star23 Arc User


  • Dragodarknae . I have to agree with you , i am also one who dont plan to make this game some sort of second life by using every moment to grind and hoard stuff to sell to the biggest price possible . The game has it own balance ,item got a NPC price stated on them . Ofcourse i understand people want a little extra from…
  • I never been a fan on the player shoping materials prices . I fully agree it outright silly and sad that -base- materials is allowed to be sold or sat to sold for 2,5 to whole 4k . Considering as pointed out here . the crafted goods as low lvl crafter is around 1k if not below . In other word , the material is treated like…
  • the idea to get more forms then only tiger and fox is in some aspect is nice . special as already said , if the character is made to look like a 'humanoid' cat or what not . then it dont make too much sense it only fox or tiger form , i think some player see the character creation and think "neat , gonna be a half cat" or…
  • the cotton threads is just one goods among many i notice having impressive high cost compair to the standard cost . let look it this way for a example . Logs and cotton and those 'resource' type goods ment for Crafting . if you buy a resource for such price as 3k then go and make a item with standard price is only 1,2k .…