spritals Arc User


  • I really like the "unlearn a skill" idea, I have some mods that could keep it from being too easy/cheap. *new skill- "Skill Mastery" lvl5, learned at lvl29- can unlearn/swap skill 1 lvl at a time. If the new skill is higher you'll get reduced lvls transferred. (i.e. takes 3 slvls of lvl1 skill for 1 lvl of a skill learned…
  • I'd like a few things: 1. Spend the time it takes to apply code from say a dungeon that can't be PK'd in to the Secret Passage and close up that stupid bug. I realize most (it seems) players want PvP which is cool, but not against players that would like a choice not to be PK'd. Not all of us are into ambushing and killing…
  • I'm assuming (could be wrong) that Dex is the major force behind building accuracy. Does anyone happen to know if so by how much for a Sin? (Such like 1 vit gives 10HP to a Psychic) Also, I've been building a dex Sin, and of course I'm very squidgy, does light armour effect my dex negitively? (can't find these answers…
  • Room 7 "Have a Listen" same thing, made around to herc with rewards banner over head (not the gold quest banner) When I tagged him my only choice was to begin the quest again. Even tried that, no luck. Had to tp out.