b:cry b:bye ily alias you frisky minx.
  • b:chuckle I have a story to tell. One day there was a group of hunters of the land grouped in a water cave. One group banded to gether to become stronger then the rest and killed the oppenents repeatedly. The poeple being killed tried to band together but failed and when one arrogant fishman responded to a barbs comment…
  • Cheze b:shutup Im just guessing never had a character on lost city. b:victory
  • b:dirty Music thread. ....SOmething with numbers - Goodbye mickey finn AFI - End Transmision Getaway PLan - Shadows Three days grace - Get out alive…
  • Did you noobs fight yet, if so who was the victor b:puzzled. You better not have hurt poor alias Grimbo b:worried
  • I'd argue with Ds but i am currently experiencing way to much badass inside of InTandem to care b:shutup
  • Yes, Actually. b:victory Since map reset still some lower factions have land.
  • I think personally demon > sage for the Mystic and here is why. Demon Spark > Sage spark :in group pk. I made my mystic as an alt to tw with b:dirty demon makes tab killing easier. Demon Galeforce>Sage: Slow means nothing on all classes except for barbs. Sealing more frequently in a AoE b:dirty Much more useful in a group…
  • This one time i was fighting this BM and we both kited hardcore and neither of us would die. and we all lived happily ever after. b:pleased
  • b:pleased I played a cleric's roll in a 90-95 FC perfectly fine on my mystic, only death was from a failed attempt at sparking the Slash on slasher boss. b:cute
  • b:shocked he has like 2k hp i heard b:sad
  • b:cute No way Grimbo....b:pleased
  • That build has to many things wrong with it to bother correcting.
  • Add me to FL already hirad b:angry kthxbai b:kiss
  • b:victory I was last man standing. the countdown started and 4 people 3 sparked and it turned into a big gank pile, awesome fun b:surrender sorry i took your tittle bio.
  • Sounds good to me, we should have some sort of signup, where people post their name and level, also I'm in GMT +10, so time wise idk when would be good for you americano's, i was thinking about your 20:00, Im happy to drag my resser cleric to that location to res both teams after rounds. Maybe the location could change…
  • b:shocked Is someone going to make something of this concept ? I got some ideas if anyone has done anywork already, or should i start peaceing something together now ? b:bye
  • b:pleased Im Famooosee b:laugh And I agree them fights were alot of fun..or maybe that was just cos we were winning b:shutup
  • I live on the eastern coast of Australia and play on the Dreamweaver server, wont let me in for more than 3 or 4 minutes, i give up for tonight.