shadowwintry Arc User


  • Thank you for the tip to get a dino in Morai. I was away for 2 years and forgot about the pet in there. I was thinking to farm enough coins to get a Herc but is a Herc usefull when a veno is lvl 100?
  • I am a level 100 cleric and my genie have AD. It is good enough for me. And in my handbag i always have 2 ress scrolls for emergency b:chuckle
  • My cleric her name is Yentl_xxx and it means gentle (make you feel better/healing/kisses . A short time ago a friend told me that the xxx are also used for "couch" something naughty b:chuckle . And believe me i didnt know i am just a gentle healer b:shy
  • Well there they were the 2 GM's at the west wall in Archo RT server. Almost the whole town run out and ofcourse there was a huge lagg b:irritated. Pity the server can't handle that. Because the huge lagg i couldn't see them but lucky me the GM guy showed up and asked me for a embrace b:shy I made a screenshot and i wished…
  • Hello, i really have fun to play a full attack cleric and found a great guide (thank you Cayeon) i want to share. It helps me a lot and maybe others who want to play the F.A.C. A lot of players dont know about the F.A.C they see a cleric and thinking the healer !! and not knowing? of the other possibilitys of a cleric.…
  • cost me a lot of time to find out how to upgrade my pets skills and finally i found here the answer only it isnt a upgrade scroll but you need a tamebook and it cost is 200.000 coins..also from Mrs. Zoologist. Great forum btw :)
  • Hello :) I don't know if this is the place to post my suggestion but wouldn't it be a good idea that the PWI entertainment team set a note in it the log in notice screen when there will be a maintenance or other upgrade for the game coming? So peeps will now why they cant log in the game. greetz SW