prosper Arc User



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  • I love it when you talk dirty to me.
  • There are so many other good reasons to quit this thing. Why is it the only one you can think of is us being -- quote, unquote -- dominated? Please stop flattering yourself.
  • Why is it that werebeasts can't tank right? Why is it that every time someone heals, we see that the mana charm the healer has is the one that saves their MP? If the cleric was healing without the charm, he/she would have run out of mana long ago and the tanker would die! So I ask, why can't you werebeasts tank enough? Is…
  • First you need to talk to the Bikini Quest Director in south ADC, by the pharmacist. Then she sends you to Wang Tszu in Dreamweaver, who then sends you to west YKD to kill 2 sets of 90 mobs each. After that you have to give him 15 Corundum Powder and a mirage stone.
  • No. The victim shouldn't be punished in PvP, especially if they're white-named.
  • There's a big difference between not typing nicely to save time, and just naturally being a complete idiot (and having it show in your typing). Sorry, but I think you're the second one.
  • Yes, it is true that a lot of us support random PK while the target is fighting mobs. But its not fair to think that it's the only form of PvP we take part in. That sort of ganking is hardly fun in comparison to what you call "fighting on even ground" or whatever. If you knew how many different kinds of PvP we get in on a…
  • Light armour isn't needed. The DDs probably aren't keeping aggro well enough and you're healing them more than the damage they can deal to the mobs. If you zhen with people who have a higher level/higher magic attack/higher zhen skill level, you shouldn't get hit so much.
  • I wouldn't even justify that with a response. More Engrish please.
  • Jewelscalen is no fun with or without PKers. D:
  • Hardly ever. If you're in a party that needs a mage to heal and not DPS, you're with the wrong people and should probably quit it. Sometimes Morning Dew is needed as a backup/emergency heal, but really isn't meant to replace clerics.
  • If I said what your voice sounds like on this forum, I'd be banned. ;D (Though from what others tell me, I suppose the same could be said about me.)
  • Yes, it does cost a lot of money. What really annoys me is melee types whining when their heiro breaks even once or twice during a boss battle. They don't realize that clerics ALWAYS have to break their heiros to keep the tank's from even getting touched. I completely and absolutely hate how much money I have to waste on…
  • I agree completely, this needs to be implemented. I bet they'd get a lot more people buying fashion. At the moment, I use the Player Information function to try stuff on, but it's in no way convenient. If I see someone running around with stuff I like, I'll try it out, but its not easy to find things you'd actually want to…
  • What are you on, Mystic, that was an AMAZING kill! I feel assraped myself just watching it. In fact, I'm ashamed to be in the same guild as that noob Ningi!
  • Any 3-star weapons will have a blue glow to them. The fb19 reward is a 3-star weapon. They can also be obtained through crafting and buying off other players.
  • **** you all. I miss you too Shizo. I also miss Mystic and Kiwi and my dog and these two Romanian dudes from the Vent I logged off of to come on here. Mystic is right on vent in another channel. Kiwi has been gone for like an hour. My dog is in the next room. The two Romanian dudes are probably still sitting there in the…
  • Jesus ****, fb29? Nice grindwhoring there. Good luck, wish I could help. But yah. "Barely one page"...Oh, how utterly devastating! I never realized how insanely huge this guild is. >_> I have school, so I can't be the highest level by any means. But I think I can manage a couple all-nighters this weekend. Thanks, by the…
  • Archers? What the hell happened? Why do I feel like you're trying to trick me. (By the way, you'll never guess who's on your Vent. I'd have PMed, but...obvious reasons.)
  • Clerics are, in fact, losing MP when they fly. The MP cost for flight is 2 MP/second. But a Cleric's base mana regen rate is higher than 2 MP/sec. So they're regenning back the MP faster than the flight cost can suck it away. If you fight while flying, you'll notice the loss. In combat your regen slows by 75%, and Clerics'…
  • Have some pics of my Blademaster friend from another server in his full **** uniform: (Btw, on that server it cost about 3x as much as the second most expensive item. He bought it just cause NO ONE else would do it. People went around calling him **** the entire time.)…
  • SHIZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! <3 Ohmygod. I'm still embarassed about the server thingy on Monday. xD I'm blonde irl, if that helps to explain it.
  • Aww, thanks you guys, I feel so loved. >///< To be honest, I've actually missed you. Don't get too flattered though, I've been missing everyone lately (even when I'm only separated from them for an hour.) xD I'm thinking I'd like to try things out, keep my options open and just do whatever until I can come to a decision.…
  • All pets do. Usually it'll get stuck for a bit, then randomly teleport right to your side when you run far enough away. Or unsummon itself. It's annoying, but liveable.
  • The guild master has to vouch for members? No power! It's almost funny, but thinking about it, it's really a good thing. No "I R DICTATOR I SAY U DO". (Wait...I can totally see you doing that too.) Mhmm. You guys can be real dickheads, but you're kind of misunderstood too. Some people prejudge you, others are stubborn and…
  • Ugh, ****. I'm going insane, the PvE server is so damn BORING! There's your random post for the day. (By the way, grats on the lvl 2 guild. And the no-lifers. Kick WarLord's asses for me, mmkay? <3)
  • At first I thought BEARS was the gayest name ever. But hmm, I think I'm starting to like it...
  • Eh, typical e-pen0r ********. I'd be shocked if it weren't happening. =]
  • OMG KIWI. It's been DAYS since I've had proper human contact with anyone but my annoying extended family. Hold me. ;_;
  • So like, I went on this **** road trip. I won't go into details, but it kinda sucks most of the time. Anyways, I've hijacked my uncle's computer and I'm lonely. D; Hay guys, tell me what I'm missing in CB.
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