How Are Clerics Expensive?

Posts: 25 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Cleric
I heard from some thread that they were expensive and I really don't want to use my little cash for in-game items. I'm pretty sure you don't get alot of money for being a cleric. So is everything spent on mana potions and things like that? I know you have to pay for armor and weapons, and armor is always expensive in any game if you want the best. I just need some clarification on how they're considered expensive.
Post edited by shuejing on


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  • Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To function in mid to end-game parties (lvl 60+), a cleric has to use one of his chanelled skills. Either one of those drains 100 mana per second.

    This adds up to 360000 mana/hour. 720000 mana/2 hours.
    A silver spirit hierogram (or w/e it's called now) costs 2.5$ (after the awesome sale we're getting ends) and has 520000 mana. Taking your regen into consideration, let's assume that hierogram will last a good 2 hours (it won't). Let's say you grind 6 hours/day.

    Yes, 225$/month just to grind your character for 6 hours/day. And they still have to introduce xp scrolls. If you want to PvP and even dream of having competitive gear, get ready to sell your house. This is the same for all characters though, hp expenses will **** a tank class, mages need tons of mana too. The only class that can somewhat get away with it is a Venomancer.

    a. Don't play.
    b. Roll Venomancer.
    c. Sell house and live in a cardboard box.
    d. Genuflect.

    (oh and in before people telling me you can sustain the arrays with apothecary pots or someshit. Have fun herbing for 3 hours so you can play your character for 50 minutes)
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    welp, that's depressing for me....
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    is it really that expensive?
    just to heal everyone?
    i think someone needs to rethink the mana comsuption.
    i mean who wants to spend $200 a month just to keep everyone at full health and stuff?!?!?
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    jeez i have to spend $225 a month to help people?? Isn't there some way we can help cheaply? Oh and the venomancer thing- I'm thinking about it...
  • Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes, it does cost a lot of money. What really annoys me is melee types whining when their heiro breaks even once or twice during a boss battle. They don't realize that clerics ALWAYS have to break their heiros to keep the tank's from even getting touched. I completely and absolutely hate how much money I have to waste on pots and heiros (haven't updated skills in over 10 levels due to broke-ness, gg), but I still like the cleric class. I'd downright love it if it were cheaper.
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A low level cleric laughed and told me not to listen to other people... I'm going to laugh at him in the future.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    junk wrote: »

    So wait, are you saying it takes seven dollars a day , 225 a month, of real life money to play cleric in this game?
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sentrosi1 wrote: »
    So wait, are you saying it takes seven dollars a day , 225 a month, of real life money to play cleric in this game?

    only if you play it the way he described...

    as for me, i'm going to get my cleric to a reasonable level, and then unleash it upon the population. Oh, pvp, here we come.
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Get some ingame currency (coins) and buy hieros from people who buy them for gold in cash shop :)
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    its really hard to get enough gold if u dont have someone to support you with coins if u need them
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's called item farming. DQ items can get you pretty penny if you're wise :p
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's OK for now. Just buy Silver MP charms instead of pots. Silver MP charms are actually cheaper than the same amount of mana from pots. Just wait till inflation hits and Charm prices skyrocket. Then you have to rely on pots, which drain all the money you get from DQ.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    is this the same for attack clerics? D:
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    actually this guys a nut
    it does not cost that much money and never will
    the skills are expensive and you do have to buy heiros for hp but mana potions and just meditating have always been enough to keep my mp up
    and as for regen aura
    use it in boss battles when things get sticky
    saying that a cleric is useless without regen aura in grinding is the most ignorant thing ive read in all these forums
    and even if it cost 200+ dollars a month for any character i would hunt down and punch every single person in the face who even dreamed about spending that kind of money
    thank you =)
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    kuujo wrote: »
    actually this guys a nut
    it does not cost that much money and never will
    the skills are expensive and you do have to buy heiros for hp but mana potions and just meditating have always been enough to keep my mp up
    and as for regen aura
    use it in boss battles when things get sticky
    saying that a cleric is useless without regen aura in grinding is the most ignorant thing ive read in all these forums
    and even if it cost 200+ dollars a month for any character i would hunt down and punch every single person in the face who even dreamed about spending that kind of money
    thank you =)

    and you're like level...what? what do you think would happen if you were to just stop healing in the middle of an AoE, saying "o hai gaise, i g2g meditate 4 mp lol brb". I don't think that would be taken very well by the rest of the party, right?
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    How about the party moving their dumb asses out of the AoE that is eating their HP?
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    nvm...focus powder isnt a solution.
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    How about the party moving their dumb asses out of the AoE that is eating their HP?
    how bout u learn how to AoE?

    u use up 360k mp per hour when u AoE as a priest, just standing there and having one channeling spell on for the whole time while 3 guys do the same with damage spells and 2 are pulling mobs into the Deathzone
    u cant just stop every 2 mins and meditate
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Out of a damaging AoE,but that is apparantly not what was talked about.

