You just take the old patch link, make the first number the old second number, and then keep trying different new second numbers until you stumble onto the new patch URL. For example, last week's patch was "ec_patch_617-621.cup", so you just try "ec_patch_621-622.cup", "ec_patch_621-623.cup", "ec_patch_621-624.cup", etc...…
Did you try going to your "My Account" page (link at the top of any page on the website) and clicking the "Change Your Password" link? You might want to click the "Change Email" link there first just to see if your email is currently set to the right email address.
Links to the PWI wiki for more info: Crazy Stone (level 30+) Bounty Hunter (level 40+) Tidal Protection Charm Quest (level 40+)
Try installing DirectX 9c (June 2010) and it will install the DirectX files you're missing so you should be able to see your characters again (don't worry, this won't overwrite DirectX 11). Alternately, try the suggestion given in this thread.
It appears to be because a GM spawned them on two servers (Dreamweaver and Raging Tide). Chinese New Year was on January 23rd this year, so it wasn't caused by that.
Huh? Did you see the date on that quest I linked to? The quest happens just a bit before midnight on 2/17/'07, and Chinese New Year in 2007 was on 2/18. I don't see how a quest that only happens just a few hours before New Years isn't a New Years event. :-P I wasn't around back then. Still, I did know that the "Red Papers"…
Yeah... I noticed that too. :-P Anyhoo... Early manual patch download link thingy: Patch 617-621 (12.0 MB) As usual, do not install the patch until after the servers go down for maintenance or you will be unable to play the game until after the servers come back up from maintenance. It's a fairly standard sized patch, so…
Venomancer is by far the best, at least at mid and low levels (haven't checked at high levels yet). As stated above you can get your pet to do your tanking and attacks, so if you want, you can just toss in the occasional pet heal and let your pet do all the work. With a decent Mag stat (and possibly some MP recovery gear)…
Please do not post replies in threads that haven't been replied to for over a month. Doing this is called a "necro" (as in "necromancy, bringing the thread back from the dead") and is against the forum rules. This thread was already necro'd once, and should have been locked after that time. Please read the "PWI Community…
I'm assuming you were able to log in, correct? If so then the problem is probably that your window/screen resolution isn't tall enough to show the buttons to create a character. Switch to windowed mode, if you aren't already in it (you may need to do this from the launcher), and then make the window tall enough to see the…
Ah... I wondered which lanterns Lantern Chang's "Lantern Count" quest was referring to. That's a lot of lanterns to count. Interesting to see a quest time with a year attached to it too.
That's only some particular two star items though. See the wiki's Crafting section for a list of the ones needed to increase your crafting level, which are the highly sought after two stars.
I can't think of anything that would fit that description. The only two things I can think of that you might be thinking of are either the level 30 quest where you can get free aerogear (though that's not found on the website, it's just a quest in the game), or the Jones' Blessing Facebook Giveaway, which gives you a…
China has unbind charms? As far as I'm aware this isn't true. Do you have some evidence for this?
The database isn't wrong and they've always had Scroll of Tome in them. When I update the Token Packs wiki entry I always check for stuff like that, and the Scroll of Tome has been in every single token pack released so far.
Do not reinstall the game if you are having DirectX issues and cannot see the characters. That's a waste of time. Installing DirectX 9 won't downgrade you if you already have DirectX 11 installed, it will just install the missing files that PWI needs. If you don't want to use the DirectX 9c web installer link (here), you…
Actually, that puts tokens at 9,999.9, but since you can't get 0.1 of a coin, I rounded up.
FYI - You can find information about gear at the Perfect World Database site, so you can decide what gear is the best for your level. Make sure the gear you pick actually exists in the game, because there are some items listed there which are in the game's database, but there is no way to obtain them.
Please do not post in old threads that haven't had any replies in them for over 30 days. It's called a "necro" and it's against the forum rules. Please read the "PWI Community Forums: Rules of Conduct v1.0 - read meh!" thread. Regarding your question, check out the Perfect World Database's list of sphere weapons. Make sure…
You just right-click the genie's avatar, then drag-drop the gear from your inventory to the appropriate slot in the "Gear" section of the genie's window.
Rarely. Mainly for three reasons (listed from most to least frequent): 1) Someone does far worse than they should. I check the gear to see if it's their gear or if they just don't know how to play their class. 2) They have some interesting looking gear. Usually just the weapon, since most people only show their fashion,…
Why would anyone sell tokens for less than 10k each? You can trade 10 Perfect-Token of Luck for a Wine, and the Wine for Triumph Money (worth 99,999 coins), which sets their minimum market price at 10k coins per Perfect-Token of Luck. Selling Tokens for less than 10k each is just throwing away money.
If you still need help, check the Technical Support Zone forum section. This is the wrong section for this question.
If you're fairly low level your Supply Stash will get you a ton of free MP potions at levels 20, 30, and 40. (If you buy a Perfect Iron Hammer you get more MP potions at levels 50 and 60 as well, but it's not really worth it now that the level 50 gear is temporary, even when the Hammers are on sale.) If you're high level,…
First of all, please do not reply to threads that have been dead for a month or more. Necros are bad things. For information on taming rare pets I recommend reading the Rare Pet Taming Guide on the PWI wiki. It should have all of the answers you need.
In addition to what was said above, I recommend reading the Attributes section of the General Information article at the PWI wiki for general information on the various attributes and the Class Statistics article for specific information on how the attributes affect each class. The PWI wiki has lots of other useful…
Yes, that's correct. The game has a cap of 5 APS, and assassins and blademasters can are the classes that can achieve that most easily/cheaply.
You need to avoid using special characters when posting to the forums. So, if you're copy-and-pasting from Word or something like that, you'll need to change all of the fancy apostrophes to standard apostrophes, the fancy quote marks to standard ones, etc... Basically, the post will get cut off at the first special…
Manually verifying takes a while, but that's optional. You should only need to run the verify if there's a problem with your client. Normal updating should usually be pretty quick. It's just slow this time because we had a huge expansion release (861 MB, as opposed to the normal ~11 MB patch size), so it will take a while…
You can only expand your inventory by purchasing items from the boutique (cash shop), or by getting those items from other players who bought them from the boutique. The Super Inventory Stone is the best deal, since it's cheaper than getting all of the Inventory Stones needed to expand your inventory fully. Once you have…