RageQuit was nice



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    evrilysis wrote: »
    I've got a voice like caramel.

    caramel produced from darth vader >_>;
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    RQ are nice, when they are not slaughtering players
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well in the guilds there are always black sheeps, sure ragequit has helped people before.

    And kos is a common thing, but its the attitude of the majority inside that guild. They pk randomly and has no reason for it. . .

    They merely pk for the fun of it which is disgusting.

    Here's an example, firstly this ragequit member partied me. I helped kill the monster and it drop some herbs which he needed, I gave it to him because I didn't really needed it. After his done with the quest, he disband and pk me.

    So I wonder what kind of people are inside the guild?
  • Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    l33t wrote: »
    Well in the guilds there are always black sheeps, sure ragequit has helped people before.

    And kos is a common thing, but its the attitude of the majority inside that guild. They pk randomly and has no reason for it. . .

    They merely pk for the fun of it which is disgusting.

    Here's an example, firstly this ragequit member partied me. I helped kill the monster and it drop some herbs which he needed, I gave it to him because I didn't really needed it. After his done with the quest, he disband and pk me.

    So I wonder what kind of people are inside the guild?

    i can answer its assh0les
  • Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    evrilysis wrote: »
    I've got a voice like caramel.

    If I said what your voice sounds like on this forum, I'd be banned. ;D

    (Though from what others tell me, I suppose the same could be said about me.)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    prosper wrote: »
    If I said what your voice sounds like on this forum, I'd be banned. ;D

    (Though from what others tell me, I suppose the same could be said about me.)

    Victim voice.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've only been PKed once by RQ, wasn't really angry about it either. Just eh.

    But overall I've had a good experience with RageQuit. Mostly cause the ones I've met have been helpful in completing quests and helped out with tips when they couldn't help with the quest.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've always liked RQ. *clings to my teddy that has a beard* teddy also likes RQ. :3
    Ambie is back baby!
    Faction UnLimited (Faction sounds..Kinda pervy ;D)
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    l33t wrote: »
    Well in the guilds there are always black sheeps, sure ragequit has helped people before.

    And kos is a common thing, but its the attitude of the majority inside that guild. They pk randomly and has no reason for it. . .

    They merely pk for the fun of it which is disgusting.

    Here's an example, firstly this ragequit member partied me. I helped kill the monster and it drop some herbs which he needed, I gave it to him because I didn't really needed it. After his done with the quest, he disband and pk me.

    So I wonder what kind of people are inside the guild?

    LOL yeah I remember that, that was me :D

    That's just how RQ shows how thankful they are.

    IGN: Whiteout
    Clan: RageQuit, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
    Level: Lower than you
    Related to: Blackout (husband)
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I beg to differ. If a guild has a black sheep, and the guild leader knows about it and tolerates it... and allows him to remain in that guild.. then that whole guild is black sheep.

    RageQuit? PVP? LMAO?

    I read a post about how to jump players while they are busy with a monster? lol

    Please... any PVPer worth his mettle wouldn't freakin' join RageQuit. That is sad, pathetic, noobish... hell, RageQuit might as well be called "Carebears in Disguise".

    If you joined RageQuit... you don't know pvp for ****. Anybody who enjoys hard competition on even ground wouldn't waste their time joining that weaksauce guild lmao.

    And don't give me that **** about "don't judge the whole guild by the actions of a few" BS. If your leader tolerates it... you're all of the same flock.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I beg to differ. If a guild has a black sheep, and the guild leader knows about it and tolerates it... and allows him to remain in that guild.. then that whole guild is black sheep.

    RageQuit? PVP? LMAO?

    I read a post about how to jump players while they are busy with a monster? lol

    Please... any PVPer worth his mettle wouldn't freakin' join RageQuit. That is sad, pathetic, noobish... hell, RageQuit might as well be called "Carebears in Disguise".

    If you joined RageQuit... you don't know pvp for ****. Anybody who enjoys hard competition on even ground wouldn't waste their time joining that weaksauce guild lmao.

    And don't give me that **** about "don't judge the whole guild by the actions of a few" BS. If your leader tolerates it... you're all of the same flock.

    HAHAHA nice post, you fail at trolling..

    Post on your real character please? Afraid to get pk'ed? Or are you really a non-factor lvl 14 that has no say in anything?
    Pray for mercy.


