sinistervii Arc User


  • About Aeyrnflam's post... Well, his build probably works and all since he has managed to play with it so far. And if he were to get Arrow Barrage (Barrage of Arrows or w/e) I'm sure he could tank some mobs for a short amount of time... One issue though with this so called TANK build for archers of his: 1 STR each level…
  • I'm just saying this once. ARCHERS! Be happy you have lightning strike instead of going "I don't wanna use lightning attacks! I'm going to look SOOO ****! D:" And then you end up being killed because you don't want to use a powerful skill. To other classes thinking this pirouette looks ****: TOO BAD FOR YOU you got pwned…
  • Venomancers doesn't belong to any mythology. Sprites do. And they certainly were not female only. I looked up chinese mythology...They never mention anything about these sprites appearing as females only, they only state "Mostly appearing as a young seductive female" or something like that.
  • Depends on how you like to play... I'll try awnsering this without giving you a message that sounds like "You must do this." 1. Let it charge all the way depending if its an opening shot or a shot in the middle of battle... 2. Frost arrow depends on your playing style, it's really coming in handy alot of times and is…
  • Well...Could someone explain Zhening? xD
  • MOGORPG...? Lol.
  • Hey this was quite helpful! Thanks alot! :D
  • I so agree with you...So agree with you...The suggestion forum is just a joke, its not like someone will acctually read through them and think "HEY this was a good idea!" since this is only a transelated game version afterall... -_-
  • So much for a "Perfect" world...
  • Exactly, they are MYTHS... Not proven. Can you really prove male venomancers didnt exist in the old chinese mythology? CAN YOU PROVE IT? Can you really really say that you know for SURE that male venos doesnt exist? Have you been living for millions of years to figure this out? Hahahahaha! No I dont know if they existed…
  • Choosing colors...? (Imagine a pink tiger) XDDDD Would've been awesome! Then I could actually start saying "I see pink tigers...@_@"
  • Personal opinion on this is that it works awesomely fine in the earlier levels (lvl 1-19) Since you will have troubles killing your opponent before they set their claws in you as Allure said...Meaning you will either have to kite or go melee. I prefer melee since I can just use Winged Shell and I can melee the opponent…
  • Figured out myself that saving money is expensive, but I also find HP pots a waste since if you play correctly you can get unharmed without troubles in the later levels (19+) since the monster will be dead before it gets to you...Unless its a caster. MP pots however, those are getting expensive and will make you short on…
  • Barbs are big... I wanted to be more chubby-like but NOOO i had to be a steroid addicted werebeast! Not that I mind though... xD
  • YEAHH!! Finally a stickied archer guide! A guide that's easy to understand too! CREDITS TO YOU FOR MAKING THIS!! :D
  • Kay I just gotta get some things clear... o_o For starters: Armor. Ladies be honest with yourselves, would you look like a walking trashcan in fullbody armor like men? Or look really dashing with lighter clothing? Would a girl REALLY wear something like a fullplated armor covering their entire body? In theory: Yes they…
  • So many has already asked this question if its worth restating in level 20-30... My opinion is NO. It isnt. Unless you are really short on time you can easily get back to level 24 in one-two days. And its alot easier when you have your stats put right, I suggest you just remake your archer. You'll save plenty of cash :D…
  • This has been discussed so many times already... Well if you think an archer looks ****, make him look more manly...Add some facial hair and there ya go! A man with **** movements instead of a **** man with **** movements! Seriously this is just a waste of time, if you dislike your male archers and their animations: Quit…
  • A good fighter for the elves? Templar? Elves are naturally described weaker than humans but more accurate and more spiritual not to mention nimble and quick. Templar is pretty much a temple "Knight". Notice the word, "Knight". Wearing heavy armors, elves are pretty much the divine race, who isnt imagined to be dirtied by…
  • Thank you very much! That cleared things up! :3 Didnt really get that part if you tried saying that Frost arrow was a bad thing to put points in or something good to put points in so yeah it was sort of confusing x_x Ill make sure to follow the guide as far it gets me :D EDIT: Tip: I think you should set up some sort of Q…
  • What is a Kiter...?
  • I found it very useful, im just struggling whether to choose to level frost arrow to max or just wait for stun skills x_X
  • That high critrate may be true, but exactly where do you see high evasion? The evasion is useless against PvE or the numbers doesnt speak the truth. Ive heard it works in PvP though... My point is why would a BM need knockback and why not give leap back to classes that needs it? Archers are a pain in earlier levels...