saruugami Arc User


  • ..mmmm testingb:chuckle
  • ok Dr. Also could you tell me what is your in game name..that way i can try to contact you whenever i'm on. I'll check here if you on..just post here and i'll get online. My in game name: Sarugami
  • just saw your pm...will try to contact your friend. Edit: Just tried to contact your friend..think he/she afk. I'll try to contact again later. Edit again: Tried to contact your friend...but he/she said can't do the trade unless he/she hear it directly from you. So could you please tell that to your friend...or whenever…
  • lol..k whenever you done..just post here or leave me a message via pm on forum.'s been like a day or two already..still only 83%?b:shocked.
  • I have a purple helmsley coat and looking for another color for the coat. If you want to trade please reply here or pm me in game. Mostly in game..but also will check back on this thread. IGN: Sarugami
  • Yup..I just tried it. Like Terrorplex said..I can only take on 2 maybe 3 at best because my dmg too low. I can't kill them fast enough before they drain most of my hp. They hit me for about what terror said also so staying alive w/ 2-3 is not a problem but took me a long time to kill them. I'm using TT 60 axe I…
  • I tried to find Pirate Minions on but apparently, the coordinates they gave are off the map. I can't get to it?...I'm lvl 63 bm as i want to try go there and grind. Could someone tell me how can I get to NightScream Island? thank alot
  • Thank you very much for the info Daerys, you're always helpful!
  • thank you for the answer. We were bidding back and forth for like 3-4 times. I didn't know that the timer will decrease....I should've bid more at the last second.b:cry btw: If anyone got 2 stars Oranmented bow (lvl 42) and/or 2 stars Heretic Banishing Pataka (lvl 47)...could you sell it to me. I really need it for…
  • b:chuckle I think we're having the same problem. Dogs, cats, horses, hens, rams...I killed everything just for fun. It's coming back to hunt meb:shocked
  • hmm...I don't think lvl of crafting affect the chance of making 1,2,3 stars is it? If it is...I should try to ask someone to make it for me.
  • Well...lately I usually buy gold at 120k from multiple peoples in my friend list. I told them that I need mats and asked them to buy the mats from cash shop for me and i'll pay them 120k per 1 gold they spent. It's faster than just going around in west archosaur (lag fest) and trying to find a good deal. I always set up…
  • I usually set mine up at blacksmith by archosaur or in allies camp.
  • really?...cuz I never get to keep the drops (FB 19, 29, 39)b:cry. Back to the Fb 19 and 29 sucks because after we complete the dungeon everyone just left w/o telling me how to get the timer up. I ended up stuck in there and got killed by the left over mobs.b:cry
  • thanx for all the info jen. I never knew you can check the gear at the forge. Learn new things everdayb:pleased
  • that's exactly why your squad finished him off (47-51-bm, veno, 2 barbs). We had 2 venos (lvl 40,41), me a bm (lvl 41), 2 archers (40, 42), 1 healer (43). As you can see...all of us are below 45 and no barb to tank. "If" we had a good balance squad...we would be able to kill him...but unfortunately we didn't. We just had…
  • thank you for quick response. We didn't know when that person in our pt told us to do it. We're just following his way..and it seems working. Anyway...we decided not to do it and have a lvl 65 came and help us out. We just got the boss thanx to that lvl 65. b:laughb:laugh We got a whole pt..but all lvl 41-43...I died twice…
  • woot rocks!...I envy Veno class now...that pet is strong. Thank you for killing Eido and Krixx for me!
  • Thank you for the helps. I'll pm you in game Daerys!
  • oh...argg...been wasting exp for nothing. Thank for the answer...also...what part of the secret passage is that Shade Eido in? Also is he hard to kill? I went to the website you posted but I can't find a map of secret passage. thank you in advance!
  • thank for the answer...much appreciated!!