    What makes you believe continuous (channeled) AoE healing and nuking is the most efficient use of mana?
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I haven't done anything like it before, and likely won't, but I think the idea is that it is the fastest way to level, if not the most efficient.

    On the other hand, if AOE parties are the main reason Clerics are expensive, then it sounds like they won't be too expensive for casual players like myself.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In essance you should be using HP and MP heiros as a back-up in an AOE team in my opinion. If you are with a hardcore xp team no one would be happy waiting for you to regen. If you couple the heiros w/ potions and orbs it isn't to bad on using up heiros that much.

    Anyways it is expensive to play a cleric efficently but then again if you don't want to play hardcore and just want to be casual you may not even elect to do AOE parties or even grind at the higher levels so cleric would actually not be that expensive since you can just use potions and heals for MP/HP as needed.... but lets get honest wheres the fun in playing these games casually? They are meant as a competition and challenge and if you want to be the best you need to use every option available to you hence why cash shop games ALWAYS cost more money then pay $15 per month games if your a serious gamer.


    "Pking since Pong"
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    So the 'high end' game is more about cash then about skill?
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Out of a damaging AoE,but that is apparantly not what was talked about.

    What makes you believe continuous (channeled) AoE healing and nuking is the most efficient use of mana?

    its definetly not the most efficient use of mana but the fastest way to level

    and even without AoE partys u will have a hard time getting enough money
    i am constantly low on coins, flying almost everywhere because i cant afford the teleport and thats even with TW money AND a WF supporting me
    (u wont have that problem if u dont run FBs/Twilight Temple often but these instances give you and your guild the good gear so u probably want to do them)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ???? I thought this was a free to play game???? I have to pay real money to be a cleric??
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    u can buy the cashshop items with ingamemoney too
    but thats what makes the class expensive

    either u spend RL money or you are broke ingame, i chose the 2nd so far
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    How would you guys say clerics compare to other classes in terms of expenses, say barbarians, wizards etc... I know veno's can pretty much roll by without breaking the bank via HP and MP recovery skills, pet to tank protecting their armor etc... But most interested on how our MP costs compare with a wizard. I know neither are cheap, but are they comparable?
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    kuujo wrote: »
    actually this guys a nut
    it does not cost that much money and never will
    the skills are expensive and you do have to buy heiros for hp but mana potions and just meditating have always been enough to keep my mp up
    and as for regen aura
    use it in boss battles when things get sticky
    saying that a cleric is useless without regen aura in grinding is the most ignorant thing ive read in all these forums
    and even if it cost 200+ dollars a month for any character i would hunt down and punch every single person in the face who even dreamed about spending that kind of money
    thank you =)
    I am only lvl 44 cleric, but still i can use over 50k mana just healing on single boss or even spent whole charm helping in single instance. When soloing it realy dont looks that bad, but in groups your mana going down to drain with incredibly speed and dont even need manaleaching bosses for that.
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    lirdor wrote: »
    How would you guys say clerics compare to other classes in terms of expenses, say barbarians, wizards etc... I know veno's can pretty much roll by without breaking the bank via HP and MP recovery skills, pet to tank protecting their armor etc... But most interested on how our MP costs compare with a wizard. I know neither are cheap, but are they comparable?
    I would say that clerics and Tanks are clases whitch are most expensive to play, but still cleric is so fun to play.
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Clerics, mages and tanks are the highest cost to play.

    A wizard can do NOTHING without mana and even with mana regen sheild a wizard can run eat through 1k mana with by only using 2-5 spells... I spend more time and money trying to get decent regen on my mana through pots, charms, apoth items than I spend on my equipment. My cleric is lvl 16-17 right now but I can already tell that eventually it will probably be having the same issue. b:cry

    Then again.. archers can be expensive too... as they have to buy most of their own ammunition... and alot of veno's do buy expensive pets.. just saying... you can find something very expensive about the main utilities of every class.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Clerics can be pretty expensive, but they aren't THAT expensive.
    I have lower MP than a pure INT cleric, and I'm pretty sure if you make some Apothecary items, you won't need MP hierogram that much. I would say the mana regen rate items go perfectly in some cases, I rarely run out of MP when I use them and I haven't bought more than 50 mana pots to grind/spam heal and stuff like that. You just need to take some time to gather items and make those items, and you'll be a happy not-so-poor cleric. :)
    Oh, and I ususally use one Focus Powder and one Jade Powder when I have to spam heal another player when fighting a hard boss. Of course you might need higher level items according to your level, but that's not a big problem.


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