quickdraw Arc User


  • I'm not sure it will help in any way but I encounter rubberbanding almost 100% of the time if I deactivate flight mode while still carrying forward momentum. Whether using auto path or manual controls is irrelevant as the result is still the same. To rectify it I have to enable flight mode again, move forward wait till it…
  • I agree. I was only just talking to my wife about that last night. My thought was wouldn't it be logical to change the clock which is already there in game (to the left of the minimap top right of screen) to match the server time. That way you could know at a glance just by hovering over the sun/moon icon. It just makes…
  • Hehe thank you for the LOLs dude, made my day at work here a little bit more exciting. I don't think I need to respond further than that seeing as others who have actually understood my OP already have. Thank you guys, it is most appreciated and refreshing to see comments from intelligent people. So just to…
  • Thank you for yet another classic example of someone who reads a post and seeks out an opportunity to impose your "greater knowlege of the game" on an apparently inferior individual. So thank you for "enlightening me" and please allow me to return the favour, starting with the first word of the thread: "Novelty" n., pl.,…
  • Hehe so do you agree with the entirety of his post or just the one line Mr. MOD? b:chuckle
  • You're kidding right? Consider for a moment being a cleric, one of the slowest of all classes by default and they don't even get a speed self buff. Well there is a 79 defensive skill which is practically worthless, minimal increase, costs a spark to cast and has a 5 min cooldown. So the 5 min duration for a veno is a gift,…