The only way to remove the 5 day delay is use a credit card as backup payment method.
Paypal is vile, ebay is vile, both should be boycotted.
Not even a gm knows? wow...
So apparently this was never in PW-MY and everyone thinks I'm bullsh**ting them. Others have said it's probably not even implemented. SO OPEN YOUR CASH SHOP WINDOW, OOH AND AHH AT THE FACT IT'S ACTUALLY THERE, THEN BUY A FEW WIND WIDGETS, AND TRY IT? Argh.
Seriously, it's annoying how many people whine about ksing without even trying to party you... they'd get the quest done 2-3x faster in a party, even faster yet if its a full party
Since Kymeira is being lazy: [23:30] <Kymeira> My friend has a HD 4870 x2 and it has a lot of issues with "older" games [23:31] <Cam> Tell them that. [23:31] <Kymeira> that's why I <3 nvidia... ATI may have raw power, but the software and driver support is ****
Vista 64 is NOT the problem. I get the same framerate as with XP 32. However, due to the nature of 64bit: things WILL TAKE MORE SPACE IN RAM - however, I don't think that is his problem as I could run PW on my old 512mb ram machine with lots of other stuff sucking up way more ram than pw ever did. Stop spreading ignorant…
That's actually true I do that a lot, but I don't see why you'd put a false number for google. Yes, julio is in RQ. And RQ gets reported for "botting" quite a few times a day. Because people are whiny sissies and can't beat RQ fairly, so they try to trick the gms into beating us for them.
Macs are a ripoff. They're almost identical to pcs exept you pay a lot more for what you get. Boot Camp is not virtualization. Virtualization/emulation seperates the software from all hardware, thus no direct access to the gpu.
Sounds like Rohan with less asians!
No cash shop item should cost over 75% more than it would to buy on PW-MY. Heiros, the most vital, and exp scrolls, the second most vital, should not cost over 30% more. And we're constantly reminded with daily words like: Venomancer Archosaur Squad Faction Venomancer VENOMANCER WHAT WAS THE GUY SMOKING WHEN HE MADE THIS…
Why bother with refunds? I should think everyone would be satisfied with the prices being made reasonable, as unfortunate as it was that they weren't in the first place. The people who are wanting their refund shouldn't have paid in the first place with it being so high anyway, that just tells them to leave it high priced…
If it's the kind of ban you get that says "this account is banned" and doesn't let you log in: you probably got hit by the "fraud filter" ban like I did at CB release when syl stole my name. If you can log in and it says why you're forum banned forever, then they manually banned you.
Or, they can lower the price, but yeah... that works too, though i don't think PWI would like that since it makes less $$ than just selling cheaper.
It's the GAME ITSELF. Disable "smooth" aka bloom aka SH**TY BLURRY LIGHTING FOR BLIND PEOPLE and problem is solved.
I need a way to delete the smileys from my client entirely.
Fail, I already posted it first.
It's hardly crying. A "free" mmo should not go from costing $15-30 a month (lol twice the cost of WoW or AoC even at PW-MY prices) like PW-MY to $45-90 a month like PWI. The game is supposed to be "free", not "pay to compete/enjoy/level" etc.
Don't talk about what you don't know. I really hated L2's 7 day deletion, it's illogical. Level 10- characters should not have any deletion delay.
Can't say I didn't warn you guys! So much for trolling me with "stfu ren they said the prices aren't set in stone"
Paypal is nothing short of a scam (as is the company that bought it: feEBAY) You aren't being screwed, you're being guided. Paypal is bad. Ebay is bad. Both need to die, because both have much better alternatives but many people stick to what is popular, which pretty much kills competition.
B, 1 RF online was a terrible game yet stayed alive on a much cheaper cash shop..
Owned. I only lost two of my names, got all the most important ones.
The game is coded poorly, nothing will change that.
Turn water off makes the largest difference. Turning shadows off gives you another 7fps.
Ask a gm to change your name, Drizzt is not supposed to have evil alignment.
and much easier for pwi to die
Driver sweeper is free, It's recommended to clean your drivers fully when upgrading drivers, especially if going from nvidia < > ati or to 3rd party driver mods since conflicts causing stability issues may arise. Usually just uninstalling will suffice if it's just an upgrade.…
Do you like looking... oh... right. :| /me remembers pic thread
Like I said, I'm fairly sure you still need a windows disk or ISO to use bootcamp last I checked, so you're still forced into the MS monopoly unless you pirate. Mac OS is prettied up linux basically. Might as well use Linux and spend half as much on hardware, and dual boot windows if you can't get WINE to run something.…