raxcal Arc User



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  • Sadly it's been two weeks already and no real answer :( I guess it's time to move on for me, I wanted to spend a healthy $60 a month, but with the current item prices I feel robbed. If I spend 4 times the amount of money that other p2p MMO's charge, I should definitely be able to get my money's worth of CS items. Seems…
  • Do all of that games servers cash shops sell at the same price? If the answer is yes, then it's not good to use it as a measure for PWI, as the items here are TRIPLE, the price of the items in PW-MY. P.S. No pet here in PW will pick up your loot.
  • I still find it very hilarious that a shirt in the game's cash shop costs more than a shirt in real life. So lets say I want to buy that cool shirt worth $10 from the cash shop; Now what, only a shirt won't help, I need the trousers, the gloves, and the boots too (can't go around half naked now, can I?). So will I drop…
  • This poll is missing the most relevant option IMO, "Lower the price on ZEN", period. I want to buy everything for all my 3 characters. Is it too much too ask? I want to spend money, but with the current ZEN prices I will continue buying Cubi, and freeloading here. I want rides (yes rides, aviation, clothing (with Dyes of…
  • Poll: Under which of the following conditions would you buy ZEN? Look at that people, apparently lower item prices in general is NOT an option.
  • The funny thing is, with these high prices, I still see people getting wed ingame! I mean $60 wth? That will pay for 4 months subscription on any other p2p game. Even if the bride and groom cover their own cost, it's still $30, for a one time use feature. Either some people don't realize the extreme prices, or they just…
  • I found two weird ones"* "****" is censored; I'd guess some people might find it a derrogatory term, but are we not allowed to say "Japan"? * Why can we say ****, but not butt? These are in-game of course
  • Thank God I didn't giveaway my stuff or went on PK rampage in PW-MY before coming here, cuz now I have a place to go back to. Bye bye PWI.
  • I am running the game on a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop (yuk) with a Geforce 8600M GT 256mb DDR2 (more yuk), 4 Gigs of RAM, with intel T7300 cpu. Playing at a resolution of 1680 x 1050, water turned off and I'm getting ~24fps. Pretty weird numbers indeed.
  • Simple question: Did anyone try to soulbind an aviation tool yet?
  • It's gonna be PvE for me; I'm also coming from the MY-EN version where random PK has just exploded recently. Don't get me wrong though, I like the thrill of fighting other players. The big turnoff of PvP there is when high level players for any reason whatsoever, decide to go on a killing spree on lower level players.…
  • When you reach level 44 and you run out of quests for that level with 50% or less into 45, you'll see what kelo means. You HAVE to grind in this game, like it or not. Repeatable quests don't give exp, only Rep. And the hourly quests only give you ~2% around level 69. These are numbers from the MY-EN version. I realy would…
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