    When kneeling before us gets old.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ah, you must be one of those supporters of the "jump him while he's busy with a mob" routine lol.

    You go for the easy ones because you know you can't take the heat of head-on PVP lmao.

    And what are you gonna' say next? That I'm a noob in Perfect World, and that you rock in Perfect World PVP?

    Uh... yay?

    Perfect World is a good PVE game. But I'm sorry to say the PVP concept is in its infancy.

    Sorry buddy, the pvp in Perfect World doesn't even come anywhere near passable for you to be talking like you're all that rofl. That's like being the smartest person in the room, when the room is full of morons.
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    And you would be the dumbest person in the room.

    Check out our videos, you'll see that we can actually PvP. You should be like us and start basing your opinions on facts.

    lvl up plz.
    IGN: Whiteout
    Clan: RageQuit, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
    Level: Lower than you
    Related to: Blackout (husband)
  • Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ah, you must be one of those supporters of the "jump him while he's busy with a mob" routine lol.

    You go for the easy ones because you know you can't take the heat of head-on PVP lmao.

    And what are you gonna' say next? That I'm a noob in Perfect World, and that you rock in Perfect World PVP?

    Uh... yay?

    Perfect World is a good PVE game. But I'm sorry to say the PVP concept is in its infancy.

    Sorry buddy, the pvp in Perfect World doesn't even come anywhere near passable for you to be talking like you're all that rofl. That's like being the smartest person in the room, when the room is full of morons.

    Congrats. You just made yourself look like an ****.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ganking and PVP are different, stop mixing the two.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes, it is true that a lot of us support random PK while the target is fighting mobs. But its not fair to think that it's the only form of PvP we take part in. That sort of ganking is hardly fun in comparison to what you call "fighting on even ground" or whatever. If you knew how many different kinds of PvP we get in on a day-to-day basis...

    BTW, if I randomly pass by someone I have on KoS, I'm not gonna stop, wait for them to finish killing eighteen mobs, loudly announce my presence to them, and then attack. It's more about saving time, getting the jump on them, and basically being a ***** than cowardice.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ah, you must be one of those supporters of the "jump him while he's busy with a mob" routine lol.

    You go for the easy ones because you know you can't take the heat of head-on PVP lmao.

    And what are you gonna' say next? That I'm a noob in Perfect World, and that you rock in Perfect World PVP?

    Uh... yay?

    Perfect World is a good PVE game. But I'm sorry to say the PVP concept is in its infancy.

    Sorry buddy, the pvp in Perfect World doesn't even come anywhere near passable for you to be talking like you're all that rofl. That's like being the smartest person in the room, when the room is full of morons.

    We don't support pking people with mobs on them, in fact, I have never done that...nor have I ever seen an RQ do that.

    People do that to us all the time, and they like to 4v1 us all the time...but they also like to lie and say we gank them 6v1 while they are doing it.

    Its pathetic, most of the server are hypocrites. But its funny. :)
    Pray for mercy.


    When kneeling before us gets old.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    prosper wrote: »
    If I said what your voice sounds like on this forum, I'd be banned. ;D

    (Though from what others tell me, I suppose the same could be said about me.)

    If I said what your voice sounds like on this forum, I'd cream. ;D

    (Though from what others tell me, you're really a 45 year old man)
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ah, you must be one of those supporters of the "jump him while he's busy with a mob" routine lol.

    You go for the easy ones because you know you can't take the heat of head-on PVP lmao.

    And what are you gonna' say next? That I'm a noob in Perfect World, and that you rock in Perfect World PVP?

    Uh... yay?

    Perfect World is a good PVE game. But I'm sorry to say the PVP concept is in its infancy.

    Sorry buddy, the pvp in Perfect World doesn't even come anywhere near passable for you to be talking like you're all that rofl. That's like being the smartest person in the room, when the room is full of morons.
    i jumped an RQ player before. she died and they didn't QQ the only comment was "oh my didn't see that coming lol"

    sure they kill players for the fun of it, but they also die in the fun of it. I've never seen a RQ player shout "@##$ f&^k noob i will kill u... wtf did you kill me for? etc" when they die. Most of them die silently and the nicer ones do a lol or a smiley and then come back and kill you >:]

    perfect world is a balanced pvp game. i'd give it 8/10
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You know who i thought was nice, my 2nd grade teacher... Than he **** me in the restroom. Q_Q
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    calico wrote: »
    You know who i thought was nice, my 2nd grade teacher... Than he **** me in the restroom. Q_Q

    Sounds like a personal problem.


