pwicash2 Arc User


  • I've had this happen to my sin on the first boss in FC lol
  • I don't want to see this game die. It wouldn't if they do something better in it. I have a life, I'm a full time college student. I play PWI to have fun, and that fun is dying off as more and more people take off.
  • I have effort, determination and dedication in my RL college homework >.> This is a game. I expect it to be fun, not a headache to get anything done. But I'll continue making millions doing Solo FCs and selling them for money .__. since that's all this game has become.
  • Sins don't get into nirvana untill they are at least 3aps sparked. Wheres taht leave the sins that don't spend money? Obviously not me, but maybe I"m not thinking of myself here? I'm talking for everyone ELSE. I don't care really, I make a good 1-2 bil off every 2x from Nirvana, what about those people who can't get into…
  • Oh, it makes me happy sure. I like the people, but the customer service is just...horrible. The outlook on pwi staff makes them look like a bunch of pricks who don't care if you're up or down as long as you're spending money. I do enjoy the game for it's expansions, and they are bringing new things but thiese **** sales…
  • That's how it's becoming, yes. So many people saying daily "I'm bored" I love this game! Truely I do, I love doin the instances, but really? I'm sick of doing it ALONE. I'm sick of getting into sqauds where the demon cleric forgot what "heal" means and leaves you to die on the boss while she DDs. Come on!! I'm lvl 102 on…
  • Please do detail what you "Farmed" which you call "OP Gear." Shall I tell you what I farmed on my sin? Rank 9 ring, wep, Lunar Nirvana pants, +10 warsoul of earth, Pangu Creator, full TT99 LA boot,wrists, neck and belt. All farmed. All worked for. Now, I am aware it CAN be farmed. But DEFFINETLY NOT as easily as one would…
  • This is not a main character of mine it's an alt and not one I play much at all either. And I'm waiting for the servers to come up so I can log onto my r9 sin and go solo stuff to make money, since that's all this game is anymore :)
  • ...WTF? I don't understand any of your broken English so your point is mute to me.
  • Sure, They can be farmed, after 242304238409234820942842 hours in game. I have farmed Sky Cover from the 95+ PQ, took me 6 and a half months. Was not worth the time it took. The time it takes to farm things needs to significantly be nerfed. Sure, you can farm, if you want to pay 6 times the amount that you pay if you buy…
  • The forum is glitching for me, it won't let me use my avatar. It lets me use my sins avatar no problem. But this specific account is giving me issues.
  • What should PWI Change to bring back the game how it used to be 2-3 years ago? Maybe bring back our DQ Prices? Make TT gear a little better? Require TT gear to be made in order to make some new gear? Add new things TT items can be crafted into? Possibly a new instance that will require farming to get drops for gears or…
  • I'm ignoring you now. You're taking my post out of context and pissing me off in the process. Feel free to leave, there is the door.b:bye
  • No, I'm upset because you're completely missing the point of my post -.- moron.
  • Never said I was an English major, I'm majoring in Information Technology. I simply appreciate better spelling. Why the ** is my thread turning into this stupid shiit. I want a serious conversation with people who understand my position. If you don't like my thread, **** off.
  • back to the original topic : Does PWI Care that it's game is slowly dying?
  • Since you made only "one" mistake in your post, allow me to point out many you have made in this specific one to prove to you once and for all your grammar and understanding of the English language is at competent as your understanding of internet memes. "And instead of PWI making lower level stuff more fun, they've just…
  • I'm a troll for appreciating proper grammar? Alright then. Guess all trolls must be college graduates and people who aren't trolls must not have graduated from kindergarten. Alright, I understand now. Funny how proper English, punctuation, grammar, have become such a pathetic way of expressing your opinions. I forgot, you…
  • By the way, you spelled "Congratulations" wrong.
  • "Jesus, another one, if you don't like my thread **** OFF! Don't whine like a little B*tch." b:thanks
  • I don't care about being written off as a "troll" since the term is man-made by morons who don't understand the concept of such a creature. So write me up as such or not, either way if you don't like what I say, then don't read my forum post. That simple b:bye
  • You're also on dreamweaver and don't have the same economy as the arch server or RT server or Harshlands does. Arch is mad with its' prices... and all the game has become now to mak emoney is FC FC FC! Or do TM runs. We shouldn't have to abuse powerlvling to make a profit in game. We should be able to farm something…
  • I agree, I think they have given up with PWI. Seems their sales are purposfully driving their customers away and they don't seem to care at all.
  • I have been playing on other accounts since gold was at 300k each back on sanctuary. Gold prices are **** right now because of **** sales. How the economy works - Supply and demand. If people demand it more but their is less supply, price goes up. So what's that mean? All of the items like DOTs, Orbs, DoDs, Champ Scrolls,…
  • In my case, i don't want to "enlarge" my epeen with sales. I want to be able to be some type of competition to the other players without spendin enough for a house in the game -.-' The only way to acctually get anywhere is to charge and I honestly think PWI needs to change how they work to keep people. This game won't be…
  • Sarcasm for the win. b:victory
  • The recent sales are : Tiger Packs at 50% more than usual, being 44gold for 100 instead of wht it used to be around xmas. Gold prices are rock bottom, the sales suck, fashion and packs. A shiit orb sale which you pay more for orbs then the real sale, which shouldn't even be a "sale" it should be regular prices. MACARONI…
  • Flamers will be ignored, ijs. b:kiss
  • Agreed. Funny too, I clicked the link 1 time and still ended up with lots of chests.