sabre187 Arc User


  • Well since nobody's posted any barb pics yet, I'll do it :P and the big white kitty :P
  • Sites been running slow for me too, i thought it was just my connection being stupid though lol
  • Ok well same thing, use your brain and it isn't that hard to understand.
  • Believe it or not, but It's actually not that hard to read if you use that thing we call a brain
  • There's already a panda mount, and It's ugly
    in Wts Comment by sabre187 December 2009
  • I stopped reading there, your butthurt cause the majority didnt want the same as you now you go in a strop like a little kid calling them kingdoms puppets. This is the last time i reply to you in this thread lol, if i knew you was just a kid upset cause he didnt get what he wants i wouldnt of bothered with you in the first…
  • Lol how are takoda KD's butt ****ers? And your the only person ive seen say that.. Just cause two factions are allies doesnt mean one of em has to be a puppet faction, but if thats the case, i guess karma are kylins puppets? And takoda is actually full of really nice people lol, apart from me, i'm a prick.
  • Lol ajani basically called him out on the forum cause cimon killed him. Cimon is defending him self, not making takoda look bad at all, to me it looks like your trying to suck up to ajani cause hes killed you more times than you can handle.
  • i look younger than i actually am lol