    Rule 1 plox.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    l33t wrote: »
    They merely pk for the fun of it which is disgusting.

    Player Killing is the whole point of a Player vs Player server my friend. Everyone kills for fun, everyone hunts and kills RQ for fun. WE ALL DO IT! So if u dont like getting killed go to the PVE server >.>

    People who say pkrs are disgusting are disgusting ^^
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    calico wrote: »
    You know who i thought was nice, my 2nd grade teacher... Than he **** me in the restroom. Q_Q

    oh so you think its funny to make jokes of child ****? I feel sorry for you if this passes for your sense of humor. Chill out with this kinda humor. Its really not appropriate on these boards.

    you've been warned.
    Remember, posting on these forums is not a right - It's a PRIVILEGE!


    Thus the ShazzBot has spoken...
  • Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Player Killing is the whole point of a Player vs Player server my friend. Everyone kills for fun, everyone hunts and kills RQ for fun. WE ALL DO IT! So if u dont like getting killed go to the PVE server >.>

    People who say pkrs are disgusting are disgusting ^^

    More fanboys~
  • Posts: 19
    edited September 2008
    oh i love to kill RQ everyday.. and ppl enjoy doing it...it makes game fun.. Thank you RQ for all the drops.

    And of course most importantly.. u guyz can make me laugh.. and i dun need to pay a peny. its like a free game and free comedy for me LOL
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well, I came into the game having done some forum reading, so I my current view of RQ is based solely on what I've seen on the forums and their website. Recently, I've noticed some things about them and their enemies that have influenced my opinion:

    RQ members tend to speak (or type, rather) like intelligent, thoughtful people. Their sentences are cohesive and their reasoning for PKing makes sence.
    RQ haters tend to write lengthy and unintelligible rants against RQ that are generally fallacious and exaggerate the facts. They also more commonly write in chatspeak or pathetically bad spelling that makes them seem like utter idiots.
    From what I've read and seen in their videos, RQ generally uses strong tactics without bullying the other players. Their methods of attack are not cowardly; they are intelligent and well-planned. To those who find ambush and incapacitation dishonourable: that is how fighting is done properly. Consider modern warfare. Do armies today wear brightly-coloured uniforms, march in straight lines, fire in unison, or wave flags and play instruments to loudly announce their presence? No. That is how we lost America. Sniping and surprise tactics are a way of staying alive, and, in the end, isn't that more important than honour?

    Basically, although I have yet to meet an RQ member in-game, I have to say that I have a good opinion of the clan. In fact, I would consider surviving long enough to half-damage an RQ member a good test of my archer's skills, should the chance arise someday.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    l0l. ugh, no one dislikes RQ because the pk. This is a pk server, if u dont like it, gtfo. The only reason people dont like them very much is because they can be very cocky. Whether or not their cockiness is warrented is up for debate. As i said before, i think RQ would be a really fun guild to be in because PK is what makes PW fun. I just dont want to kos everyone because it causes problems lvling and so forth. But yes, i do enjoy fighting RQ because they are good at what they do, not because i think they are mean ppl that pk for no reason.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    oh so you think its funny to make jokes of child ****? I feel sorry for you if this passes for your sense of humor. Chill out with this kinda humor. Its really not appropriate on these boards.

    you've been warned.

    Hahahaha! When did admins get so lame?

    Seriously, you don't know if it was a joke or not, you can only hope it was. This is the internet, fyi and i seriously doubt that offended anyone.
  • Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    l33t wrote: »
    They merely pk for the fun of it which is disgusting.

    LOL, disgusting??

    doing what's fun in the game is disgusting??

    RageQuit Inc.
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    calico wrote: »
    I just dont want to kos everyone because it causes problems lvling and so forth.

    Compare RQ's playing style to single player games where you can choose the difficulty.
    In MMO"s you cannot choose your own difficulty, so we create it ourselves.

    We like to play HARD MODE.

    Either you like it or you rather go for easy mode by joining guilds that merge with half the server and ally the other half, but that's not our style.
    IGN: Whiteout
    Clan: RageQuit, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
    Level: Lower than you
    Related to: Blackout (husband)


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